Remote power trouble

  • What hardware revision is your H96pro+ box, green or blue PCB (circuit board colour), is it Alfawise or other manufacturer, share as much details you can.

    For mine that does not work, i have green board and CZ-S32-V2.2 sticker on the PCB. Not branded on the cover.

  • I tried to install libreelec to internal memory but that failed. so I am not running a working android version on the box anymore.

    I think this is the important point!

    You've use only LE and have no other OS installed on your box!


  • ChimeyJimmey

    my english isn't especially good (I'm from Germany), but I mean the same things as you say! ;)

    He boots only from the SD-card and not from an internal boot.

    But this isn't an option for me, because i want use Android from time to time!


  • hi, are you referring to aml_7.1_s912_q9377-H96PROPLUS_KDMC_mac-20171010, so that I don't have to try myself?

    It is from the same family, but not that exact one - I could not find that one. I got it from here. link

    I used aml_7.1.2_s912_q9377-XGO_mac-20171206. I was going to try others too.

  • It is from the same family, but not that exact one - I could not find that one. I got it from here. link

    I used aml_7.1.2_s912_q9377-XGO_mac-20171206. I was going to try others too.

    Gee, there are a lot of roms for the H96pro +... maybe one of them has a working u-boot...

  • kostaman

    Your workaround might be valid for not that power-hungry USB dongles.

    But for an H96Pro+ box, performance boosted, we need:



    it's a good hint, so users should test this on their setups, did not work on mine, but it's a bit proprietary.

    TV controlling the box power via USB is a workaround, if the power... :thumbup:

  • it's a good hint, so users should test this on their setups, did not work on mine, but it's a bit proprietary.

    TV controlling the box power via USB is a workaround, if the power.

    You're right. I've tested all my s805' S905 and S905x boxes using my TV Designated Hard Drive USB port and they all work.

    My TX7 S905x runs with the Powered Hard Drive connected to it via USB. It runs off that without any power adapter.:S

  • zed85


    your current situation is:

    - booting LE from SD/TF card

    - Android ROM is broken, cannot load

    Would you be willing to check some things in the Android ROM via LE?

    For example,

    once the LE has booted,

    check whether the internal partitions are visible:

    H96:~ # blkid
    /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
    /dev/cache: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/tee: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/system: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/data: UUID="57f8f4bc-abf4-655f-bf67-946fc0f9f25b" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/mmcblk1: PTUUID="70347706" PTTYPE="dos"
    /dev/mmcblk1p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="LIBREELEC" UUID="2301-1436" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="70347706-01"
    /dev/mmcblk1p2: LABEL="STORAGE" UUID="8fbb1db9-b05f-4805-a71c-9ce8a0989c23" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="70347706-02"
    /dev/sda1: LABEL="WD500" UUID="04C04E181F1814A1" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="f1961b10-01"


    H96:~ # mkdir /media/system
    H96:~ # mount /dev/system /media/system

    And get us the "build.prop" contents, for starters:

    H96:~ # cat /media/system/build.prop

    Or if you can copy the whole build.prop file and attach it here to review it - it will be best.

    This will show us the version of your broken Android ROM, to look for it and test its boot/u-boot.

    Your assistance is much appreciated! :thumbup: