[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

  • You have to have set the video stereo mode flag in the mkv header to a correct value. Mostly the 3D mkv files do not have this flag set so you have to do it manualy. Use mkvtoolnix header editor, find under the video track the stereo mode flag and set it to 1 for SBS format and 2 for the OU format. Then you can see also in MediaInfo under Video the correct MultiViev_xy settings and the format is recognized as it should be. For more stereo options see the mkvmerge documentation.

    Thank you so much. That works perfectly and indeed my bad Avatar MKV file did not have this flag set at all so it could not have worked before like I imagined it did. I have to put it down to old age. Set the flag now on all my 3D video files as most did not have them nor work with the auto 3D switching of course. One was an AVI file which I simply changed the suffix from AVI to MKV and then added the header 3D flag to SBS and voila that works too. Every 3D file now auto switching in LE KODI, brilliant. :)

  • Every 3D file now auto switching in LE KODI, brilliant. :)

    Not quite, I can't get full 3D bluray mvc files working.

    The raspberry pi detects mvc files ok you just had to put any 3d format in the filename and it works great eg Avatar (2009).3D.mvc.tab.mkv

    This file does switch to 3D but the screen isn't right as it thinks its tab format

  • Hi kszaq and thanks for your great work!

    Is it possible to make bluetooth remote to get into sleep only when screensaver turns on so that it is always available when watching a movie?

  • Hi. ive a t95x 2gb/16gb s905x with 8.2 running in internal. all fine accept Ethernet wont work. does anybody else have this issue ?

    is there anything i can do ?

    cables and ports working fine.

  • Not quite, I can't get full 3D bluray mvc files working.

    The raspberry pi detects mvc files ok you just had to put any 3d format in the filename and it works great eg Avatar (2009).3D.mvc.tab.mkv

    This file does switch to 3D but the screen isn't right as it thinks its tab format

    3D-MVC files work on Kodi for Raspberry only, not on Odroid-C2 and other generic S905(X) devices.

    On these hardware only 3D-SBS and 3D-TAB files work and autoswitch to 3D-mode.

  • Guys how do I run commands at startup ? I'm trying to create an alias to take screenshots on kodi, I edited /storage/.config/autostart.sh like this but doesn't work:

            sleep 10
            alias ss='kodi-send --action="TakeScreenshot"'
    ) &

    I just want to be able to take a screenshot via ssh by typing "ss"

    SOLVED: Aliases for Busybox

    Edited 3 times, last by hillz (November 9, 2017 at 9:30 PM).

  • I donlt have android any more and it is not allowing booting from sd card when I use the toothpick method. Any ideas?

    Reflash your box with Android & start again, using methods shown in this (and earlier) threads.

    You're bound to run into trouble if you start jumping around all over the place.

    If you want to have a try of everyone's builds, best bet is to use different USB/SD for each (no fear of stuffing up your box then)

  • I have an oDroid C2. Pardon my ignorance, but with 8.2 will I be able to play this movie: Note, my AVR and TV have the capability. It's Kodi I worry about.


    Container: Matroska
    Runtime: 2h 21mn
    Size: 54.6 GiB
    Codec: HEVC (10-bit)
    Resolution: 3840x2160
    Aspect ratio: 16:9
    Frame rate: 23.976 fps
    Bit rate: 50.0 Mb/s
    #1: English Object Based 7.1ch TrueHD @ 4 279 kb/s (Dolby Atmos/TrueHD Audio / 7.1-Atmos / 48 kHz / 4727 kbps / 24-bit)
    #2: English 5.1ch AC-3 @ 448 kb/s (Compatibility Track / Dolby Digital 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 448 kbps)
  • Reflash your box with Android & start again, using methods shown in this (and earlier) threads.

    You're bound to run into trouble if you start jumping around all over the place.

    If you want to have a try of everyone's builds, best bet is to use different USB/SD for each (no fear of stuffing up your box then)

    Will I be able to flash if I can't get it to reset using the toothpick method mate?

    It's an m9 pro, which is an s905 based box but can't find the right image.

  • You're going to have to keep searching for an image to use with Amlogic USB Burning tool.

    I doubt anyone would be prepared to do that for you, so you'll just have to keep hunting.

    Once you find one, you can reset the box.

    Try not to drag out the conversation here, as it is nothing to do with kszaq's LE builds :saint:

    Edited once, last by Poida: spelling (November 10, 2017 at 9:09 AM).

  • I have an oDroid C2. Pardon my ignorance, but with 8.2 will I be able to play this movie: Note, my AVR and TV have the capability. It's Kodi I worry about.


    You can play but S905 cannot handle HDR. Any box with S905X a better option.

    Also these boxes are capable to play not just these remuxes but the original UHD BD movies too.