would a RTL8812BU (asus usb ac-53 nano wifi) chipset supported by Librelec?

[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
October 28, 2016 at 10:45 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Unresolved
How can I clone the nand to a bootable USB stick? Is there an easy ssh command?
I have 3 identical boxes and need to copy my install to each one.
my suggestion, after installing to nand on first box, do all your needed changes then do a backup via libreelec settings. then restore that backup on the 2 boxes.
That means I still have to install libre welcome first. I want a copy of the NAND that I can boot from a USB and then do copy to NAND.
my suggestion, after installing to nand on first box, do all your needed changes then do a backup via libreelec settings. then restore that backup on the 2 boxes.
Yep, do that or use TWRP to clone the whole box. To create your TWRP backup you'll need a copy of TWRP recovery.img (suitable for your particular device) and the original (Android FW) dtb.img on an SD card then use toothpick reboot or SSH to your box and issue the command reboot recovery.
That means I still have to install libre welcome first. I want a copy of the NAND that I can boot from a USB and then do copy to NAND.
Using TWRP will accomplish this or make an LE backup of the device with NAND install to an external backup folder (or move/copy the backup once it is made), then make a new SD install of LE (or use the original SDcard/USB stick that you issued the installtonand command with) and restore the LE backup while running the external version of LE. You can then use that SD/USB to clone your other, identical boxes
would a RTL8812BU (asus usb ac-53 nano wifi) chipset supported by Librelec?
Link Below
That means I still have to install libre welcome first. I want a copy of the NAND that I can boot from a USB and then do copy to NAND.
Well I simply have my boot up LE8 SD card and set that up with the latest LE version I want to use and have it all set up with the add-ons I need and configuration settings (like international, display settings etc.). Once I am happy with it I installtointernal via ssh and then remove the SD card. Then for another box, assuming it is the same or compatible, I simply boot it up from the SD card and usign ssh installtointernal and say yes for copying across all the userdata too. I now only use Beelink MXIII II S905X boxes nowadays, though they need to installtointernal twice to set up memory allocation.
This works brilliantly and is easy to do. If I want to make changes in future before installtointernal cloning to another box, then I update the settings and/or LE version on the SD card first so my SD card is kept up to date all the time. Easy and no problem with any welcome screens etc. and box is ready to use as a clone or an updated clone of the last box. Secret is to keep the bootable SD card up to date with any needed changes of addons and settings whenever they may be needed.
Well I simply have my boot up LE8 SD card and set that up with the latest LE version I want to use and have it all set up with the add-ons I need and configuration settings (like international, display settings etc.). Once I am happy with it I installtointernal via ssh and then remove the SD card. Then for another box, assuming it is the same or compatible, I simply boot it up from the SD card and usign ssh installtointernal and say yes for copying across all the userdata too. I now only use Beelink MXIII II S905X boxes nowadays, though they need to installtointernal twice to set up memory allocation.
This works brilliantly and is easy to do. If I want to make changes in future before installtointernal cloning to another box, then I update the settings and/or LE version on the SD card first so my SD card is kept up to date all the time. Easy and no problem with any welcome screens etc. and box is ready to use as a clone or an updated clone of the last box. Secret is to keep the bootable SD card up to date with any needed changes of addons and settings whenever they may be needed.
Is there a command the equivalent of ""installtoexternal" ?
The reason I ask is that I keep a microsd card with the last version, but I don't keep it up to date, & if the NAND gets corrupted, I have an old backup.
I have tried the backup kodi addon, but it seems to take ages & when I have had to use it, it fails.
Is there a command the equivalent of ""installtoexternal" ?
The reason I ask is that I keep a microsd card with the last version, but I don't keep it up to date, & if the NAND gets corrupted, I have an old backup.
I have tried the backup kodi addon, but it seems to take ages & when I have had to use it, it fails.
Not that I am aware of and would not really have a use for such a command personally to be honest.
