If the card cannot be read in Android, it may suggest an issue with card reader in your box. Is any other card readable/writeable in Android?
[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912
kszaq -
March 3, 2017 at 7:18 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
If you ever get the sd card slot working again try transferring files to storage or install addons.
When I cannot write storage I cannot install any addons too. But I guess it is normal.
If the card cannot be read in Android, it may suggest an issue with card reader in your box. Is any other card readable/writeable in Android?
Well I guess the box reader is fine. If I insert a blank SD card into slot can open it in android and view transfer files.
I was hoping bummblegum could confirm if it is a box or card issue as he has same box.
I will try usb method in morning see if that makes difference.
Pelican you still getting the read only errors? You mentioned you had success from updating 8.1.1 to 8.1.7 transferring files is this still the case.
Does 8.1.6 give you the read only errors. This version worked fine with me.
Hi. I have a Minix U9-h and want to use LibreELEC just as I did with my previous cheap S905X box. I took my microSD card from the old box and rewrote it using LE8.1.8 and WRXTASY's version of the device tree. With this, I've come very close to success – I've used the Terminal Emulator Reboot Update method and the more simple 'hold power button until LE screen appears' method. In both cases I got the LE screen (name, logo and slogan) to appear. Then 'Libreelec Community 8.1.8' appears top left in 'command line' style font. But then the screen then goes blank and stays blank...
So near yet so far. Can anyone suggest why I'm getting the LE screen and nothing more?
I've noticed one strange thing after writing the Sdcard – one of the files is named s905_autoscript. Could that be the problem (905 rather than 912)? Seems unlikely as 'LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2-8.1.8.img.gz' will contain the same files for everyone...
Or should I have used the '.tar' file? If not, what IS the '.tar' file for?
My thanks for any assistance offered.
dortmunder First of all try using one of the device trees provided in the first post.
Hi kszaq
Well it seems the read only errors are gone when i use the usb instead of the micro sd slot.
So atleast can get it up and running.
I'm wondering if i add more usb devices to the box (harddrive ,dvb tuners) will it slow down performance if they are all sharing same usb bandwidth?
I'll play around and test.
Thanks to bubblegum57 for the usb suggestion.
Pelican you should try a usb drive instead of sd card if you still encounter the read only errors
Cheers guys
Hi kszaq. I used WRXTASY's tree because he has his Minix U9 working with it (he says that if I get the LE logo screen then the tree must be correct).
But anyway, I did a factory reset of the Minix, rewrote my card with 8.1.8 and replaced the tree with gxm_q200_2g (renamed, of course). I used the 'hold power button' method but didn't get the LE logo. Instead, at the top of the screen in 'command line' type writing is 'error in mount_flash: mount_common: could not mount LABEL-LIBREELEC'. I typed exit and keep getting similar messages.
Have you any thoughts as to what my problem is? Many thanks.
- Official Post
could not mount LABEL-LIBREELEC'
disk=LABEL=LIBREELEC not disk=LABEL-LIBREELEC .. ^ typo?
Possibly. I was going from memory.
However, good news (I hope) – I had another go, this time with the Terminal Emulator method. Don't know if it made a difference but I used 'Terminal Emulator Free' rather than 'Terminal Emulator for Android' which I'd tried before. It all went smoothly and I've done two restarts, both booted into LE. I'll monitor the situation and come back if there are problems. Fingers crossed...
Just wanted to pop in and say thanks very much dev(s) for the work on this.
Wasn't long ago I asked about the menu screen tearing and was told it was very unlikely a fix would come soon.
Amazing work. Thank you very much for it.
I was wondering if I could get some advice about creating a dtb.img specific to my WeChip v7? Everything works great except the 1g Ethernet not wanting to connect via dhcp or even manually. Thought I check to see if the device tree could solve this.
I got hold of a backup of the firmware from the website but unable to unpack their .img file for a deeper look. Tried various things to find out what kind of format the .img is, from seeing if its just a tar'd up file to trying to mount it as an ext4 file system, even a squashfs with no luck. Also tried various things from unpacking a TWRP recovery to get the backed up boot, to using adb and to dd out separate partitions to see if they could reveal the necessary files for creating one.
link to Wechip V7 official firmware stored on OneDrive
any suggestions, help and direction would be great.
KEgg Try using 100Mbit device tree first.
KEgg Try using 100Mbit device tree first.
Have done so already. The Ethernet connection does not even show up in the dash. Least with the 1gb dtb it does know that a cable has been plugged in and shows up in connection settings. Just cant get it to connect. That's why I thought about creating a WeChip v7 specific dtb.
SAMBA/SMB/Shared folder issues? Read this blog post first
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Link fixed and points to LibreELEC (Krypton) v8.1.0 BETA – LibreELEC
I was wondering if we really need all 8 cores of S912 up and running... Aren't the 4 cores of the 'big' enough for Kodi?
I fear that 'LITTLE' cores are just heating up the whole SoC and causing thermal throttling without adding anything useful...
What do you think about it?
Have done so already. The Ethernet connection does not even show up in the dash. Least with the 1gb dtb it does know that a cable has been plugged in and shows up in connection settings. Just cant get it to connect. That's why I thought about creating a WeChip v7 specific dtb.
Please check if connection works in Android. If it does, you can backup device tree from internal memory by following this post: [S905] Device trees
Please check if connection works in Android. If it does, you can backup device tree from internal memory by following this post: [S905] Device trees
All works perfectly in Android.. Thanks for the link, but sadly I don't think this will work as WeChip have not supplied an OTA zip.. well not as yet, and the firmware they have on the support side of the their site come as .img. Just not able to unpack the image even though I've tried various ways here to do so.