build for S905/S905X

  • Back button will be fixed (in fact it is already fixed in dev build). The firmware for Bluetooth is included, it should work. Have you tried enabling Bluetooth in LE settings? Also can you give me a result of cat /sys/bus/sdio/devices/*/device && cat /sys/bus/sdio/devices/*/vendor if it doesn't work?

    I found the Bluetooth option, it was disabled & enabled fine via the config menu. So the back button is my only issue which already stated its been fixed in the next build. Thanks.

  • Hi Kszaq, can you help me out mate please. I dropped the new dev build into the update file and rebooted but when the box rebooted some of the audio was very muffled and stuttery and basically unwatchable. So I reflashed my Beelink Min MXiii box with the stock firmware and then tried the SD card upload of LE with the latest dev build and device tree gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit_RealtekWiFi.dtb that loaded fine except again the sound was dreadful on some movies and live channels. I then tried updating with the Beelink Mini MXiii 2gb 21gb device tree and still the sound was off....eventually i updated with the LE 2.0.7 version (so back dated) and used device tree gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb and the sound was spot on. I then updated again with the 2.0.8 dev build with gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb to see if this combination would work but the sound was off again. Am I missing something here?

    Make sure that you are using device trees for build and not If you are sure, you need to post logs, my guesses will be much more precise then.

    I use the latest devel build on a wetek hub. Tuning SD mpeg2 channels takes up to 15s, 720p and 1080i h264 as well as 4k hevc takes about 4-6s.

    Are you using any non-standard advancedsettings? Can you try using this advancedsettings.xml (with the latest dev build): advancedsettings.xml
    Is channel switching faster when you use it?

    Edited once, last by kszaq (October 20, 2016 at 4:50 AM).

  • Please, can You tell me the terminal command to update your sources tree?
    Is "git fetch origin" enough?

    'git fetch' will only download the changes, but not update your source tree, to do that, use 'git pull', which will do a 'git fetch' automatically.

  • 'git fetch' will only download the changes, but not update your source tree, to do that, use 'git pull', which will do a 'git fetch' automatically.


    Boy, that's embarrassing... :blush: My apologies... I seemed to recall when I purchased the box that the specs had BT 4 listed. I put LE on the box as soon as it arrived (after making a TWRP backup) so I didn't even bother with Android to check everything. Reviewing the seller's ad clearly confirms your findings (and that my memory is rubbish). :blush:

    Well, as I swallow my pride, I can happily report that so far the dev build works exactly as it should on my box.


    I 'm sorry, but my QBox has android still running, and has bluetooth running, board is p202_2G. LE7 and LE8 indeed bluetooth is not working.
    *Correction, just discovered that if I enable bluetooth in android it is working in LE, Yeah, great :D Just bought me a headset wit BT!
    btw I 'm using "gxbb_p200_2G_100M.dtb"

    Edited once, last by Jefken (October 20, 2016 at 3:08 PM).

  • I've installed gz on to loads of boxes with no problem, however, I've tried today with a KIII S905X 008 with 2GB device tree and it works but no remotes work once I get to the set up screen. I've even tried a Mele F10 which works on everything but even this wont move off it. If I take out the SD card and boot to Android, everything is fine. Help.

  • sorry quick question if my mxq pro is working well on current dtb should i just update using the update folder and not mess with the device tree?

    or can i just add the new dev tree and update in one easy go. sorry for the questions my brains on a go slow today

    Edited once, last by tecbox (October 20, 2016 at 3:39 PM).

  • I've installed gz on to loads of boxes with no problem, however, I've tried today with a KIII S905X

    Is this definitely an S905X? The only KIII I can find says its a S905 (but its hard to keep up with the changes and lack of unique naming for all these boxes!)
    So try the appropriate device tree for an S905 and see how it goes

  • sorry quick question if my mxq pro is working well on current dtb should i just update using the update folder and not mess with the device tree?

    or can i just add the new dev tree and update in one easy go. sorry for the questions my brains on a go slow today

    You have to update a device tree if you are using .007 or earlier. Please look at the notes at the bottom of the first post.

  • Thats my first post and i would like to thank you all for the efforts and special thanks to kszaq! Keep up the excellent work man!!

    I would like to confirm that the .008 fix plays smoothly from the SD in my Mini m8s ii (1gb ram - 8gb rom version). To clarify something, this version does not support bluetooth even if it is advertised like it does. Only the 2gb version has a bluetooth support.

    I didn't had to use any device tree file (??) and to be honest i haven't realized yet, what exactly that does and how to use the file. I just downloaded the img.gz and burned it into an SD. Everything went smoothly. When i tried to boot the same img from USB nothing happened (in both usb ports).

    Only problem, which as i saw has been already fixed in the dev build is the remote control issue with the return and backspace button.

    I think i am ready to burn my nand now :) . Thanks you all for your help!

  • Is this definitely an S905X? The only KIII I can find says its a S905 (but its hard to keep up with the changes and lack of unique naming for all these boxes!)
    So try the appropriate device tree for an S905 and see how it goes

    School boy error!!! Thanks my friend. I was looking at the S905X but never purchased one. There's my problem. I can't believe I done this. I'll re-try again but looks like I messed up as I can't use the correct dtg.img and get the box to boot to LE.

  • Are you using any non-standard advancedsettings? Can you try using this advancedsettings.xml (with the latest dev build): advancedsettings.xml
    Is channel switching faster when you use it?

    I had no advancedsettings.xml active for the tests. With the provided file and the latest devel I see 4-6s for 720p/1080i h264 and 4k hevc, and 12-13s for SD mpeg2. There is no significant change if I switch between hardware and software mpeg2 decoding.

    For comparison, I went back to 008-fixed: 3-4s (720p/1080i/4k) and 10s (SD mpeg2) - no advancedsettings was used.

  • kszaq

    Okay so i've been testing these builds on my MXQ Pro 4K 1G (s905) for the last month or so and have only found 2 real issues

    1.) There is a memory leak, after a couple of hours of constant usage the box locks up with 100% memory utilization.
    2.) The PVR Clients don't appear to be operational, or for that matter i enable them period (they do not appear in the addons menu).

    Also i noticed a specific DTB for the MXQ4k in previous versions, but not in 008. Which new DTB should i be using?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Thanks again for all of your help

    Edited once, last by TheMc (October 21, 2016 at 3:27 AM).

  • Are you using any non-standard advancedsettings? Can you try using this advancedsettings.xml (with the latest dev build): advancedsettings.xml
    Is channel switching faster when you use it?

    I use a custom advancedsettings.xml and have a few questions

    Do i need to apply latency settings if i dont watch live tv?
    Does the cpu/gpu command fix the temp readings?
    busydialogdelayms command was removed in the former xbmc 12 is it needed in your builds?

    Edited once, last by JonSnow (October 21, 2016 at 2:04 AM).