Best to just simply update your sd card with your latest suite of addons and setting you want to use with new boxes, To save you reinstalling it all manually from scratch to your sd card you can back it all up from your current working from NAND box and restore it to your bootable SD card. I would first use a cache and package clean up utility on your working nand installed LE box, for which there are many such utilities out there that I maybe should not name here. That will helpfully reduce the size of your LE backup. Then with your up to date working internally installed LE box carry out a backup using the inbuilt LibreELEC backup utility, saving the back up .tar file to a USB stick. Do not use an SD card for this backup as you wont be able to restore that backup to your bootable SD card running new box, as these devices only usually have one SD card slot of course.
Now boot up a new box using your LE SD card in the usual way and once booted insert your USB stick with the back up on it and go to the LibreELEC backup utility and then restore from the USB stick. You will then have a bootable LE SD card with all your suite of addons and settings on it too which you can keep up to date easily too. Check it all works okay and if necessary update it to a newer LE version too if a suitable new version is available. Now using ssh you can installtointernal on your new virginal Android boxes as required and say yes when it asks if you want to copy across your userdata too. It will then copy it all across from your LE SD card of course and voila you have a "fully loaded" working box and this saves a lot of time and effort thereafter.
Hope that helps
8.0.2b build uploaded for testing. It is still using MM kernel. Anyone who wants to try Nougat kernel should try out builds from johngalt - he's doing a great job with 10bit + HDR improvements!
hi all.
now i own a docooler M9s 905x box.
with the 912 dbt.img files my box starts to libreelec but i can not use my remote.
is there a way to fix this?
OpenSSL in 8.0.2b is an enormous performance boost. I'm getting almost double the DL speed I was getting previously.
Is there a command the equivalent of ""installtoexternal" ?
The reason I ask is that I keep a microsd card with the last version, but I don't keep it up to date, & if the NAND gets corrupted, I have an old backup.
make an LE backup of the device with NAND install to an external backup folder (or move/copy the backup once it is made), then . . .
. . . restore the LE backup while running the external version of LE.
I have tried the backup kodi addon, but it seems to take ages & when I have had to use it, it fails.
Don't use the kodi addon use the backup built into the LE configuration addon (It never fails)
I've never had any issues using the kodi backup addon on LibreElec. I only use it so that I can schedule backups to my NAS and disk space on my box is limited. I have it configured to backup only addons, addon data, database, and config files. Restoring from this backup is best once libreelec/kodi is installed and setup. Also I've notice if your current kodi build has too much stuff (large database, lots of addons) then the backup will be large and become corrupted. I recently did a hard reset and stripped down my build to keep it lite as well the backups small. The LE backup is best when doing a hard reset or new install as it backs up the OS settings (LE) and kodi settings.
Also 8.0.2b is amazingly faster. No more problems hardware accelerating h.264 files and streaming files over SMB no longer freezes when fast forward. Awesome work kszaq!
CEC might not work when your box has incompatible u-boot or your TV is not that well supported by Amlogic low-level CEC driver.
Hi everybody,
My TV is not supported with a Nexbox a95x, but it is supported with 2 other S905(X) devices.. Is there a way to update u-boot with CEC support for Nexbox a95x ?
Best regards
Don't use the kodi addon use the backup built into the LE configuration addon (It never fails)
Thanks, I'll try that. I had been using the kodi backup addon
I have 2 Nexbox a95x and both have troubles with wifi dropping in and out. Also just generally really slow speed even though the signal strength is really good. I probably can only transfer around 1 or 2 mb/s.
Any ideas?
I created an sdcard with 8.0.2a for my Tronsmart Vega S95 Meta - S905 2G/8G 1Gb eth.
Everything seems to be working very well. So I installed to internal.
Then I realised that I had not used/placed a device tree file on the card
Everything seems to be working great from internal - no stuttering/problems etc.
However I am unclear as to the device tree my installation is actually using and whether I should reinstall 8.0.2a with the "correct" device tree (gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb).
Any thoughts?
I created an sdcard with 8.0.2a for my Tronsmart Vega S95 Meta - S905 2G/8G 1Gb eth.
Everything seems to be working very well. So I installed to internal.
Then I realised that I had not used/placed a device tree file on the card
Everything seems to be working great from internal - no stuttering/problems etc.
However I am unclear as to the device tree my installation is actually using and whether I should reinstall 8.0.2a with the "correct" device tree (gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb).
Any thoughts?
I would say; If it works, It works... If it bothers you, do a new install