[] LibreELEC 7.0 for S905/S905X

  • There were absolutely no changes regarding audio in the latest releases.

    Thanks for your reply Kszaq. I decided to downgrade the current build in a descending order until i could find the build that has the Dolby Digital Plus working. That build is 7.02.009.

    I am more than willing to help you if you guide me where and how to provide you with a log. I appreciate the work you are doing for the community and would never complain. Always here to help having better things get best. :)

  • The answer is quite simple: if the installtointernal script works you don't have to worry about this. If it fails finding internal memory you will see errors but nothing bad will happen.

    Thanks a lot kszaq and indeed I have had no problems with that command and all went smoothly. I did however look up this MXQ M12cx box on ebay and could not find any but searched elsewhere and found all the spec and indeed it confirms 8GB eMMC memory.

    Only recently found this particualr very nice metal cased MXQ M12cx box so must assume it not being available in many places yet, which seems to indicate it is a brand spanking new model.

    Cheers RayW

    Edited once, last by RayW (January 26, 2017 at 5:16 PM).

  • +1. Some people just have no respect for what you do for all of us here. So ungrateful.

    This is not about being grateful. There are tens of different devices on the market and devices with the same name have different hardware inside. I have limited number of boxes that I can test my builds with. I really want to make my builds work in a best way possible for everyone but without knowing what's happening at system level I rarely ever can help.

    Thanks for your reply Kszaq. I decided to downgrade the current build in a descending order until i could find the build that has the Dolby Digital Plus working. That build is 7.02.009.

    I am more than willing to help you if you guide me where and how to provide you with a log. I appreciate the work you are doing for the community and would never complain. Always here to help having better things get best. :)

    Please provide logs so that I can see what's happening... I assume that you update your device tree according to build you flash?

    Edited once, last by kszaq (January 26, 2017 at 5:03 PM).

  • This is not about being grateful. There are tens of different devices on the market and devices with the same name have different hardware inside. I have limited number of boxes that I can test my builds with. I really want to make my builds work in a best way possible for everyone but without knowing what's happening at system level I rarely ever can help.

    Please provide logs so that I can see what's happening... I assume that you update your device tree according to build you flash?

    Sure Kszaq. Device tree was updated. gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb has been used for my QBox 2GB with 16GB storage and 1 GB Ethernet port.
    Hope the attached kodi log is what you need.

  • Hi kszaq, also failed to initialize wifi with my Scishion V88 PRO (flashed to be mini m8s II) with RTL8189ETV.
    I redownloaded the gxl_p212_1g.dtb also for the update.

    I see
    [ 77.929680@0] RTL871X: rtw_cmd_thread: DriverStopped(True) SurpriseRemoved(False) break at line 564
    [ 77.929915@0] RTL871X: rtw_dev_unload: driver not in IPS
    in system log, after deactivating and reactivating wifi it works fine.

    Keep up the good work and thank you very much for the builds :)

  • Seems it is down for me as well. Checked from multiple networks, same result.


    Yep. Repo is down as well.

    ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for http://kszaq.libreelec.tv/addons/7.0/S905/arm/virtual.system-tools/virtual.system-tools-7.0.102.zip

  • Not had chance to check the WiFi / Ethernet fix yet but was never really a problem for me. Does any one know if there is a fix in this build for that weird problem when enabling the Update Channels and it leaving a totally no content options panel on the Libreelec settings main screen ??

    yes, I had that problem too. After selecting the update channel of libreelec-7 it would leave the panel/tab blank no options. I was looking if it was possible to enter a custom update channel like kszaq.libreelec.tv/s905/ somewhere in the settings. I fixed the blank panel by ssh into my box and removed the selected option from the <Channel></Channel> tags in the oe_settings.xml file and the menu returned again.

    #nano /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.libreelec.settings/oe_settings.xml
  • Build S905X i've to have a lot of frame rate stutter that earlier builds did not suffer with. What logs or settings files are needed and I'll post them.

    Video output set to 1920x1080 24hz.

  • Please provide a sample.

    I'll have to upload the complete mkv and pm you a link later. At work right now.

    With 012e there was a new dtb file released, can't remember the full name. p212g 2g nand. New one that had nand in the name. Can't give full name as downloads offline right now. I used that new dtb with 012e as I've installed LE to internal. Could that maybe be causing the stutter? It's not massive, but noticeable on panning scenes.

    For the record the mkv is 1080 24hz, video settings are 1920x1080 24hz. Refresh to set match video on start/stop. TV is reporting 24hz from LE.

  • I noticed that the Dolby Digital Plus is not working anymore. All other supported audio formats works great except this one. It used to work in the previous builds but now my receiver is giving me decoder off as no sound is passing through. I am using your latest build which works fine in all other areas.

    Just for information, I recently had a problem also with dolby digital+ with few files recorded from DVBT. No sound on central speaker (no voices)
    From a 905x box ( , I'm using passthrough mode, with spdif to my receiver which is not dolby digital + compliant. My receiver was just detecting stereo.

    But the next day, when I wanted to reproduce the case, no problem, it worked like a charm (same files, no update). The receiver detects 5.1 mode dolby digital.
    So maybe it's not a problem with the version, but something that can goes wrong under specific condition.
    I will try to provide a log if it happens again.