[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

  • Hi there, you are not the only one. I have the same issue. Wifi on boot failure. (QCA9377)
    I tried everything. Nogo.
    Please Kszaq give it a look.


    Relax ! This wifi bug was present in Jarvis with Qualcomm Wifi drivers.
    It will get the attention of kszaq.
    Be patient. He's already posted that real life is a little busy for him lately and testing will be limited.

  • Relax ! This wifi bug was present in Jarvis with Qualcomm Wifi drivers.
    It will get the attention of kszaq.
    Be patient. He's already posted that real life is a little busy for him lately and testing will be limited.

    I am relaxed. It is not that big deal and it is not the previous issue. Now when you boot libreelec WiFi goes directly in failure on first boot. Toggle WiFi or not you can easily reconnect manually. It is annoying only.


    I don't have any S905(X) device with QCA9377.

    dunno if qca9377 only related

    Edited once, last by kikoguru (April 6, 2017 at 5:10 PM).

  • I'm having some DVB-T issues with versions 8.0.1b and 8.0.1c (8.0.1a is fine). Video is very choppy and showing as skipping a lot of frames. I've uploaded a sample that I've just quickly recorded as an example @ Dropbox - Escape to the Country-BBC ONE HD2017-04-0415-00-1.ts

    Shows recorded in version 8.0.1b (I assume c is the same but I haven't tried) playback fine on 8.0.1a.

    Please try:

    echo 4 > /sys/module/amvdec_h264/parameters/dec_control
  • going to take the plunge and flash it to internal storage instead of running from SD Card as its too laggy. How do I do this as the guide has different types of install but doesnt tell me which will write it as the OS replacing android.

  • great 64bit build its the only one thats fixed the booting to just writing on the t95x i have (5 of them) i cant install anything from the libreelec addons is this fixable? thank u

  • great 64bit build its the only one thats fixed the booting to just writing on the t95x i have (5 of them) i cant install anything from the libreelec addons is this fixable? thank u

    LE addons are currently pointing to
    Index of /addons/8.1/S905/arm/
    does not exist
    I do not know any URL populated with 64bit aarch64 libreelec specific addons. Maybe one exists for WeTek Play_2?
    Once I figure out, or someone tells me where, I can change build to use the ADDON_SERVER_URL in projects/S905/options.
    Myself I find most addons I need in Kodi repository. Some other ones I build myself.
    Which one(s) from LE repository are you after?
    Maybe I can build few more. But I cannot provide them by URL as repository, only by zip.

    added LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-8.0-devel-20170407000608-r25782-gcc7382b = 8.0.1d

    Edited once, last by Nofan Tasi (April 7, 2017 at 12:30 AM).

  • Hi kszaq, I noticed that in your builds, when one goes to the addons/install from repository section and browses through the addons, the info section actually displays the "news" and the news section is blank. There is no way to see the addon info.

    However when one goes to the addons/my addons section and browses addons, both the info and news sections are displayed properly.

    I checked the chromebox running LE 8.0.1 generic, and on there the install from repository section displays the info correctly.

  • Hi all,

    I have recently purchased a GooBangDoo Abox to replace my aging ION based media centre. Started off on 8.0.1b and have since moved to 8.0.1d (installed to NAND). Impressed with how speedily everything runs but am having some serious difficulties getting 23.976 videos to play smoothly. They start off fine but have patches where they begin to judder... maybe for a minute or so ... and then go back to normal. Anyone else experiencing this? Have tried changing HQ scaler threshold to fix but doesn't seem to sort it.

    Any other suggestions? Could it be the hardware? Are some boxes more reliable than others? Kind of expected any box based on S905x to perform the same.


  • the back ground ones when music is playing would be great,also do u get problems with the remote not working on some boots? i pull the power and reboot then its ok,also is there a way to delay boot time? thank buddy

    the back ground ones when music is playing would be great,also do u get problems with the remote not working on some boots? i pull the power and reboot then its ok,also is there a way to delay boot time? thank buddy
    also if u make a repo with all the files needed i can host it

    Edited once, last by zippy165141 (April 7, 2017 at 9:06 AM).

  • I've just tried that on 8.0.1d and I think that may well have fixed it :D

    Thank you very much

    I was having this problem as well and this has fixed it in terms of no more stuttering. However, I am intermittently seeing the Kodi CodecInfo screen show that it is NOT using hardware decoding, but has dropped into software decoding with ffmpeg:

    Note also it shows FPS as 0.000

    Please see the debug log at SVXT. I had several attempts to generate this issue so only the last file played in the log had the problem - all previous files played were showing as using the HW decoder.

    I'm not convinced it IS falling back to software only as the CPU usage doesn't seem high enough.

    I should also say I'm not just seeing this on H264 files but on 1080 MPEG2 as well. Also, it isn't file specific - play a file and it shows it's using the HW decoder, then play it again and it may drop to SW decoding.

    Edited once, last by renzz (April 7, 2017 at 11:13 AM).

  • hi experts can anyone help me on this,i have 5 t95x boxes 1gb/8gb i get a crash on boot after the boxes have been off for a while,i am installed to nand (dont crash from usb) i am using the gxl_p212_1g nand file,ive attacted a pic,has anyone got any idea?

    thank u