Cert got updated just now for TorGuard as they changed it recently. You shoudl see the update somewhen in the next day.
VPN Manager for OpenVPN
zomboided -
February 16, 2017 at 10:26 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
I noticed that openvpn.service tries to set Requires and After in Service rather than in Unit.
Requires and After are therefore ignored.
I submitted a pull request to fix.
awiouy, got it, thanks for the fix, appreciate it. Will push out an update after I've tested it on my machine.
zomboided hi there and thx for the great work. But recently I got an issue with the swiss server list from ipvanish. I guess they are not updated cuz other countries work fine. Also I can connect to swiss servers in windows without a problem.
Ok I’ll look at it in a week or so, busy doing nothing on holiday right now
Somewhere in the manager, there are settings to exclude certain apps like netflix & bbc iplay
Just realised you from scandanavia,
I'm in the uk, even if I i have UK set as my location on nord, it won't work
Hi, first of all: Many thanks for providing VPN Manager!
But unfortunately I also struggle with OpenVPN manager on LibreElec, NordVPN and BBC iPlayer. When I use my Android with Nord-App, iPlayer in browser and signed in with BBC ID, I can watch BBC.
When using (2 different) LibreElec on Raspberry connected to NordVPN UK and signed in with the same BBC ID I always get the message that this is restricted to UK locations.
I marked BBC iPlayer as AddOn which uses VPN UK per default and see some success messages when connecting.
I think it might have something to do with the connected server. Is there a way to control which UK server is used?
How can I prove that the connection is really up and that iPlayer is really using it?
Best regards
Nord is controlled via their api, they determine the server to use based on the country selected. If you want to use a specific country you can create your own ovpn file and connect directly to that server
You can see If the vpn is connected by looking at the ip table or checking running processes via the command line. Or you can check whether it’s connected within the addon menu
Thanks for your amazing add-on which makes things so much easier but I just have one question.
Why do only a handful of add-ons show in the exclude list within the options of VPN manager.
I'm trying to get sonarr to be accessible outside of my home network.
If I turn the VPN off then I can access it easily but with the VPN on I cannot do this.
So I was wanting to exclude this add-on but it doesn't show up.
The only add-ons that show up are YouTube and skin helper service but I have quite a few more add-ons installed other than them.
SOOOOOO, after receiving a notice from my ISP that I need to stop accessing UK content or legal action will occur, I got a VPN. ProtonVPN. (And yes, the free plan, as I am a broke person. The free plan does not include the config files, sadly) Included with my account is an OpenVPN account login. Now, I'm not a noob when it comes to kodi, but I cannot figure out how to use an OpenVPN account with either the OpenVPN extension or the Manager for OpenVPN. And I did Google it, and just got back crap that doesn't help. SO I am asking you many people of this forum, How do I do use my OpenVPN account detail given to me by ProtonVPN on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Libreelec 9.1.002 ? I was told to move this here by someone on a different forum.
Thanks for your amazing add-on which makes things so much easier but I just have one question.
Why do only a handful of add-ons show in the exclude list within the options of VPN manager.
I'm trying to get sonarr to be accessible outside of my home network.
If I turn the VPN off then I can access it easily but with the VPN on I cannot do this.
So I was wanting to exclude this add-on but it doesn't show up.
The only add-ons that show up are YouTube and skin helper service but I have quite a few more add-ons installed other than them.
The list is all of those defined as an xbmc.python.pluginsource, which translates as music, picture, video and program addons. More info here.
This generally excludes all background processes, such as scripts because filtering works by detecting whether an addon window is active (and background processes have no addon window).
What the addon doesn't do is filter the VPN traffic by addon, which is what I think you're asking for. Either the VPN is on or off...it can't be on for some addons and simultaniously off for others.
I personally don't use sonarr, but have a similar issue in accessing TVheadend when i'm outside of my network. I had concluded that my two choices were SSH with port forwarding (but I can't work out how to get that to work with my iPhone), or running my own VPN server. I think the latter option would work with the Kodi box still connected to a VPN but due to my lethargy I've not tried this theory yet.
