[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

  • Here on my Mini MX 2G, 8.01a works (including 4k).

    But starting with 8.01b, no movies play (black screen - "no signal"). Unless I bypass my Yamaha amp altogether.

    Then from 8.01c onwards (I tried all up until 8.01h), I just get a black screen after the LE splash, so can't even get into the menus - unless I revert my amp's colourspace setting from 4:4:4 to 4:2:0. That fixes the menus, but movies still don't play.

    Exact same issue with the 17 Apr dev build of the 7.x branch, whereas works fine.

    Maybe one of my HDMI cables is too old... I will try a new cable next week. Just seems odd that 4k etc does work on some builds and not other, later ones. New 2.0 cables, same problem.

    Edited once, last by RowanDDR (April 29, 2017 at 1:05 PM).

  • Guys - anyone else having issues with Dolby TruHD playback? I have various test files which include all the usual HD audio formats including DTS variations including Master Audio and the Dolby variants including Dolby EX and TruHD. All are playing back via passthrough to my Sony DN1060 AV amp except Dolby TruHD which is silent. If I set my amp as incapable of TruHD, then Kodi resamples to multichannel PCM, so it's recognising the format but somehow is not passing it through. My amp is certified for DolbyHD playback and it works on another LibreELEC install on an x86 motherboard.

    Snip from my logfile below:

  • Connect over Ethernet, you don't have to connect the box to TV -> login over SSH -> dmesg | paste

    here is what you have asked for.


    Even in your latest build my KII Pro fails to detect wireless network. i dont know why. am i doing anything wrong> i am choosing the correct dtb file(2gb 100Mb Realtekwifi.dtb)
    Can you help me to make my wifi in KII Pro work ?

  • Hi I´m new here..

    I have trouble with my beelink MiniX3 II with 2G/32G Memory and Android 6.01.
    I bought it a few days ago and installed some apps via Appstore eg. SPMC and KODI.

    I installed libreelec on SD Card with toothpicking method, too.
    Everything was running fine

    Then i found a link for FTMC, downloaded build 25 apk for aml - because dts 5.1 didn´t work in SPMC or Kodi Android based.
    I took the apk file on an USB Stick removed KODI and installed FTMC.

    Now I do have the problem that in android the SD Card with openelec is seen TWICE.
    In FTMC I do see not the label of the SD Card but 2 times "5ADF-F5B2"

    In Android Memory settings the SD Card ist shown twice as LIBREELEC and as LIBREELEC_DISK
    But LIBRELEC_DISK is marked as corrupted and wants fo format the Card ( its a lie, the Card is ok..)

    Today I removed FTMC build 25 and installed build 26 on Android but problem hasn´t gone.

    How can I delete the wrong secondary "LIBREELEC_DISK" Entry. ??
    If I remove the card, both Entries are gone.

    Libreelec booting from SDCard is still fine.
    I don´t know where I can find the faulty link or fstab Entry or something like that..

    Can U help me out please ?

    EDIT : Made a factory reset on the device and wiped data and cache.
    Problem still exists.
    LibreElec is shown twice and one is marked as corrupted.

    Edited once, last by bylderup (April 25, 2017 at 12:38 AM).

  • updated LE – Google Drive with 64bit 8.0.1h and some pvr client/server addons
    [built from kszaq git repo on tag 8.0.1h]

    I just installed it on my X9 (Amlogic S905x, same as MiniM8S11) and it is working well. I primarily use it for Live TV using tvheanded server/client and HDHomeRun tuners for my TV streams. I installed your tvheadend server and tvheadend client, everything went well. Setting it up now.

    I already have LibreELEC running on my Beelink Mini MX 3 (Amlogic S905) and using it for my tvheadend server.

    I don't see any difference between your port and Kszaq's port.

  • not sure what I'm doing wrong atm but I haven't updated since the f update and now for some reason when I try to add the file with FileZilla to the update folder it always fails with one transfer but it shows the tar file in the folder and when I del the file and try again it still does the same. I even tried to add the manual update to the libreelec settings then go to the update channel and choose the libreelec-8.0 then I go to available versions and click the 8.0.1h it askes me if I want to update I chose yes then it says time remaining 1 min then stops without error and does not update. not sure what I may be doing wrong

  • not sure what I'm doing wrong atm but I haven't updated since the f update and now for some reason when I try to add the file with FileZilla to the update folder it always fails with one transfer but it shows the tar file in the folder and when I del the file and try again it still does the same. I even tried to add the manual update to the libreelec settings then go to the update channel and choose the libreelec-8.0 then I go to available versions and click the 8.0.1h it askes me if I want to update I chose yes then it says time remaining 1 min then stops without error and does not update. not sure what I may be doing wrong

    well I hope I don't have to do this everytime to get a update "factory reset". I did a factory reset and retried to move the 8.0.1h over to the update folder and still failed so I added the auto update link and chose 8.0.1h and finally it updated but I lost every thing. but atleast the auto update is now setup hope it picks up each time a new build is available as I don't like "factory reset" toothpick method. thank-you for the great work though. if it was not for the great people like Kazaq and team I forsurly would have no idea on anything I have learnt this past year+. THANKYOU for all the hard work. and I'm happy to help when needed.

  • This is likely a stupid question but I don't know how to search just this thread.

    I'm using a Beelink Mini MXIII II ... LibreELEC 8.0.1h is installed fine but under the LibreELEC/Bluetooth settings it says "bluetooth is disabled" and no other apparent toggles to turn it on. Never tried to use BT before on a AMLogic box with LibreELEC, is there a trick to this?

  • This is likely a stupid question but I don't know how to search just this thread.

    I'm using a Beelink Mini MXIII II ... LibreELEC 8.0.1h is installed fine but under the LibreELEC/Bluetooth settings it says "bluetooth is disabled" and no other apparent toggles to turn it on. Never tried to use BT before on a AMLogic box with LibreELEC, is there a trick to this?

    Go back to LibreELEC Settings -> Service, go to very bottom of the page. There you'll find 'Enable Bluetooth' setting.

  • - High bitrate 1080p videos (e.g. BD remux with DTS-HD MA audio) trigger random frame skips.

    Unfortunately there are still some 1080p frame skips in 8.0.1h.
    I thought they were gone starting in 8.0.1g, but I tested another remux last night which caused Krypton to skip the occasional frame again (2 within 5 minutes).

    Jarvis is just so much more stable in that regard.
    For instance, whenever I open the overlay in a video for the first time (just pressing OK in video), Krypton always skips at least one frame.
    That does not happen in Jarvis.

    There also seems to be a significant input delay (or sluggish reaction time) in videos for remote control commands.

  • I can see more clearly now what the problem with my MiniX3 II is.
    Made a factory Android reset and new Libreelec Installation on SDCard.

    There are 2 Partitions, the 512 MB Partition with FAT32 called LIBREELEC
    and the second Linux Partition generated from libreelec on first boot called LIBREELEC_DISK
    The Android System can not access this Partition.

    Everytime when "i boot from internal" this partition is marked as corrupted from Android System Memory

    Is there a way so solve this ?