build for S905/S905X

  • #511

    You asked the same question in link above and were asked to post a log by DaVu , Who Clearly advised you "Be aware, that we don´t support video streaming addons that provide pirated content." see below.
    Be straight with us when asking for help as we can't be misled with what you have loaded on your box and then try and help you which is a waste of time.
    It's a waste of time because looking at your logs , what you have installed on that box is guaranteed to make it run like a pig.

    First of all, thank you for your help...

    I did not want to misled anyone that is why i said that i have installed Pulse CCM bulid...

    When i was asked about third party addons i thought i was asked if it was crashing when using one of them not by just been installed in the system...

    I will try again with a clean install of LibreELEC with just the library files from the NAS...

    Again i apologize for this...

    Best regards...

    Edited once, last by logicheart (October 24, 2016 at 1:12 PM).

  • When i was asked about third party addons i thought i was asked if it was crashing when using one of them not by just been installed in the system...

    I will try again with a clean install of LibreELEC with just the library files from the NAS...

    Again i apologize for this...

    Okay !
    I can be honest with you and say that i learnt a long time ago that some of these add-ons caused my boxes to freeze as they run in the background with some seriously bad code.
    I know of 3 add-ons you have installed which are definitely causing you grief but please don't ask which ones.
    Anyway, lets call it a learning curve and hopefully members will read this post and get the message.
    No hard feelings. You are free to load your box with whatever you want.
    Just remember though , logs with banned add-ons will be ignored. :angel:

  • I have a nexbox A95X (s905 1g ram 100mbit lan). I've installed the last devel build with gxbb_p200_1G_100M.dtb device tree on sd card and all is perfect except for remote. When I shut down the box, I can't power on with the remote. I can only unplug and replug power supply to power on the box. Remote during kodi use is perfect. Could anyone help me ?

  • Guys, remote control on my Beelink MiniMX III (2G/16G) is still not working!?
    It was working fine on 005, broke on 008 (also tried 007 with no luck)
    I tried this method "kostaman prepared different remote.conf files for two different remotes here LibreELEC post #461" but this still isn't working :( help!

  • I also had an issue with remote control in Mini M8S II...

    In builds i tested (006-007) it was working alright but in 008 the "Back" button was not working...

    I used Keymap Editor Kodi addon to map the "Back" function to the desired button and everything is working alright now...

  • Guys, remote control on my Beelink MiniMX III (2G/16G) is still not working!?
    It was working fine on 005, broke on 008 (also tried 007 with no luck)
    I tried this method "kostaman prepared different remote.conf files for two different remotes here LibreELEC post #461" but this still isn't working :( help!

    Did you try both 'remote.conf' files provided by kostaman? My Beelink MiniMX III works with the 2nd one (the one with photo) on kostaman post.

  • Did you try both 'remote.conf' files provided by kostaman? My Beelink MiniMX III works with the 2nd one (the one with photo) on kostaman post.

    I did a fresh install of version 8, yesterday, neither file worked for me, so I used the keymap file posted sometime ago.


    I also installed the latest Krypton build, (to a separate usb) the back button worked with that.

    Edited once, last by bubblegum57 (October 24, 2016 at 3:56 PM).

  • Hi.
    So glad i found this forum otherwise my Andoid box was going to be launched off a very high roof!

    I'm using the build with a Mini M8S, 905x, 16GB which works sooooo much beter with the build but a problem i have is with the resolution. I have LG 4K TV and Kodi must try and auto detect but doesn't quite get it right. The who screen is 50% lower on the screen resulting in the top 50% of my screen being black and the next 50% of the screen being the top half of Kodi and the bottom 50% of Kodi not being visable. Once i manage the figure out the keystrokes to get me to the setting and put the resolution down its fine but after a reboot it reverts back.

    Is there a kodi setting to turn off auto detect resolutions or should it rememeber my settings and just not writing them to a config file somewhere?