SOOOOOO, after receiving a notice from my ISP that I need to stop accessing UK content or legal action will occur, I got a VPN. ProtonVPN. (And yes, the free plan, as I am a broke person. The free plan does not include the config files, sadly) Included with my account is an OpenVPN account login. Now, I'm not a noob when it comes to kodi, but I cannot figure out how to use an OpenVPN account with either the OpenVPN extension or the Manager for OpenVPN. And I did Google it, and just got back crap that doesn't help. SO I am asking you many people of this forum, How do I do use my OpenVPN account detail given to me by ProtonVPN on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Libreelec 9.1.002 ? I was told to move this here by someone on a different forum.
I'm guessing the alternative they're offering you is to use their software to connect. VPN Mgr uses the config files that they're not giving you so that it can connect and manage the connection itself. It doesn't have a way of interacting with third party software to do this.
So your choices are : sell a kidney and pay for a VPN that does give you config files; or run Kodi in an environment where you can also run their software, but accept that you need to manage the connection yourself (so no connected only when needed in Kodi).
with this addon, am I able to specify services to use vpn tunnel only?
For example tvheadend to use vpn tunnel only, rather than my entire network being forced to use it?
My understanding is that with this addon when the addon id changes, the vpn manager changes the vpn provider or turns it on. I need it to always be on for selected service.
Hi mfizz , did you manage to get this to work? I too am looking for only tvh to use the vpn.
I seem to have a problem here using my VPN and I'm hoping someone can help me.
So I've received a warning from my isp about blah blah blah ( don't need to go into detail )
but I'm using a VPN!
I use ipvanish and it appears that on both my Linux setups it's not quite making me secure.
I use my LibreELEC setup with you VPN manager on a pi3 now as far as was aware this is running behind a VPN it tells me I'm connected and nevere says Otherwise, but yet this is the device I would of got the warning from.
So on my Linux computer I have Ubuntu also with VPN setup with openvpn and as far as I'm aware the VPN connects, it tells me it does and I thought it was.
If I try and access a site blocked here in the UK connected to a Amsterdam server I get redirected to ukispcourtorder site telling me it's blocked.
So I check my IP with the VPN on and off.
Although the IP address changes the location doesn't and it also still tells me I'm with BT broadband.
So I downloaded a crappy web browser from the Kodi repo and tried the same as what I tried on my Linux computer and to my disappointment I got the exact same result, location set to Amsterdam but get redirected to ukispcourtorder website.
This is where it gets strange, using ipvanish app on my phone connected to Amsterdam I try the same but it lets me straight onto the blocked website here in the UK.
I then check my IP with VPN both on and off and it works as expected, tells me I'm in Amsterdam.
I also try my windows laptop with ipvanish software installed, the also behaves itself the same as my phone and works exactly how it should.
So it appears either Linux or openvpn must not be working somehow, of Ipvanish is not working with openvpn.
Does anybody know what this could be?
Linux (and LibreElec which is obviously Linux based) has the annoying habit of leaking you're ISP's DNS address which could possibly reveal you're identity, although you're connected to a VPN. Just change you're DNS server to one of the open source DNS servers like OpenNic or public DNS and that should fix you're problem. Choose one of the DNS server addresses at OpenNIC Project. Then in Kodi goto LibreElec Configuration addon => Connections. Choose the connection you use, then click on "edit". Then choose DNS-servers and enter in nameserver #1 the DNS address you've chosen from OpenNic. (for example: which is a german name server) Then reboot... That should fix you're problem... Here's some reading material about DNS leakage in Linux: How to check and fix DNS leak in Linux
(If you really want to be secure, you could also implement a "VPN Kill Switch". This makes sure you can only access the internet through you're VPN. As soon you're VPN connection drops, you're entire internet connection will be cut off, making sure that you're own public IP address won't be revealed...)
Brilliant that seems to have done the trick in regards to accessing blocked sites and now when i check for dns leaks it no longer brings up loads of BT Broadband ones.
But there is on thing that still doesnt seem right when i check my ip it still shows my ipv6 as my location.
if i click the ipv4 ip it shows its in amsterdam so i assume thats working fine now.
Is that how it works will ipvanish make sure all traffic is sent ipv4.
many Thanks
Just disable ipv6... see link: How can I disable IPV6?
peanut is right...if you don't want to always use the same DNS servers (no reason not?), then you could use the up/down scripts to modify them on connect/disconnect. There's enough info on the web to guide you.
zomboided I've just installed this and followed your instructions. Surfshark appears to be running smoothly!
Thank you very much!