Well, for the first time ever I'm bricked. X96 2G box update as usual to 8.1.1 from 8.1.0. Black screen, no hdmi output signal, no network, etc. Toothpick method not working either. Sigh.
[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Well, for the first time ever I'm bricked. X96 2G box update as usual to 8.1.1 from 8.1.0. Black screen, no hdmi output signal, no network, etc. Toothpick method not working either. Sigh.
Did you try connecting to a Windows computer with the OTG port, yet?
Not yet. Major pain because the only windows install I have is via Virtualbox and I haven't used it in forever plus I have to dig up my OTG cable. Hopefully I can reflash the firmware and get the bootloader working again.
This is too weird. Upgrade proceeded as usual with no errors.
Hopefully I can reflash the firmware and get the bootloader working again.
Original Device Tree and Recovery Image from Android ?
Then Toothpick into recovery ?
Sorry If I'm just covering what you may already know.
Well, for the first time ever I'm bricked. X96 2G box update as usual to 8.1.1 from 8.1.0. Black screen, no hdmi output signal, no network, etc. Toothpick method not working either. Sigh.
just updated my x96 1G box from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1, works fine so far
What's the proper way of upgrading on SD/USB?
Do I have to change the device tree first? I mean - will it boot with new device tree (8.1.1) but old version of Libreelec (8.0.1e)?
Or just update libreelec first, shutdown and then change img file on a PC?
Which way is more accurate?
Not yet. Major pain because the only windows install I have is via Virtualbox and I haven't used it in forever plus I have to dig up my OTG cable. Hopefully I can reflash the firmware and get the bootloader working again.
This is too weird. Upgrade proceeded as usual with no errors.
Sorry if you had already found the solution, it happened to me when i upgraded to 8.1.1 and got a black screen but i missed copying the dtb files from the device tree and everything works after i copy the respective dtb file from the device tree, hope it works for you as well
Sorry for asking, but:
How to update from 8.0.2e when installed to NAND?
Because dtb is not updated when putting tar to update folder or will dtb updated as well, when putting tar to update folder?
Put tar/img.gz and device tree in update folder.
This does not resolve the hyperion bug, video still lags after 30ish minutes. In a 2 hour movie I saw this occur 4 or 5 times.
This error is very stupid. You can't show any movie correctly with Hyperion. I have this error also with my Odroid-C2 and my cheap 905x Box.
Put tar/img.gz and device tree in update folder.
Named as dtb.img or .dtb ? Could you update that in the OP, please, as someone may look for that info as well.
Named as dtb.img or .dtb ? Could you update that in the OP, please, as someone may look for that info as well.
Dont need to rename anything.
Just put the files on update folder like that.
For exemple:
gxl_p212_2g.dtb -
Thanks Kszaq for your excellent work as always!
Anybody tried playback and, more importantly channel switchtimes for Live-TV in this build?
I am still running version as this does the job for livetv and switching channels perfectly. Still waiting for a Krypton build that doesn't take forever to change the channel (especially noticable with HD streams, sometimes it takes as long as 30-40 secs).
Well, for the first time ever I'm bricked. X96 2G box update as usual to 8.1.1 from 8.1.0. Black screen, no hdmi output signal, no network, etc. Toothpick method not working either. Sigh.
Should still be able to boot from SD/USB, mine had no hdmi output or boot logo etc. Plugged in a USB and waited about a minute and then proceeded to use the SSH commands
I updated my box to the latest without any issue and its working great as usual.
Hello kszaq,
Two boxes working perfectly (s905). Sent a coffee your way, thanks for all your efforts.
Could you update that in the OP, please, as someone may look for that info as well.
There is a bold Read this first link to a sticky post that includes that information. How much more shall I emphasize this?
I am still running version as this does the job for livetv and switching channels perfectly. Still waiting for a Krypton build that doesn't take forever to change the channel (especially noticable with HD streams, sometimes it takes as long as 30-40 secs).
I'm afraid you won't get decent channel switching times in Krypton. The best so far is @afl1's build but I don't want to include his patches as they look too hacky for me. On the other hand, Leia is reported to be excellent in channel switching.
kszaq, yes in Leia channel changing is little bit improved (I am using GDPR-1 Leia builds on play2) but there is also bad bug/feature for tvheadend which cause double buffering on some channels (first after change on that channel we hear only audio and after few seconds it buffer again and there is video synchronized with audio). As GDPR-1 wrote on wetek forum after analyze my log:
QuoteKodi uses ffmpeg to identify the codec. TVH does not send that information so Kodi is waiting for a Packet with codec-extradata. It takes about 2s for that problematic channel in your log before that packet is received. Audio does not need to wait for that extra codec information. That's why it starts with audio only and once the video codec-extradata it needs to buffer again.
It depends on the stream so some channels can work all the time and some will have that issue almost every time.
It can only be solved if tvh server could get/store those stream information in the first place and give it directly to Kodi. We would probably have fast channel switching too then.
But currently it is a missing feature in tvh server/pvr.hts client.So hope it will be fixed soon or improved