Let me just point out that the quality of the picture depends on the video source, not your default color settings. As mention earlier, i you's 444, 12bit because i can.
[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
updated 64bit image with some addons built from kszaq 8.1.7 git tag to LE – Google Drive
Cant find the option to enable standby. Where's the switch?
Cant find the option to enable standby. Where's the switch?
Cant find the option to enable standby. Where's the switch?
its mentioned in changelog on page 1
Let me just point out that the quality of the picture depends on the video source, not your default color settings. As mention earlier, i you's 444, 12bit because i can.
What's the point? Current TV's have 10 bit panels and only Dolby Vision can support up to 12 bit, but DV is not supported on these android boxes. Mine isn't anyway, I've tried DV demos on my TV, they run in DV but on my memobox T95N it just 'plays'.
updated 64bit image with some addons built from kszaq 8.1.7 git tag to LE – Google Drive
Rebuilt 8.1.7 with suspend enabled (LE G-Drive)
What's the point? Current TV's have 10 bit panels and only Dolby Vision can support up to 12 bit, but DV is not supported on these android boxes. Mine isn't anyway, I've tried DV demos on my TV, they run in DV but on my memobox T95N it just 'plays'.
No point what so ever
8.1.7 with changelog in OP.
Thanks, (no problems here)
Just made the modification to enable suspend, works like a charm!
A big thank you!
Maybe too newbie questions but i need to ask them:
1. Is it safe to write to emmc....and if i perform this would it be possible to update later on....right now i have the latest 8.1.7
2. Right now i see that everything is working....do i need that device tree?
Thx kszaq! First of all thank you for answer.
I already tried multiple things, create patch by git diff official libreelec8-2 branch with yours and then applying that patch to master. I managed to apply it after few modifications but now it won't compile due some patch don't work. No matter, I'll try few more things as I understand that you don't want to look at half finished code from Leia build
If I managed to get it work, I'll update you and push code to my git repo.
Thx again!
In this thread you have a Leia build ready to test. Note that is on top of LE 9 not 8.2
In this thread you have a Leia build ready to test. Note that is on top of LE 9 not 8.2
Yes, thx for info
I already saw that and just waiting for my box to arrive.
I also merged code from Gendo and kszaq repo and build my own version available here:
Release Libreelec S905 18 Leia - Build date: 14-09-2017 · gorpet/libreelec-S905 · GitHub - thx Gendo and kszaq. I didn't publish it because I can't test it yet...
Suspend works ok on my Wetek Play 2 and will resume with remote!
However, is there a way of restarting Kodi on resume from suspend?
On my old PC which had LibreElec installed on it, I'm sure I used "systemctl restart Kodi" via autostart.sh. But this doesn't seem to have an effect on Android.
Can anyone help?
Let me just point out that the quality of the picture depends on the video source, not your default color settings. As mention earlier, i you's 444, 12bit because i can.
My last rips is x265 10 bits.
So, if default is 420,8bit dont display that full colors?
Its recommend enable 444,10bits? -
Dear kszaq; In 8.1.7 the zap speed is very good.
What is the reason for this?Best regards...
Dear kszaq; In 8.1.7 the zap speed is very good.
What is the reason for this?Best regards...
Because I did nothing to improve it.
My last rips is x265 10 bits.
So, if default is 420,8bit dont display that full colors?
Its recommend enable 444,10bits?Yes.