[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

  • Thank you very much!!! It was the wrong dtb file after all...

    After installing LibreElec, the remote does not work, is this normal? I have to buy with a bluetooth?

    I would use another more recent version without change dtb file: LibreELEC-S905.arm-

    You find it here: MEGA

    or here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1p6wmq6o9ts08yow3dnmax6tytsp445pb

    For me it worked out of the box. Trying this is much easier than create a remote.conf. A lot easier :)

    The relative 3d is this: [] LibreELEC Kodi Krypton - S905 & S912 devices

  • Hi,

    I installed last version of libreelec ( on my nexbox A95x 2g + 16g using this dtb : gxl_p212_2g.dtb

    I have issue with vu+/enigma 2 client PVR addon, when I install it or I run it I have this error message : "Addon cannot be installed, an unknown error occured" or "Addon cannot be loaded, an unknown error occured".

    Any fix for this issue ?


  • Any help ?

    Can I provide something to investigate ?


    I installed last version of libreelec ( on my nexbox A95x 2g + 16g using this dtb : gxl_p212_2g.dtb

    I have issue with vu+/enigma 2 client PVR addon, when I install it or I run it I have this error message : "Addon cannot be installed, an unknown error occured" or "Addon cannot be loaded, an unknown error occured".

    Any fix for this issue ?


  • Sorry, that's a bit harsh isn't it?

    Our forum, our software, our rules. And what part of the "Piracy policy" in our forum rules is unclear to you?

    Kodi, and subsequent LibreELEC, already get accused enough of allegedly promoting piracy.

    BTW, you could be in for a surprise: Terrarium TV Dev Says He Could Hand User Info to Authorities - TorrentFreak

  • I am using v8.2.3.1 on a S905 Beelink Minimx iii. I have update notification enabled and just received a popup notification that an update is available. Is this legitimate?

    edit: I rebooted and got a popup saying that the upgrade was installed, but I'm not sure what the source of the notification was.

    Edited once, last by BeeMan (October 1, 2018 at 8:57 PM).

  • I have Z69 box (2GB RAM 16GB ROM). I have tried to create bot SD and USB disk with this image. The box just don't boot any other way then to Android (I have tried all the methods from first post including toothpick). I am only able to get to "reboot recovery" from android terminal, but even I choose "update from SD card" and provide empty update.zip file, it don't do anything (it says file is empty).

    I guess it is just all about the box and the way how to make it boot, not about version of LE or DTB file, isn't it? Any hints, please?

  • Chewitt please do not be anal which I found surprising as I have always supported you in the past. I was trying to help as I think the only way to truly stop piracy is not to simply try to ban it which has and clearly will never work, but to remove the very need for it and most folk I speak to agree with that rational logic.

    The international live tv (IPTV) streaming service I use (VS not BS) has been recommended to me by several other users here and has been highly rated from all reports I have publicly seen, and I also have not seen it on any banned addon lists here either to be honest. So AFAIK it is a pucker and a pretty good service at a good price (not a free pirate crap site at all !!) . I am a pensioner retired here in Thailand and have been around here for a long time my friend and tried to be helpful and work where I am able to assist in testing for some of the developments as a very keen advocater and supporter of the KODI system and LibreELEC in particular. I have also brought many cups of coffee too for good folk like Kzsak. My system I would guess is as clean as probably 90% or more of everyone elses here and certainly cleaner than most other folk I know personally. I am here for LE and CE development mate so please cut this unnecessary aggressive stance out I must politely ask you!!!

    Once again is there a problem with using VPN's officially here as I have never seen that as a banned topic either ?? If it is then my apologies as I know we have to keep the forum clean so it does not get threatened and closed by big brother :-0 I do realise that fully my friend and think you have the wrong end of the stick as far as I am concerned. I am an avid Netflix user and love the paid for live TV streams (IPTV) that so many here openly use, so I can watch my home UK TV of course as there is truly no other way to do so here and I really do need such access to my home country TV as a now elderly pensionner living here in Thailand. That is pretty normal use for sure for most folk I know and others I have heard from for which there are indeed very many of those over the many many years that I have been active here. I have been an XBMC and then KODI user for a long long time.

    I posted on the other forum too BTW as my query related to and also to the great Wraxsy's 8.2.5.x series builds too and I thought maybe it was possible to get a VPN on one and not the other build or a different method of employing it ?? So it most certainly was not a deliberate underhand double post as I am NOT an underhand type of guy!!! You really should have politely PM'd me first as the decent thing to do and clarify where I had traversed any forum rulings, as I genuinely did not think I had. So yes you should have simply removed my post quietly and got straight in touch with me, especially considering how long I have been here and the efforts I have made in the past to help the forum. You have treated me as though I am a regular troublesome offender here which is so untrue and which I find pretty offensive to be honest.

    I wanted to PM this too you but could not find your PM access to be able to do so ????

    Edited once, last by RayW: typos (November 18, 2018 at 8:37 AM).

  • Funding a pirate IPTV service and being an expat pensioner doesn't legitimise the fact it's a pirate IPTV service. Now I am willing to be proven wrong but I am assuming it's a pirate service because in the 8+ years I've been associated with this project (and 15+ years i've been an expat myself) I still haven't encountered any legitimate IPTV services - only ones full of stolen TV feeds (if BBC UK channels are present is a reliable indicator as the BBC don't license their content to anyone). So as a pirate user you are in violation of our forum rules. And VPN is fine for privacy (some parts of the world have invasive tracking which is why we include it) but using it to defeat geoblocking also puts you on the wrong side of forum rules and the content activities we want the project to be associated with. The project aims for a neutral (not for, not against) position on such topics and we do not consider whether something is legal or illegal in whatever jurisdiction you happen to reside in. We are not lawyers and it makes no sense in the context of a global 'internet' project (everything is legal somewhere and illegal somewhere else) but piracy is always still piracy and we are not piracy friendly. You are welcome to do whatever you like with our software (we don't care) but if you are a pirate keep it to yourself or our project staff will act to maintain our neutral position.

  • Once again is there a problem with using VPN's officially here as I have never seen that as a banned topic either ??

    Ray just go to #1

    And install the addon.

    Forget about defending yourself under Thai Law in this forum.

    It's fair enough for Admins pulling you up on this forum as the heat on Piracy is red hot on Kodi.

    Don't take it personally mate. :)