S802/S812-Libreelec images for 7/8/9

  • I've got the Minix X8H plus and I've just tried "LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2b-X8H-PLUS.tar" in the update folder.

    It doesn't work !!! :cursing:

    I get the following : ERROR: LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2b-X8H-PLUS.tar is not compatible with S812.arm hardware - update cancelled.

    RobzInadE ... are you sure you got the Minix X8H Plus?

    If so, then mind sharing how you got it to work? Thanks.

    1st rule of thumb

    Learn to read before posting

    LibreELEC (Krypton) v8.0.0 RELEASE – LibreELEC


    and fyi i wont be helping anyone that didnt read the thread and asks for solutions like those of remote not working.

    You found it edit post and report it so next one will get it.

  • Demetris

    Thanks for your reply.

    I did read the section "AMLOGIC MIXED-ARCH BUILDS" previously but saw nothing relevant to my Minix X8H-Plus.

    However, reading through it again, I noted the part about ".nocompat" file.

    After some research I made the ".nocompat" file and placed it with the ".tar" file in the UPDATE folder.

    But it did not work :(

  • So since this is now a self help thread, here's some help for other MXIII-G (2GB+16GB) box owners, this will save you from reading all 56 previous pages...

    If you're already running LibreELEC, the file you need to update is LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2b-MXIII-PLUS.tar put that *.tar file in your \update folder then reboot your box.

    After the update, your IR remote will probably not work anymore, if that's the case, download this file remote.conf - Google Drive and put it in your \Configfiles folder and reboot again.

    It solved my issues, and I hope it does for you as well.

    Thanks to nikosgrgr for posting the remote.conf file (on page 23 by the way) and thanks to Demetris for his hard work. Be sure to read the OP if you do not want to get berated...;)

  • If you made the file from windows could be faulty. ;)

    Re do it as instruction says

    I did make the file from windows 7.

    All I find is "make .nocompat file" using a text editor......where are the instructions?

    After 2 hours reading, I found someone saying make the file directly in the .update folder using SSH.

    I used WinSCP and created a file in the .update folder and then added the .tar file as well (LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2b-X8H-PLUS.tar)

    Rebooted...and it doesn't boot.

    So I give up...not wasting anymore time!!

  • ...

    I get the following : ERROR: LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2b-X8H-PLUS.tar is not compatible with S812.arm hardware - update cancelled.

    RobzInadE ... are you sure you got the Minix X8H Plus?

    If so, then mind sharing how you got it to work? Thanks

    Yes I'm sure. The chip is S812-H in my box (H i think stands for hardware acceleration or something like that), so the X8H-PLUS image worked for me

  • Yes I'm sure. The chip is S812-H in my box (H i think stands for hardware acceleration or something like that), so the X8H-PLUS image worked for me

    Thanks for your response.

    Can you give me a starter on how to get LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2b-X8H-PLUS.tar booted?

    Have you used USB or SD card?

    What image did you start with...and what tool did you use for writing image?

  • Because I'm in a good mood I will repost this good .nocompat file, just right click and extract to zip. Copy that file plus your update file to storage/. update

    All the best


    Sorry...but how do I get the .nocompat file? Is there a link?

    When you say "Copy that file plus your update file to storage/. update" what exactly am I supposed to do first ? In my previous post I asked what image file do I start with in order to create a "storage/.update" folder?

  • Hahaha would help if I posted the link

    Thanks, but it didn't work.

    I think i'm in the wrong forum. ?(

    In the last 2 pages, two other users, @OzTardis  and  @CanBert have the same issue as me.

    @RobzInadE  has a Minix X8H-Plus but i'm not sure if he's running on internal memory ...or on USB/SD?

    It's not always clear when people post here, but I've just realized these images need to be installed on INTERNAL memory in order to boot.

    If this was made clear in post #1 it would've saved a lot of headaches.

    That's why everything i've tried on USB and SD has failed.

    I'm not prepared to install on internal memory for fear of bricking my box. =O

  • The chip is S812-H in my box (H i think stands for hardware acceleration or something like that)

    The -H designation means additional licensing fees have been paid, e.g. Dolby DTS, Widevine and PlayReady. This enhances playback capabilities for things like Netflix under Android but has no impact on Linux where there are no native DRM capabilities. It normally indicates a more reputable box as the far-east manufacturers racing for the "cheapest box" title aren't going to pay for something that's not essential.

  • I have an M8 s802 and I can't seem to get any of 8x2 images working, every time it installs and reboots i get the usual startup splash screens and then nothing. I can install codesnake 603 and then the 8.0Rc4 and also the old "LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1a-M8" version which seems to have been removed, they both install and load ok but the 8x2 images install, display splash screens and then goes black and doesn't display Kodi. I have tried updating using tar from 603 and from 8.0rc4 etc but same result.

    Can anyone please help? I've tried different combinations and searched back through thread, please help! anyone else with m8 have same issue? if not what combination did you use or am i missing something?