VPN Manager for OpenVPN

  • Thanks very much for the feedback zomboided. That's exactly what I was looking for.

    I got the ovpn files from Nord and it was easy to add them using the wizard.

    Everything in your app is working perfectly but the IPlayerWWW app is still throwing a geoblocked error, even though I can connect and play IPlayer content in Firefox on my PC using the same server IP.

    I'll try different DNS settings again.

    Anyway I'm happy that I'm closer to finding a solution than yesterday.... :)

    Thanks again.

  • Hi,

    I run libreELEC v9.1.501 for RPi4.arm on a Raspberry Pi 4. I am trying to activate my ExpressVPN within the VPN Manager for OpenVPN v2.4.7.

    I have obtained the specific manual configuration information from ExpressVPN, such as the pre-determined long ID and PW , as well as the OVPN files.

    However, when I try to log into the server, still within the setup wizard, I get the error displayed on the attached file. I triple checked the ID and PW since they are a long sequence of characters. I even ASCII checked the characters, to make sure I was not entering the number 1 instead of a lower case L (l). I just cannot get the VPN connected. Any comments will be welcomed. Thanks.

  • The error message is saying auth error...either the password or userid is wrong or you’re not supplying the right key. From memory ExpressVPN wants the right key for the connection, but it might be that it wants the same key for all connections.

    Clear out your keys (settings/utilities) and reset the provider and try again. It works fine for other folk and the message is pretty clear that you’re not supplying the right credentials

  • Ecolive. Make absolute sure you check and use provided username and passwords required for a "Manual setup" of ExpressVPN on a device. (Important Note: They are not same as those utilised to access your account on their webpage.)

  • Has this been tested with multiple Kodi user profiles? The reason I ask is I'm having a problem with this and with Emby for kodi client. When I flip from the master profile which has been connected to a VPN to another user, trying to play any emby library files result in Kodi freezing for a few minutes and not playing the file. There are a lot of "CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached" in the logs. I've noticed if I disconnect the VPN in the other user and then try Emby this works again. Also using another connection makes it work again too. It's not losing connectivity as other addons like YouTube stream fine.

  • I don't use multiple Kodi user profiles, or multiple users within Emby, so no.

    From my brief play just now, it looks like it allows you to install addons per user, and therefore I'm guessing this would start and stop the addon as you change users.

    It should mean that when you switch users, any existing connection would be terminated as part of the addon stopping. I'd then expect there to be a period where the addon starts for the new user and the VPN is re-established. This shouldn't affect local connections though (assuming you're using Emby from inside your own network).

    I'm happy to look at a debug log (from within the addon, settings/advanced/debug on) covering a system boot and then a user switch to confirm this. I'm not gonna debug Emby for you because I can't do that for myself when it starts playing me up and not playing stuff.

  • It depends on profile settings but afaik addons get installed for all users but they're disabled in other profiles. It's just the userdata folder which is unique.

    I think what's happening is on logoff the VPN isn't being disconnected and when the other user logs on the check detects it as still connected so it doesn't reconnect. I'm not sure if it is still connected to the VPN or not but emby doesn't connect to my server. It's Https and over WAN so maybe it's something to do with that.

    I've got around it for now so it's not too much of a problem for me. I just set a different default VPN location on each user so it will force reconnect on logon with each Kodi user.

  • vpn manager & Netflix addon exlude freezes Netflix

    LibreELEC generic 9.0.2 on an intel nuc with latest plugin.video.netflix-0.15.8

    First thanks for this great addon I'm verry happy with it exept this:

    I have excluded the Netflix addon in vpn manager, but when I open the addon it hangs in loading screen.

    Please is there a setting that I can try to make this work, because I don't want set the vpn every time manually off & reboot beacuse this is the only wat to get it work again.

    thanks in advance.

  • Use the filter settings to exclude Netflix from the addons that use a VPN then it’ll disconnect when you start Netflix. How to do this is documented on the wiki linked in the first post.

  • I have already excluded Netflix from the addons that use a VPN in filter settings.

    I also see the message from vpn manager "disconnected...." but this don't solve the problem.

    it's like there is a delay in passing the exception to Netflix Addon

  • I have already excluded Netflix from the addons that use a VPN in filter settings.

    I also see the message from vpn manager "disconnected...." but this don't solve the problem.

    it's like there is a delay in passing the exception to Netflix Addon

    I think this is normal, it takes time to disconnect from the vpn, & connect back to the normal network.

  • But that's the problem Netflix won't strart exept when vpn disabled mannualy & reboot again without vpn.

    I have also tried older version of the Netflix plugin:

    plugin.video.netflix-0.15.4 this is the latest working version with vpn manger and filter settings to exclude Netflix from the addons

    from plugin.video.netflix-0.15.5. to plugin.video.netflix-0.15.8 not working with the exclude addon filter in vpn manager

    This probem is only in Libreeec I have tested this in windows and is working with the latest 1.5.8

    Edited once, last by avennis (November 12, 2019 at 6:27 PM).

  • You shouldn’t need to reboot, as soon as the VPN is gone, the network connection should return (it does for me, I switch the VPN off based on addons all the time across Windows and Linux based platforms).

    It’s conceivable that the Netflix addon is doing network things before the VPN Mgr addon gets a chance to disconnect and subsequently getting upset and hanging that the network is not there/has been pulled from under it. The VPN Mgr addon needs the Netflix addon to start to know to filter it - this aspect is never going to change.

    Either the Netflix addon needs to be more tolerant or you can do something like create a keymapping to disconnect before starting the Netflix addon. Or you could script it to disconnect and then start Netflix.

  • You shouldn’t need to reboot, as soon as the VPN is gone, the network connection should return (it does for me, I switch the VPN off based on addons all the time across Windows and Linux based platforms).

    It’s conceivable that the Netflix addon is doing network things before the VPN Mgr addon gets a chance to disconnect and subsequently getting upset and hanging that the network is not there/has been pulled from under it. The VPN Mgr addon needs the Netflix addon to start to know to filter it - this aspect is never going to change.

    Either the Netflix addon needs to be more tolerant or you can do something like create a keymapping to disconnect before starting the Netflix addon. Or you could script it to disconnect and then start Netflix.

    Please can u give me the script to disconnect and then start Netflix.

    is this killall? is this with .py or bin/sh'

    What I still don't understand is way the Addon-Filter works in Kodi running on windows and not on Libreelec.

    same version kodi 18.2, VPN Mgr addon 6.3.1 and Netflix Addon

  • No, I’m not writing custom scripts for you to work around Netflix not working! Go read the documentation on the wiki about how to use the API and the Kodi documentation about how to start addons.

  • Does this addon work for an Android box aswell? S912 AMlogic box

    I think I read somewhere that it had problems connecting to VPN from Kodi

    this addon is designed as a vpn manager to make it easy to setup your vpn installed on Coreelec or Libreelec.

    I don’t think this would work with Android, but you can get several VPN’s from the google play store. I use Nord directly on my Android boxes & the manager on CE