Librespot Add-on

  • I use it on Odroid C2 with TVH client and Librespot. Everything works perfectly. My version of LE us wrxtasy's latest build.

    wrxtasy builds using LE8 wich is fine indeed i know.

    But with CE9 there is an issue.

    It’s easy to reproduce install librespot addon and try to zapping to other channels with tvheadend client.

  • I use HifiBerry DAC+ with Librespot without issue. You will have to edit `/flash/config.txt` accordingly.

    I have RPI2b with HiFiBerry Digi+ pro and with the latest LibreElec, this setup is working out-of-the-box. Just some setting changes in the GUI.
    HifiBerries were integrated into Open-/LibreElec: HiFiBerry site


    Alle newer versions of OpenElec (starting with version 6) and all LibreElec versions use the device-tree method to configure the board.

    If you have already flashed the EEPROM of your DAC+ Standard/Pro or Digi+, the card will be automatically detected and you only have to configure it in the settings menu.

  • Getting some errors as of lately. Just stopped after few seconds of audio. Log:

  • I switched to CoreElec 8.9.2. (Kodi Leia) and eversince starting playback and switching songs takes waay longer than before, like 6 seconds.

    With older LibreElec krypton version playback happened almonst instantly...I wonder what exactly could be the problem.

    Is this generally known with Kodi Leia maybe?

    I use Kodi for playback, Alsa doesn't work, no matter what playback device I choose.

    • Official Post

    I switched to CoreElec 8.9.2. (Kodi Leia) and eversince starting playback and switching songs takes waay longer than before, like 6 seconds.

    With older LibreElec krypton version playback happened almonst instantly...I wonder what exactly could be the problem.

    Is this generally known with Kodi Leia maybe?

    I use Kodi for playback, Alsa doesn't work, no matter what playback device I choose.

    I develop and test for the systems I have the time to set-up (RPi2 and Generic, sometimes Odroid_C2), and then assume it runs elsewhere.

    Unfortunately, I do not have a CE capable system to reproduce, and you do not provide detailed information (version numbers, Kodi logs, librespot logs, etc.).

    Not much I can do to help you, sorry.

  • I develop and test for the systems I have the time to set-up (RPi2 and Generic, sometimes Odroid_C2), and then assume it runs elsewhere.

    Unfortunately, I do not have a CE capable system to reproduce, and you do not provide detailed information (version numbers, Kodi logs, librespot logs, etc.).

    Not much I can do to help you, sorry.

    Ok, I now checked how to provide logs, hope the attached ones are ok.

    Current status is that librespot addon doesn't work at all anymore...strangely..I didn't update CE as far as I remember.

    Maybe you can look into it if you find time.

    Here is CoreElec Kodi log:

    Edit: Oh, didn't read your previous post, saw it now.

  • Hello awiouy, great, what a fast response!

    I today recognized that librespot does not work anymore on my krypton LibreElec (Raybuntus variant, Wtek Play2). I assume this is the same issue and you provide a new version for LE8 as well?

    What is the new version number of the librespot addon, because I would have to fetch it via wget. I am currently using

  • I'm little confused now about the versions. Which one shouls I use now on LE official latest for RPi2?

    Maybe a different repository from the default? Or just wait until the new appears in the official repo?


  • I have submitted a pull request which fixes Librespot.

    The corresponding addon will hopefully be available soon.

    Many thanks! Do you know when can we expect the new version of the addon to be available in repository?

    Btw, where did you submit the pull request?

    • Official Post

    Many thanks! Do you know when can we expect the new version of the addon to be available in repository?

    Btw, where did you submit the pull request?

    I unfortunately do not know when the new version will be available.

    Pull requests are #2709, #2710, #2712 and #2713, all of which have been merged. Thanks to Obrekr librespot for LibreELEC now corresponds to master at librespot-org.

    If you are impatient, you can build the addon from current master (for LibreELEC 9.0) or librelec-8.2 (for LibreELEC 8.2) branches.

  • I unfortunately do not know when the new version will be available.

    Pull requests are #2709, #2710, #2712 and #2713, all of which have been merged. Thanks to Obrekr librespot for LibreELEC now corresponds to master at librespot-org.

    If you are impatient, you can build the addon from current master (for LibreELEC 9.0) or librelec-8.2 (for LibreELEC 8.2) branches.

    I'm not impatient, I just don't know the release cycle for an addon, that is, how much time it usually takes until a new version is released?

    I will might look into building the addon, but I'm so short on time and I never did it before.

    Thanks so much!

  • The addon had some troubles for a while but for the past days it has been completely unusable for me. Starting up libreelec I can see the raspberry in the list of available spotify connector for a split second and then disappearing. That happens for 3-10 times until it's gone for good.

    My debug log can be found here:

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  • As releasing Librespot to the LibreELEC repositories might take until the end of the week, I post some builds here:

    Many thanks!

    For Odroid C2 version I will have to wait until it is released to the LibreELEC repository, correct?