Thoradia Add-ons

  • What is the command? ARCH=? DEVICE=? PROJECT=?

    I asked a odroid n2 developer and he replied:

    "It is currently Project Amlogic and arch arm but it might change to project Amlogic-ng. Also the branch will most likely change"

    Sorry to fill you up, but I’m not a programmer.

  • So first, thanks for all these amazing plugins! They are working like a dream on my Pi 3, but I'm having some difficulties with Sonarr

    It's working to add things into Transmission just fine, but it's stuck only in the default download directory. When a download finished, I see this error:

    Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /volume2/Volume_2/downloads/*********

    I don't know the user account Sonarr is running on my Pi or how to change it, I've tried to find the info but I can't seem to figure it out.

    These are downloading files onto my Synology NAS, but it seems like it's not possible for Sonarr to move the files due to permissions, I have a specific account setup on my NAS but I don't know where to go from here.

    Can someone help me to resolve this? I presume Sonarr defaults to user root (i got an error there and Radarr I think warning me about running as Root) but I just can't figure out how to change it.

    I presume I'll also need to create a user account on my Pi that matches the login information.... that said, I do have the shares mounted with those correct positions, so I'm a little confused, they seem to pulling from the shared directory on the NAS rather than the actual Pi mounted directories.

  • Is there a guide for setting up a VPN ? Can I specify a VPN only for certain ports or applications? Do I need to add any other repos, or is everything included in this repo? Please help my state is undergoing some heavy reforms and a VPN is the only safe avenue, lastly, is there a fail safe option so if VPN goes down, as do torrents.

  • Hello

    After changes in openssl the transmission and others addons are not working. Thoradia said few weeks ago that a rebuild is necessary to be compatible again, but not sure if is was done and if it is done how to installed as not see any update in the repository.

    Thanks for the help

  • Firstly, thanks for your work on all these amazing plugins. I've been using qBittorrent with success, but recently my login details didn't work. I tried admin/adminadmin and tried to reset to defaults and uninstall/reinstall, but that hasn't worked. I saw that it was suggested to change the qbittorrent.conf file but that doesn't exist (and didn't before the uninstall). Hoping someone can help, thanks

  • Is there a guide for setting up a VPN ? Can I specify a VPN only for certain ports or applications? Do I need to add any other repos, or is everything included in this repo? Please help my state is undergoing some heavy reforms and a VPN is the only safe avenue, lastly, is there a fail safe option so if VPN goes down, as do torrents.

    Maybe this things can help you:

    Thoradia Add-ons

    Thoradia Add-ons

    I don't use VPN. Just sharing what I saw since I'm in this thread.

    thoradia I think is a good thing creat a wiki in GitHub, to help people with this issues.

  • I checked the latest version of Milhouse Leia build # 0422: Generic and still thoradia does not work, hence Transmission does not work. I checked this version of Milhouse Leia build # 0422: RPi / RPi2 for RPi 3 B + and Thoradia works with Transmission. I am still asking you to update libraries openssl .

    Thanks for the help

  • Guys, sorry for my noob, but what is Mihouse?

    You guys said RPi version, and I'm using Thoradia in a RPi and Transmission is working normal.

    Milhouse is a librelec developer and he releases new versions with latest updates everyday. That releases are the base of the official releases. Of course sometimes some things not working properly and get fixed after or reverted. An update in openssl from march broke transmission. That change is not in official release that is from february so clearly is working for you. But sure that change will be in next official release so transmission should not be working with next official. So an update in transmission and others addons will be necessary to everything work perfectly again and avoid problems of compatibility for future users. Not a programmer so not sure if many changes will be needed for transmission will be compatible with the new openssl version.

  • Hi witek666.

    Should be with a fresh install because updating from 301 to 422 and reinstalling thoradia and transmission is not working for me. So i am back to 301 waitng for updates.