RPI4 - HDMI-CEC not working

  • the le1`0 beta fixed all my cec issues with rpi4

    in le9 the issue was so bad that a intalled and configured a IR receiver so i can use another remote control to control it.. in le10 it works as intended.

  • Just wanted to add my two cents. Samsung tv, and CEC on my RPi4B didn't work with the HDMI Micro adapter, but when I replaced it with a dedicated mini to hdmi cable it works fine.

  • Hi, just an update. I have raspi4.

    In my old Sony Bravia CEC worked with libreelec 9.8 and I didn't have to do anything. When I replaced my tv with Samsung AU9070 CEC stopped. It was about the same time I upgraded from 9.8 to 10.0. couldn't figure out if it was a tv issue or libreelec.

    All I changed to get it working was move the microhdmi next to the charging port on raspi4. Point to note, I used a really cheap microhdmi adapter and it still worked..

  • I'm having issues with CEC on my Pi4.

    Tried multiple cables/adapter

    On one of the pi HDMI ports, it works perfectly. However; the other it fails to detect CEC and it appears as if once rebooted, some of the CEC settings revert (HDMI port).

    I did notice that on the working port, the physical address seems to automatically get set to 2100 on boot. Anyone know what the physical address for the second port might be, and will the setting stick?

  • On one of the pi HDMI ports, it works perfectly. However; the other it fails to detect CEC and it appears as if once rebooted, some of the CEC settings revert (HDMI port).

    libcec is hardcoded to /dev/cec0 so will only ever work with hdmi0 (i.e. the one closest to power connector).

  • After fighting getting KODI to connect to my new-ish Samsung TV, turned out the CANAKIT HDMI cable - actually, 3 of them - that comes in their KITS somehow does not allow correct connections. Took 4 hours of trying different solutions. Per one of the way earlier posts, figured I'd try the cable.

    Use a 3 year old Monster HDMI cable with an unlabeled micro adapter.

    Worked within seconds, and as a bonus the Samsung Remote also now works.

    Cool beans.

  • On my Raspberry Pi4, CEC is also not working.

    I have an ArgonPi One Case (first one with still having two microHDMI instead of regular HDMI), and everything works fine when using LE 9.2.7 (even before with LE 8.X with the same TV, but that might also have been my former RPi3). So I doubt that the issue is hardware (case) related for me, but a kernel / software topic.

    I have a berryboot installation running with both LE 9.2.7 and LE 10.0.1 currently.

    I can select the boot entry in berryboot with my remote control when it boots up like a charm, it works out of the box. I am using the official RPi microHDMI cable.

    When I boot LE 9, kodi can be controlled with no problem using the Remote Control. I get the regular Pulse Eight CEC popup when booting into LE 9.

    Once I restart and boot up LE 10 (selected via CEC with the remote control!), it boots up - but no popup for Pulse Eight CEC.

    The only thing I can see is a mouse cursor in the top left corner for one or two seconds after boot up is finished, but no chance for CEC.

    Also, audio passthrough is not showing up in the settings (which also is working fine in LE 9 without problems).

    Anyone has a suggestion here?

    My point is, the complete same installation is supporting CEC before LE 10, so cabling or the case imho cannot be the issue (like soldering etc.).

    Thanks for any thoughts or solution proposals 😎

  • I don't think its hardware either. I was brought to this thread only because I upgraded my TV to a 4K edition (50" AU8000 series). The previous TV was 12 years old and the color was horrible, but had 2 RPis connected to it running RPi3B+/LE9-something and the RPi4B/LE10.01. CEC and Remote worked flawlessly.

    **On LE10 (I didn't try LE9), When switching to the new TV, I noticed the problem that everyone else here has experienced and fixed it by moving HDMI to the first port (closest to power). However in the time since my last post, I noticed that certain buttons don't do what they previously did. For Example, the 'Back' button on the home screen opens the Weather App/Window in Kodi. When I am trying to view a list of episodes and hit "Back", it tries to remove the entry that is highlighted from the library and asks for confirmation. [<---- Developoers please look here]

    I've used Keymap Editor and confirmed that there are no other mappings for that button on ANY screen but especially on the Home Screens and Item Listing screens. I even went a further step and used Keymap Editor's built-in option to remove a mapping for those windows even though nothing was showing for them. I also tried overwriting them with new functions. None of that worked.

    I don't think this is related to cause, but I do think its related to symptom. A relation that could help track down the cause. There is something going on with the interpretation of the signals LE10 is receiving from various hardware. May be the Kernel but I am not ready to focus there exclusively yet.

    Edited 3 times, last by serendrewpity (February 4, 2022 at 9:56 PM).

  • I have an ArgonPi One Case (first one with still having two microHDMI instead of regular HDMI), and everything works fine when using LE 9.2.7 (even before with LE 8.X with the same TV, but that might also have been my former RPi3). So I doubt that the issue is hardware (case) related for me, but a kernel / software topic.

    Can you confirm if issue still exists when not using the Argon case?

  • i have the same issue: kodi 18.x (but installed "manually on raspberry os": CEC works, but LE 10.0.1: CEC does not work.
    It's a berryboot installation.
    Where do i get a 9.x LE image for berryboot ?

  • libcec is hardcoded to /dev/cec0 so will only ever work with hdmi0 (i.e. the one closest to power connector).

    In my case, I am not able to activate the hdmi0. I already tried these lines in config.txt without success.



    My config:

    RPI4 + LE 10.0.2 + HDMI to Micro Cable + Samsung TV and CEC not working.

    Could you help me with this?