[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

  • Please update your device trees with this release as it would allow the new feature - automatic device tree update - to work for the future builds.

    Okay I get it.

    So now that i have Updated with the new Device tree and Version (2017-10-28).

    When a New Future release that requires a NEW Device tree is available, all i will have to do is copy the LE.xxx.img.gz or LE.xxxx.tar to Update Folder and the Future version of LE will identify the boxes Device Tree and unpack it or download it ? Whichever way that may happen.

    So we could SSH update

    cd /storage/.update
    wget http://url-of-update-file

    Hope that's right.:)

  • Do you have to do this to boot anything (Android, etc.), or just LibreELEC?

    Do I have to boot android for 1 time?!

    Got the box, plugged in SD card and pressed the button. But I have to press the button in every boot to get into LibreELEC.

    Never booted android....

    Anything I can do?

  • Hi there,

    I've just installed 8.2 over 8.0.2e over update folder automatic process, then I changed the device tree to the new one.

    Test videos shows the surround channels are mapped to the fronts (DD+, DD, AAC at least).

    Is this local issue or do you hear the same mismapping too?

    (MX64 2G/1Gbit, dtp is the 2G-1Gbit OTG version)

    Edited once, last by junkpod (October 29, 2017 at 9:40 AM).

  • HI kszaq, first of all I would like to thank you for your hard work for making these low budget boxes the best they can be with libreelec. I have been using it for quite some time and I am very happy with it on my mxq pro box.

    Now I do come across a problem with updating this week to the latest version 8.1.10 of libreelec for s905 boxes. Unfortunately the PVR Vu+ enigma2 client is not working on the latest version. When I try to download the plugin I get an error message that it is unable to download. When I try it again I get the error message again but after that I get a message that it is installed, very weird. I tried to configure the client with my enigma2 receiver but then when everything is configured and I enable the addon i get the message: '' Addon couldnt be loaded. An unknown error has occurred''.

    I was running a version of libreelec from somewhere around May Kodi 17.3 (which worked perfectly with the enigma2 pvr client) before installing the latest libreelec version,

    Has somebody else come across this problem? If it is a problem of this latest build, can you fix it kszaq? I really use this pvr client on a daily basis.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi unfortunately nobody responded regarding the PVR client. If somebody has a solution this would be help a lot, I encountered similar threads about the vu client in libreelec and no solution yet found.

  • Okay I get it.

    So now that i have Updated with the new Device tree and Version (2017-10-28).

    When a New Future release that requires a NEW Device tree is available, all i will have to do is copy the LE.xxx.img.gz or LE.xxxx.tar to Update Folder and the Future version of LE will identify the boxes Device Tree and unpack it or download it ? Whichever way that may happen.

    So we could SSH update

    cd /storage/.update
    wget http://url-of-update-file

    Hope that's right.:)

    100% correct.

  • Hi unfortunately nobody responded regarding the PVR client. If somebody has a solution this would be help a lot, I encountered similar threads about the vu client in libreelec and no solution yet found.

    Unfortunately I am not able to help with this. If this is a common issue among all LE builds (i.e. including official), perhaps you could get some help in "General support".

  • Seems like 64GB mSD can only be booted by pressing the update (hole) button.

    Tried a 32GB mSD card. Works now. With 64GB card, the KI Pro could only boot to LibreELEC when pressing the button.

  • No, I have not. afl1 has some improvements but they are not public yet.

    @Ksaq, Thanks for supporting Libreelec community build, recent build (LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2- 2017-10-28 12:48 120M), working fine for me, including stalker client except the DVBViewer has buffer issue. afl1 have done a marvelous job fixing the issue, could you be kind updating with your build soon.


  • I'm having some issues using my generic PS3 controllers with this build. Otherwise seems to work great!

    I noticed there were some patches to other LibreElec / Lakka builds to resolve controller issues (see here and here) for Odroid LibreElec project. Wondering if the same patches would fix these issues with the S905 project?

  • Success!

    Latest build + included DTB work correctly with dual boot on Khadas VIM (INCLUDING the new Nougat builds!) :)

    So for everyone with a Khadas VIM who stayed on Android 6 2017/03/03, you can safely upgrade to the latest Nougat builds and this will work as expected!

    Tried with this Krypton build, and both Leia builds - works perfectly on all of them!

    Looks like the updated DTB fixed it.

    Thank's so much for all your hard work Kszaq! Works great now.

  • @Ksaq, Thanks for supporting Libreelec community build, recent build (LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2- 2017-10-28 12:48 120M), working fine for me, including stalker client except the DVBViewer has buffer issue. afl1 have done a marvelous job fixing the issue, could you be kind updating with your build soon.


    I need to review the patch before meeting to make sure it doesn't break any other use case. It may take some time as I temporarily don't have any machine to build on.

    I'm having some issues using my generic PS3 controllers with this build. Otherwise seems to work great!

    I noticed there were some patches to other LibreElec / Lakka builds to resolve controller issues (see here and here) for Odroid LibreElec project. Wondering if the same patches would fix these issues with the S905 project?

    These patches are included in