[8.90.6] LibreELEC 9.0 Alpha for S905/S912 devices

  • Wrong thread

  • Is it possible to fix resolution and framerate at startup?

    If I start S912 box before TV and AVR than I receive 720p60hz after LE started. But I need 1080p50Hz.

    I triedfw_setenv hdmimode 1080p50hz and fw_setenv outputmode 1080p50hz, but it doesn't work in that case

  • Is it possible to fix resolution and framerate at startup?

    If I start S912 box before TV and AVR than I receive 720p60hz after LE started. But I need 1080p50Hz.

    I triedfw_setenv hdmimode 1080p50hz and fw_setenv outputmode 1080p50hz, but it doesn't work in that case

    I am not sure but don’t you med to first start TV and AVR to be able to receive the correct HDMI handchake chain to the S912 box ?

    The box can then output the correct output to the TV matchning the video resolution and color depth.

  • I am not sure but don’t you med to first start TV and AVR to be able to receive the correct HDMI handchake chain to the S912 box ?

    The box can then output the correct output to the TV matchning the video resolution and color depth.

    I can, but my wife likes to press three power buttons in different sequences :)

  • hello, just testing out on my Beelink GT1 2gb/16gb

    all fine, a part from the original remote which does not seem to work at all. using it now with generic usb airmouse/keyboard

  • Thanks for the update

    please tell me

    in version 8 90 5 corrected the incorrect operation of the remote control in KIII pro?

    added or not to version 8 90 5 noise reduction and overclocking cpu and gpu?

  • Tested new LE 8.90.5, updated from LibreELEC-S905.arm-9.0-devel-20180223155029-r28201-gea3b1a985, the picture quality is better than in previous versions, (very) minimal vertical banding in blue (gradient is test image). Everything what I tested is excellent but I found a bug in Display settings.

    Display settings in devel version:

    Display settings in 8.90.5:

    Nice job,

    Thank you.