[8.90.6] LibreELEC 9.0 Alpha for S905/S912 devices

  • I knew this change would be troublesome for some users but I want to keep these builds as close to the official LE source as possible and not deviate from it.

    And so you should. Still not much comfort to those that don't happen to own the 'favoured devices' chosen to be supported by the official LE (i.e. most of them)

  • Sorry to ask but since there a so many Amlogic boxes.

    Is IR in a 'Beelink Mini MXIII II' supported out of the box in new update?

    GDPR-2 wrote 'WeTek/Mecool/Minix/Tanix (mini remote)'..... the beelink box has a non specail mini remote, I don't know.

  • GDPR-2, is it possible to add or edit additional functions somewhere? Because KEY_C, KEY_BOOKMARKS, KEY_FAVORITES doesn't work and I can't set a button for Channel list menu, all values I tried are wrong and they open wrong menu

    And is it possible to stop this repeated key press?

  • Thanks for this work adamg!

    I have everything working on v8.90.4 and the remote is reconfigured fine.

    One small issue I have noticed is that when I wake up the box from suspend, the stock amlogic remote no longer works (my TV remote still works for the basic functions like up, down, left, right and ok etc, but the amlogic remote does not). I have to reboot.

    Anybody else notice this?

    My box is Sunvell T95M, S905X, 2Gb RAM, 8Gb NAND.

    Edited 2 times, last by ukmark62 (February 14, 2018 at 4:26 PM).

  • I m eagerly waited Kszaq based 9.0 plus version because I am not programmer just simple user I can’t understand keymap based method to work my nexbox remote that’s why I also can’t use and test adamG’s 8.94 ( because of no remote). My last tested build was 8.93 which is best. I m going back to 8.2.

  • Even though this is going to be a real hassle to setup, I am glad that you are bringing IR support in line with mainline support. It would be great if all inconsistencies were eliminated from Libreelec and all these special cases for Android boxes disappeared. At least there are plenty of logical Kodi guides on how to setup IR-Keytables.
