Ok good. It works well from Jacket. So I will report to Sonarr. Thank you
Thoradia Add-ons
thoradia -
November 28, 2016 at 11:56 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Unresolved
Make sure that you use the latest revision of the add-on with the latest version of the nightly
I just reinstalled with LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.80-nightly-20201002-0bfa8aa.img and tried to install bazarr again but still nothing at port 6767.
I was waiting for your feedback to set MemoryHigh and MemoryMax in Bazarr, Radarr and Sonarr
cgroup_enable=memory at the end of /flash/cmdline.txt is documented in this thread
edjalmo or thoradia could you please guide me how to set MemoryHigh and MemoryMax in Lidarr and Sonarr. When I try to open /flash/cmdline.txt it tells me that the file is unwriteable. Since I have installed Mono, and running Radarrr and Sonarr, at least once per day my RPi3 is freezing. Before I had already Jackett, Radarr and Transmission running for days without any problem. It was the last post on this thread some time ago, so I suppose this resolved your problem of freezing RPi.
- Official Post
znaf: Same procedure like on config.txt.
znaf, is like the Da Flex point. You have to type mount -o remount,rw /flash to enable the writing, and then add the cgroup_enable=memory at the end of the line that already exist. After this type mount -o remount,ro /flash to put in read only again, save and reboot.
To check if is working you can use the command
systemctl status service.radarr.service (or sonarr, jackett) and look if the Memory word shows.
I recommend too reboot the device once a day to clean memory. This can be done automatically using cron.
Use crontab -e to open cron, add 30 7 * * * systemctl reboot kodi to reboot once a day at 7:30am (change the time to your liking).
I just reinstalled with LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.80-nightly-20201002-0bfa8aa.img and tried to install bazarr again but still nothing at port 6767.
Is anybody able to get Bazarr working because I would be surprised since this is a fresh install and it just doesn't work at all.
Is anybody able to get Bazarr working because I would be surprised since this is a fresh install and it just doesn't work at all.
I will have a look at this when I get the time
Do not expect nightly builds to be stable
Is anybody able to get Bazarr working because I would be surprised since this is a fresh install and it just doesn't work at all.
Bazarr works on RPi4
Please provide the output of journalctl -u service.bazarr
I'm no able to add thoradia repository from github (zip file). It shows "it could not connect to repository". I downloaded from: thoradia/service.thoradia.zip at master · thoradia/thoradia · GitHub
I added installing from unknown resources.
Thanks indeed
PD: finally worked after rebooting 2 times. Makes no sense to me but just to notify.
I'm no able to add thoradia repository from github (zip file). It shows "it could not connect to repository". I downloaded from: thoradia/service.thoradia.zip at master · thoradia/thoradia · GitHub
I added installing from unknown resources.
Thanks indeed
PD: finally worked after rebooting 2 times. Makes no sense to me but just to notify.
Thank you for the feedback
The zip you installed requires a restart of Kodi in order to refer to the repository corresponding to your system
Hi Thoradia, is there any torrent manager that works on Coreelec? Sonarr and Radarr install just fine, but literally any torrent client doesnt seem to work on Coreelec?
I'm using the default thoradia repo file i got on the github, is there maybe one specific for Coreelec? I'm not very good with github, so I'm having trouble finding the right repository file if this is the case.
Hi Thoradia, is there any torrent manager that works on Coreelec? Sonarr and Radarr install just fine, but literally any torrent client doesnt seem to work on Coreelec?
I'm using the default thoradia repo file i got on the github, is there maybe one specific for Coreelec? I'm not very good with github, so I'm having trouble finding the right repository file if this is the case.
Thank you for the feedback
Install qbittorrent and provide the output of
cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.qbittorrent/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/logs/qbittorrent.log
Thank you for the feedback
Install qbittorrent and provide the output of
cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.qbittorrent/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/logs/qbittorrent.log
Thanks for the reply Thoradia, I've tried installing Transmission again and this time the only things I did different was: I used service.thoradia-9.2.23.zip, and set a login and password in the config, and it's working now. Is it true that there is a different repo for coreelec or doesn't it matter? Sonarr and Radarr installed fine from the 'normal' repo
Thanks for the reply Thoradia, I've tried installing Transmission again and this time the only things I did different was: I used service.thoradia-9.2.23.zip, and set a login and password in the config, and it's working now. Is it true that there is a different repo for coreelec or doesn't it matter? Sonarr and Radarr installed fine from the 'normal' repo
This repository should work for CoreELEC and Libreelec 9.2.x
I want to share this just in case anyone else runs into the same issue: yesterday, Transmission add-on suddenly no longer worked. I checked the logs and searched Ecosia with the clues there, and I found this: How to fix “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘search’” | Copy, paste, and become a programming Guru - Like StackOverflow, but oversimplified
However, the correct package to install using pip was "search-cli". I needed to first install pip: Installation — pip 20.2.4 documentation
Thank you for the excellent plugins.
I've just updated LibreELEC x86 from 9.0 to 9.2.6.
I'm having trouble updating mono.
I've installed the latest service.thoradia. but mono just seems to get stuck during install at 33%.
i've tried installing it via zip and still the same issue.
Reading back through a few older pages you suggested the file is huge.
I've got ample space at .storage
Is there anything wrong with the mono file in the repository please or do I simply need to give it a loooooooooong time to install?
EDIT: I restored my backup from before the LibreELEC update and got it working with older versions of mono and Sonarr
Thank you for the excellent plugins.
I've just updated LibreELEC x86 from 9.0 to 9.2.6.
I'm having trouble updating mono.
I've installed the latest service.thoradia. but mono just seems to get stuck during install at 33%.
i've tried installing it via zip and still the same issue.
Reading back through a few older pages you suggested the file is huge.
I've got ample space at .storage
Is there anything wrong with the mono file in the repository please or do I simply need to give it a loooooooooong time to install?
EDIT: I restored my backup from before the LibreELEC update and got it working with older versions of mono and Sonarr
i seem to be getting the same problem on raspberry pi 4
Hi. I'd like some general advice on when and how to update services/programs.
RPi4, LibreElec 9.2.6, Thoradia Add-ons, Sonarr thoradia, SABnzbd thoradia, Radarr thoradia 9.2.036, Bazarr thoradia
Each is set to auto-update. All functioning just fine.
1) In order to stay fairly up-to-date and stable should I simply leave my set-up to update itself (and me not get involved), or will that in the future find me 'left behind'?
2) (Maybe redundant depending on the answer to 1); SABnzbd is, for my installation, on 2.3.9, but I know there's a v3 available to upgrade to. Is this an upgrade I could do via the programs interface, or is this exposing me to dependencies I don't know about (or even understand) and risking breaking my install?
3) For Radarr I'm on v3.0.0.4079. There's a message informing me that I should change the branch to 'nightly', (currently on 'develop' which I understand to be a dead end, but perhaps the answer to (1) will satisfy my query). Should I change the branch and will I benefit from doing so?
4) Similar for Sonarr; I'm told there's an update available - should I take it?
Thanks in advance for any replies.