Well ... if we do some itsy bitsy mixing now:

nickr -
April 12, 2016 at 7:16 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Not sure what was supposed to be different about that version, but nothing changed here.
Does anyone think it's possible to get the chrome remote desktop extension working? I guess the remote connection service may be wishful thinking, but at least if the viewing part worked it would be awesome.
I added a few libraries from olehenrikj addon needed for Libreelec 8. So I can use it on the stable LibreELEC branch. Nothing else changed.
Every video decoding seems to be software decoded (ffmpeg). Very usable of course, even on my Celeron NUC. But not perfect.
The hardware acceleration flags are present in chrome://flags.
A usable Browser is the only thing I missed so far in Kodi / LibreELEC.
Finally I can get rid of my dual OS Windows installation, at least with the release of LibreELEC 9
Yeah I don't intent on doing anything other than browsing, all video playback is taken care of by addons like netflix and embycon. So for me it works very well.
Thanks cabal2k ,
its working for me with "default:CARD=UD301".
Do you know which file this addons starts? Is it storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chrome/bin chrome.sh ?
Because if I open Chrome with Sandmanns Amazon Video Plugin I still dont get Sound.
Do you know which file this addons starts? Is it storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chrome/bin chrome.sh ?
Because if I open Chrome with Sandmanns Amazon Video Plugin I still dont get Sound.
The Startscript is storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chromium/bin/chromium or storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chrome/bin/chrom
This script starts then chrome.bin resp. chrmium.bin
After "some" testing and research I set up my buildbox and build a real VAAPI HW accelerated and enabled chromium Version
You can easily check the used decoder with chrome://media-internals
browser.chromium.63.0.3239.108 <- for LibreELEC 8 x86_64 and of LE9 nightly x86_64
Works fine on my Celeron Braswell NUC. h264 and VP8 GPU decoding is working. H264 up to 1080p60 smooth.
Just one problem ... on "Twitch" eg. the video freezes if an advertising starts ... I've no clue why. Doesn't seem related to the VAAPI-HW decoder patch. Same with software decode.
EDIT: With h264ify and adblock addon it works like a charm. Smooth (unencrypted) playback up to 1080p60 on NUC5CPYH! I don't know why these patches are not already in LibreELEC source addon chromium. Maybe it breaks something on other systems than Intel.
VP9 hardwaredecoding (youtube) should be possible too with this GitHub - 01org/intel-hybrid-driver, I think.
Maybe worth a try ...
Thanks for this addon. I notice that non-western characters on webpages, in my daily use are Thai, Japanese, East-Asian, can now be displayed correctly.
Just wondering why Libreelec's official addon can't do this?
Will you plan to update this addon on regular basis?
I'm in contact with the package maintainers now and I'm quite sure the changes will be in the official addon soon.
- Official Post
I don't know why these patches are not already in LibreELEC source addon chromium. Maybe it breaks something on other systems than Intel.
There are three reasons things might be missing from our official Chromium add-on:
1) Nobody bothered to submit the changes
2) Nobody bothered to submit the changes
3) Nobody bothered to submit the changes
True that some things can be GPU specific, but unless things are submitted and tried/tested we wouldn't know.
I'd also like to point out that add-on maintenance does not happen by magic and Chromium has proven to be a pain in the arse to maintain due to frequently changing dependencies. Greater community participation in the maintenance process would be welcomed.
Greater community participation in the maintenance process would be welcomed.
I'll do my very best. First of all InuSasha has to explain me in German how github works
Just did the "hello world" example after creating an account last night
I notice this latest version sometime will not relaunch after you exit once.
Also the cursor is relatively ok on AMD graphics, but on Nvidia it's flashing and disappearing often.
Also can you possibly add a hard coded back as exit, or is there any way that's possible?
Also initial launch is super slow, but I guess that's just how it is...
I am wanting to use it to admin services on my libreelec, so not looking for any video playback in chrome.
Thanks a lot for your efforts
Actually I turned off hardware acceleration and most of my troubles have gone.
After "some" testing and research I set up my buildbox and build a real VAAPI HW accelerated and enabled chromium Version
You can easily check the used decoder with chrome://media-internals
browser.chromium.63.0.3239.108 <- for LibreELEC 8 x86_64 and of LE9 nightly x86_64
Works fine on my Celeron Braswell NUC. h264 and VP8 GPU decoding is working. H264 up to 1080p60 smooth.
Just one problem ... on "Twitch" eg. the video freezes if an advertising starts ... I've no clue why. Doesn't seem related to the VAAPI-HW decoder patch. Same with software decode.
EDIT: With h264ify and adblock addon it works like a charm. Smooth (unencrypted) playback up to 1080p60 on NUC5CPYH! I don't know why these patches are not already in LibreELEC source addon chromium. Maybe it breaks something on other systems than Intel.
HELLO Your Version runs just very Fine on my ASROCK J3455 (Intel) Board (Apollo Lake).
Now there is no more tearing (look like vertikal synchron ist not aktivated).
All my videos from Youtube just run fine in 1080p 50hz/60hz . and just smooth in fullscreen (Intel HW acceleration ist activated ).
i didnt test 4K contents because i have only full HD TV.
thx for your work !
so also i find a plugin where i can use KIOSK Mode and close the Browser.
In Kiosk mode there is no EXIT button and you cant close the ChromeBrowser by using a Wireless Airmouse like me (ebay 10€).
So i found this plugin for mouse Geastures.
crxMouse Chrome™ Gestures - Chrome Web Store
there you can add mousegestures to close the Browser in Kiosk mode.
I like Kiosk mode for Youtube.
greatz majo
Well I got tired of waiting for new browser and my script to be added into the system.
So I decided to make my own based upon pure Chrome instead, so if anyone is interested, you can download it and install it from:
browser.chrome.59.0.3071.115-1.zipThanks, I was just about to downgrade LE to 7.0.3 when I found this; you win the internet!
BTW, in import bookmarks I clicked on choose file and it froze (had to ssh in and kill processes). If I hit Save Page or Ctl-S it crashes. Apparently the chromium package had common dialog library compiled in? It works great and I can live without, just an FYI.
After "some" testing and research I set up my buildbox and build a real VAAPI HW accelerated and enabled chromium Version
You can easily check the used decoder with chrome://media-internals
browser.chromium.63.0.3239.108 <- for LibreELEC 8 x86_64 and of LE9 nightly x86_64
Works like a charm, thanks!
I installed your Chromium build on my i3 / Gigabyte MB and after a bit confusion with no audio I found the setting to enable it and viola! Nicely done and many thanks. Plays 1080p YouTube, Sling TV and anything else I through at it. I hope those that need a handy browser from within Kodi give this a try.
Kudos to cabal2k