[8.90.6] LibreELEC 9.0 Alpha for S905/S912 devices

  • New DTB is for new release not old release! It's in the README!!!

    In fact i Know it :D just tried to see what it happens, at least it boots - so far only remote failed .. but i tried just for fun.

    Btw, just like what erbas posted before, if i'm running on internal nand on kii for example, how did i know if i'm on the right dtb ?

    find out the /dev/dtb - but is not code i can read, lot of code mixed with chars and some texts ...

    The same for /sys/class/dtb/emmcdtb

    ... and find out a lot ( almost every dtb on usr/share/bootloader/ ) how do i know i'm on the right version, to replace or play with ?

    isn't it supposed to be on something like /flash/ ??

  • according to the log, there's a broken url called during the autoupdate check:

    maybe this is a leftover from my 8.2 inplace upgrade? defined in /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/defaults.py

    Edited once, last by heldchen (February 18, 2018 at 5:18 PM).

  • according to the log, there's a broken url called during the autoupdate check:

    maybe this is a leftover from my 8.2 inplace upgrade? defined in /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/defaults.py

    That's nothing to worry about it's for update channel, auto update still works.

  • I would appreciate some feedback from anybody with a S905W box with issues with interlaced content, I have added an option to disable aml deinterlacing to Kodi under Settings>System>Display, just enable the option at the bottom and reboot and then test the content.

    Removed autostart sh

    Enabled in settings

    Worked on TX3 Mini :thumbup:

  • In this thread there was a newer version but it's not available for download anymore. Where can I find/download the latest relevant version?

    I used this to install libwidevine.

    • wget http://nmacleod.com/public/libreelec/getwidevine.sh
    • sh getwidevine.sh

    Despite that, Netflix addon didn't start... :(