[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912

  • Hi all, i am new to the forum and i would ask and seek for some advice

    I am about to buy a Minix U9 for about $107 on 11.11 using a coupon. I know it is a S912 and i am aware of its GPU driver limitations, it is just that i am looking to play DD+ audio on streaming services to my DD-only soundbar.

    I know LE with Kodi can transcode DD+ to DD. However, has anyone tried to transcode audio using streaming services ?

    I also have two Mi Box and a M8S Pro plus, one of the 6 month old Mi Box has already video problems and the M8S Is on a working but faulty branch, i get a complete freeze like once a day.

    I am looking for a more reliable hardware. I know the Nvidia Shield is at the top, however it is pricey and it doesnt offer Youtube HDR, as it lacks VP9 Profile 2 decoding.

    The second best choice would be the Minix U9, however, why isnt it much mentioned here? I think thats the best S912 device, althought pricey. I would be happy to pay its price if i can get a working device for at least 2/3 years. Is this expectation realistic?

    Anyone has tried Youtube HDR on LE for the Minix U9 or any other S912 device?

  • Hi Rubytux,

    This afternoon I tested some Youtube apps/addons on my H96 Pro+ , a $60 S912 Android box on which I also installed LibreElec.

    First the Youtube app out of the box on Android.

    This is just crying, completely worthless.

    Then the original Youtube app from Google Playstore.

    A little bit better but there are no options to switch it to 4K and HDR.... forget it not over hdmi as it should be.

    When play a 4K movie eveytime 720p, sometimes you can force it to 1080p but that's it.

    Then boot to LibreElec and use the Youtube addon in Kodi.

    It plays everything in 720P, I really begin to think now that Youtube is boycotting it and HDR forget it.

    As far as I know only the Google Chromecast Ultra is able to play 4K with HDR over hdmi, so your TV transcode the HDR.

    I always play Youtube right from my smart TV (LG Oled) and this also not give HDR information, but I must say it looks stunning. I don't know how it works, I think HDR is transcoded out of the box from Youtube.

    For me the best way at the moment.

    And I hardly forgot it: no advertising, the Android apps make you really sick of advertising.

    Kodi addon not, but only 720p;(

    OK this is my experience, if somebody knows a special app or addon, please let me know.

    My conclusion for now:

    If you want to enjoy full 4K Youtube with HDR metadata over hdmi buy a Google Chromecast Ultra or maybe some Samsung TV's can handle it.

    But for now I am really happy with Youtube right from my LG smart TV:)

    Edited once, last by johnberg (November 5, 2017 at 5:14 PM).

  • Thank you very much Tim and the_Bo:)

    Adding that id="15" to button was the final step and now it is working perfect!

    I did use WinSCP and did login as root - libreelec

    When I boot back from Android to LibreElec no blue light on my H96 Pro anymore, but as I said I can live with that.

    I can now ful enjoy my box, but it wil mostly stay in LibreElec I think:love:

    Must of forgot to put in the button id. Thanks Tim.

    Great you got it going johnberg :)

  • Hi there,

    I´ve the same problem ( no reboot form internal ) in my S905x with the skin "Skin MOD - MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON", do you think this procedure will work for me ?!?!?!

    I read below another solutions but I´m very noob and I hope I don´t have to try it because i´m afraid I´ll do something wrong !!!

  • Hi there,

    I´ve the same problem ( no reboot form internal ) in my S905x with the skin "Skin MOD - MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON", do you think this procedure will work for me ?!?!?!

    I read below another solutions but I´m very noob and I hope I don´t have to try it because i´m afraid I´ll do something wrong !!!

    If you have created an image on a sd card, if worst comes to worst, you can create a new image. There is another suggestion just above this post.

    Alternatively, change you skin back to estuary, then reboot to nand

  • I´ve the same problem ( no reboot form internal ) in my S905x with the skin "Skin MOD - MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON", do you think this procedure will work for me ?!?!?!

    To add the menu entry "Reboot from Internal" by editing a .xml file depends on the used skin.

