remote.conf repository

  • hello

    my remote control for amlogic s912 mecool km8p does not work either, I copied the file remote.conf of the official firmware in /storage/.conf but does not work someone has a solution please

    The format of the Android remote config file is substantially different from the Libreelec format. Copying across simply will not work. You have to create one from scratch or find one that someone else has created.


  • Greets all,

    My first post here.

    I'm about to try and get LibreElec onto my "OTT M8S" box (AMlogic S812)

    I've snagged a few possible config files from this great thread to try - if anyone has a recommendation please do shout.

    In any case, I will find / create the right config and share here.

    In case it helps someone I have found a source of images for the box here.


  • I have a strange problem with my x96 box remote setup. The proposed remote.conf file is downloaded and installed. Everything work fine except the button "0". Kodi does not really recognizes the scancode. See the debug log when I press the buttons 1,2,3...9,0

    I think the remote.conf is good. Key "0" is mapped to scancode 11d

              0x4e 2   #1 -> 1
              0x0d 3   #2 -> 2
              0x0c 4   #3 -> 3
              0x4a 5   #4 -> 4
              0x09 6   #5 -> 5
              0x08 7   #6 -> 6
              0x46 8   #7 -> 7
              0x05 9   #8 -> 8
              0x04 10  #9 -> 9
              0x01 11  #0 -> 0


    The root cause and solution is found. Sharing here if helps someone in the future.

    I have Hungarian keyboard layout set in Kodi. It remaps "0" key to another character. The solution is another scancode to be assigned in remote.conf file. Instead of top row "0" button I assigned the numpad 0/Ins button. See below the change.

    #          0x01 11
              0x01 82

    Edited 2 times, last by sakos: Solution found (February 22, 2018 at 9:16 PM).

  • Bit of a newbie question please if I may. I've previously put Libreelec on a MXQ box and all worked fine, including the remote control. I now have a Beelink MiniMXIII II that I want to put Libreelec on and found the remote doesn't work. Initially i thought I must be using the wrong image or tree or something. Am I right to say that the remote wont work out of the box on a newly installed Libreelec? Can anyone tell me how I get the right remote config file into my USB drive to get this to work?


  • What version of Libreelec are you using ??

    If you are using Alpha Leia LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

    Thanks, I tied version 8 (can't recall if it was 8.0 or 8.2) - thanks for those instructions but they look a touch tricky for me! Linux & SSH has me somewhat stumped. I looked at a youtube tutorial on Putty & SSH and its looks a simple enough program but the saving & editing of files looks too tricky as I'm a Linux novice. Is there a simpler way to get it to work?

  • Thanks, I tied version 8 (can't recall if it was 8.0 or 8.2) - thanks for those instructions but they look a touch tricky for me! Linux & SSH has me somewhat stumped. I looked at a youtube tutorial on Putty & SSH and its looks a simple enough program but the saving & editing of files looks too tricky as I'm a Linux novice. Is there a simpler way to get it to work?

    If you are using version 8.0. or 8.2 , then look here or here

    with these versions you copy a remote.conf file to storage/config then reboot

    if you are using version 8.9.4 then you need to follow kostaman's instructions

  • beastman

    You can also use Notepad++ to edit the files, go to Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Unix (LF), then save the file and copy it to the appropriate place in the shared config folder.

    You still need Putty to run the commands, SSH basically gives you your box'es (linux) command line through Putty.

  • Bit of a newbie question please if I may. I've previously put Libreelec on a MXQ box and all worked fine, including the remote control. I now have a Beelink MiniMXIII II that I want to put Libreelec on and found the remote doesn't work. Initially i thought I must be using the wrong image or tree or something. Am I right to say that the remote wont work out of the box on a newly installed Libreelec? Can anyone tell me how I get the right remote config file into my USB drive to get this to work?


    Quoting myself above for context..........Just to say thanks for the replies and to confirm that in fact the 8.2 image did work fine with my remote on my Beelink MiniMXIII II and using the built in device tree. (I assumed I had to use gxl_p212_2g.dtb but it didn't need it and in fact broke the remote). As a side note I cant get version 8.90.4 to work with that device tree or the built in version so I guess I need mess about with the remote config (which is a shame and as its tricky, so I think i will stick with a working 8.2).

    Thanks again

  • Quoting myself above for context..........Just to say thanks for the replies and to confirm that in fact the 8.2 image did work fine with my remote on my Beelink MiniMXIII II and using the built in device tree. (I assumed I had to use gxl_p212_2g.dtb but it didn't need it and in fact broke the remote). As a side note I cant get version 8.90.4 to work with that device tree or the built in version so I guess I need mess about with the remote config (which is a shame and as its tricky, so I think i will stick with a working 8.2).

    Thanks again

    NO, you don't mess about with the remote conf. The new version 8.90.4 use a different way to get the remote working.

    LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices