Thoradia Add-ons

  • I tried this, but don't work like I thinked. When jackett need more memory, and this makes it exceed the 400Mb of limits.slice, only jackett is reboot, not sonarr or radarr like I thinked (and jackett can't update).

    But, for what I saw, even 300MB isn't enough for update v0.11.15 (released today).

    Jackett updated to 0.11.15 here, but nuked my RPi3 first

    I will see what I can do

    But not now

  • Jackett updated to 0.11.15 here, but nuked my RPi3 first

    I will see what I can do

    But not now

    Right! Thanks!

    Maybe has something in systemd to make services work this way

    [...] This consist on set a memory limit for a group of services. I think this way we can set something like MemoryMax=400Mb for Sonarr, Radarr and Jackett.

    I think if we set this, when Jackett have to update it will crash another services (sonarr, radarr) and after this back to normal! [...]

    I'll keep searching, and reporting here, if I find something.

    If not, maybe disable automatic updates and wait for your update the add-on is not a bad idea too.

  • Right! Thanks!

    Maybe has something in systemd to make services work this way

    I'll keep searching, and reporting here, if I find something.

    If not, maybe disable automatic updates and wait for your update the add-on is not a bad idea too.

    I will revert to Mono and set MemoryMax=200M which should be enough to auto-update after Jackett is restarted

  • I will revert to Mono and set MemoryMax=200M which should be enough to auto-update after Jackett is restarted

    Maybe is better wait they refine the .NET version!

    But just for the record: here I disabled MemoryHigh and MemoryMax and even this way jackett can't update, for the other hand, it ended up breaking (and raspberry don't freezed, so I think this update problem is not related with memory). After this the only way I can make it work again is going into add-on and click in update.

  • sorry to ask but is there a type of guide or how to use the thoradia vpn network interface? If I understand it right it will route a addon via an ovpn file? If so how would I route transmission traffic over it? Can more than one addon be routed?

  • So if I'm understanding this correct, I cant use this with transmission or youtube because there isn't a /config folder for them?

    I've never used vpn, but sound like this.

    Do you just want to use vpn in the youtube addon?

    If it is because of blocking content in your country, changing the location in the own settings of the youtube addon would not solve?

  • No YouTube was just an example, id love to be able to use a lot of the USA/Canada addons on kodi via this method. when I use openvpn manager it messes up my live tv. This seemed like the perfect solution, Also if someone's watching an addon via openvpn manager it blocks me from being able to stream to my phone from outside the house.

  • No YouTube was just an example, id love to be able to use a lot of the USA/Canada addons on kodi via this method. when I use openvpn manager it messes up my live tv. This seemed like the perfect solution, Also if someone's watching an addon via openvpn manager it blocks me from being able to stream to my phone from outside the house.

    Got it! You only want to use in some addons!

    Maybe thoradia can help you or maybe this is a question to ask in General Support, since, I think, you have to find in every addon where put Connection\Interface=thoradia-vpn.

    Or maybe I'm completely wrong, since I do not know anything about vpn ˆˆ

  • No YouTube was just an example, id love to be able to use a lot of the USA/Canada addons on kodi via this method. when I use openvpn manager it messes up my live tv. This seemed like the perfect solution, Also if someone's watching an addon via openvpn manager it blocks me from being able to stream to my phone from outside the house.

    Only few programs support specific interfaces (eg qbittorrent)

    Some support proxies

  • I'm running Transmission via Libreelec on my Pi 3 and I'm struggling, it seems that the web interface for transmission really can't handle when I'm downloading 3ish+ MB /s files, I can often load the web interface but it almost always hangs up and stalls out constantly, making any management nigh impossible.

    What I'm trying to figure out is if I would see any benefit by switching the install over to my 3B+ that I just got, it doesn't really matter which I use as my goal was for Emulation on one of the units.

    And just to confirm a distro I was downloading at about 4 MB/s just finished and I'm no longer experiencing hangs in my connection, so it's clearly something impacting the download speed.

    Generally what I will do is download the files to my gigbit enabled network NAS, some files download directly to an attached hard drive, but I want to save that for specific downloads, and not everything as that's just a general external HD and I have specific NAS drives set up in my NAS unit.

    The concern I have about using the 3B+ is that I seem to be struggling to get full download speeds, and I'm trying to address that but I don't see an easy solution.

    I'd rather just keep things as they are on my 3B as I have libreelec working perfectly with 3D ISO files I've taken from my 3D blus, and I don't really want to rock the boat too much.

    Also, thank you for all the work you do Thoradia!

    Okay, after a bit of investigation and testing I can add more specificity to things.

    Once the overall transfer speeds in transmission hit over 3MBs, transmission basically locks up. It becomes unusable and impossible to connect in any way.

    The strange thing is that even at its base 100 Ethernet speeds, it shouldn’t have issues even writing to the NAS, but maybe I’m wrong here and that’s the bottleneck? If so, I’d say I could use my 3B + but I seem to be suffering with the same serious limited download speeds that some users seem to fight with.

    Would you, or anyone else, think I’d see a benefit to running out and getting a gigabit USB Ethernet adapter? Is it possible the SDHC card is causing a bottleneck? My NAS is connected via a gigabit connection and the way things are setup is that everything is connected via an unmanaged switch coming straight off of my main router’s gigabit Port.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edited once, last by andsoitgoes (April 6, 2019 at 7:58 AM).

  • I'm running Transmission via Libreelec on my Pi 3 and I'm struggling, it seems that the web interface for transmission really can't handle when I'm downloading 3ish+ MB /s files, I can often load the web interface but it almost always hangs up and stalls out constantly, making any management nigh impossible.

    I've had a similar problem that corrupted my sd card. Thoradia said this:

    Do not overload the bus and SSD with IO

    Restrict IO to 2-3 Mb/s in Transmission

    Prefer external to SSD

    Maybe you can keep speed limits more high without problem, but I think the question is: you changed Transmission download folder for an external drive or kept default (in sd card)?