    Most important entry -> <onclick>System.ExecWait("/usr/sbin/rebootfromnand")</onclick>

    I don´t know the skin "MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON"

    A manual to edit custom entrys -> How to add a custom script shortcut in KODI | Multi Boot Pi

    One way will work in every skin.

    Edit the file favourites.xml -> Favourites.xml - Official Kodi Wiki


    <favourite name="Reboot from Internal">System.ExecWait("/usr/sbin/rebootfromnand")</favourite>


    Good luck :) and don´t forget - LE is a DIY system

  • Quote

    One way will work in every skin.

    Edit the file favourites.xml -> Favourites.xml - Official Kodi Wiki


    <favourite name="Reboot from Internal">System.ExecWait("/usr/sbin/rebootfromnand")</favourite>

    Thanks !!!

    If I understand your post:

    1 - Acess " my favourites " in the userdata in the sdcard --- Userdata - Official Kodi Wiki

    2 - Copy your edit ( exactly as you write it ) "


    <favourite name="Reboot from Internal">System.ExecWait("/usr/sbin/rebootfromnand")</favourite>


    " for favourist.xml

    3 - By now I should be able to find the possibility to reboot from internal in the favourites.

    Do I miss anything or this should work !?!?!?!?!

  • Hi there,

    I´ve the same problem ( no reboot form internal ) in my S905x with the skin "Skin MOD - MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON", do you think this procedure will work for me ?!?!?!

    I read below another solutions but I´m very noob and I hope I don´t have to try it because i´m afraid I´ll do something wrong !!!

    Skin Settings, Configure shortcuts, Customize power menu, Add, Change Action, Custom item, then type in


    Then set label, call it whatever…”Reboot to Android”

    Set Thumbnail, & select an icon or whatever you want.

  • Hi there,

    I´ve the same problem ( no reboot form internal ) in my S905x with the skin "Skin MOD - MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON", do you think this procedure will work for me ?!?!?!

    I read below another solutions but I´m very noob and I hope I don´t have to try it because i´m afraid I´ll do something wrong !!!

    Hi prpaul

    I'm using the aeon mq7 mod also. Heres how to to add reboot to internal button.

    1. Winscp into your box.

    2. Navigate to aeon mq 7 folder .kodi/addons/http://aeonmq7.mod/1080i/

    3. Double click the DialogButtonMenu.xml to open file.

    4. Search for the words reboot you should see code similiar to following

      <!-- Reboot -->

    5. Under that paste the following to add the button.

       <!-- Reboot to Internal -->
       <label>Reboot to Internal</label>

    6. Save changes and reboot box (or switch to another skin and switch back to mq7). Press letter S on your keyboard to bring up the power menu. Hopefully Reboot to internal option should be listed. It may take a few seconds after you click it for the box to reboot into android.

    Hope this works for you :)

  • Can we please move all this off-topic stuff to either a new thread or even better: the Kodi forum?

    It has nothing to do with the S912, nor LE for that matter.

  • Hi All

    With my minix I can't get the micro SD card work, I have a sandisk and lexar 300x but they don't work.
    So I made it run with a USB but it's really not fast and responsive compare to my Chromebox.

    So I make this, boot from USB, use internal memory for data this make some improvement on the library response.
    After I try to installing to internal memory with installtointernal command every runs fine but after reboot libreELEC error and black screen.

    What is/are my mistake?
    Any idea about the micro SD cards ?
    Is that not working because I use internal memory for data before trying to install to internal?

    thanks in advance for your help.

  • I have an H96 pro + 3G/16G and a 55 inch tcl roku tv. When set to 4K there are occasional flashes of color. 1080p works perfectly. As far as I can tell everything works perfectly. Is there an update channel for the amlogic devices for automatic updates.

    Edited once, last by thefather (November 7, 2017 at 3:37 PM).

  • There are a few of us that couldn't get the mSD card to work, AFAIK we just ended up installing right to the device. Someone posted that for what ever reason the mSD card is getting coded as read only but I don't know if that's the case or not.

    I never tried to use internal memory for data so I can't help you there. Hopefully someone can come along and help.

  • It would be very helpful if you could put your hardware in your signature. Which Minix is it? U9? U1?