  • Hey guys/gals, I am running the latest dev build and for some reason when i try to watch certain videos (hd so far) my beelink mini mx seems to drop the hdmi signal and the screen goes blank. The power light on front stays but i have to reboot the box and all is back to normal. I believe this was happening on the other builds i tried as well but I do notice sd links play fine so far. Any suggestions at all?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I have just updated my Nexbox A95X (905X/2/16) to the latest development build. All working fine!

    It took me a while though to figure out how to update my box, this was my first LE update. For whatever reason I thought I had to add both files in an Update folder on SD-card. After reading the LibreElec wiki, and finding the option to show hidden files in WinSCP, I figured out I had to add both files to the /storage/.update folder.

    Thank you kszaq for your excellent build!

    Edited once, last by chielmi (October 24, 2016 at 8:14 PM).

  • Can you please test a new development build I've just uploaded? I have added a patch for EGL rendering that supposedly fixes some GL-related leak. I'm not able to reproduce it and I'd be greatful if you can tell me whether things are improved or not. This is the build: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161023234951-r23404-g0b27f28.img.gz (when upgrading from .008 you don't need to include a device tree in your update process)

    This build also has the same approach to a/v sync as 2016-10-18 devel as this was so far the best one. VQ drops to ~0% but I don't notice any stuttering because of this.

    I tested this build and same problem (I got a freeze after about 30 min).
    I must say I have a poor internet bandwidth, during streaming lots of pause/buffering then a freeze maybe it's where to search the problem. Guy's that have good bandwidth never see this, I guess !

    Debug have lots of :
    17:44:50 T:546635247840 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
    17:44:50 T:546048045280 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
    17:44:50 T:546048045280 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
    17:44:50 T:546635247840 NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket skipping a packets of duration 21
    17:44:50 T:546635247840 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 10 times.

  • I'll retest the latest dev-build for live TV on SD channels.

    For to not get it lost, I like to bring the analog audio to mind again. I would love to use my t95x in bedroom, where I have no Receiver, but only analog audio...

  • I tested the build yesterday night. The good: TVheadend channels now start very quickly (2-4s) with SD, HD and 4K all the same. The bad: When playing videos from files, a bit of the picture is missing at the start. Also, it failed playing a specific mkv smoothly that worked fine with the version before (a movie that I had started earlier and wanted to finish). I will check that file again this evening.

    I checked the file again. It plays flawlessly on the earlier version, and even on S805 libreelec. The new version has big trouble with it. I cut a 20MB piece from the beginning, that exhibits the problem on my wetek hub when played from a gigabit connected smb share.

    Link: File-Upload.net - Datei nicht gefunden

    Back to earlier version...

    Edit: Now I cannot get the file to work on any version. I am too tired today, will do more tests tomorrow...

    Edited once, last by mmpp (October 24, 2016 at 8:55 PM).

  • Hey guys/gals, I am running the latest dev build and for some reason when i try to watch certain videos (hd so far) my beelink mini mx seems to drop the hdmi signal and the screen goes blank. The power light on front stays but i have to reboot the box and all is back to normal. I believe this was happening on the other builds i tried as well but I do notice sd links play fine so far. Any suggestions at all?

    Thanks in advance.

    So i did manage to play some 720p videos but other 720p/1080p videos drop the hdmi signal so i am not too sure what is going on. I did manage to get the back key working which is great so thanks for the help with that!

  • Okay !
    I can be honest with you and say that i learnt a long time ago that some of these add-ons caused my boxes to freeze as they run in the background with some seriously bad code.
    I know of 3 add-ons you have installed which are definitely causing you grief but please don't ask which ones.
    Anyway, lets call it a learning curve and hopefully members will read this post and get the message.
    No hard feelings. You are free to load your box with whatever you want.
    Just remember though , logs with banned add-ons will be ignored. :angel:

    Hello Kszaq and Kostaman...

    Yesterday i made a clean installation of LibreELEC (latest version on an external SD Card and i installed only the following addons from official Kodi repo:

    Keymap Editor, Super Favorites, TVShow Time and BSPlayer subtitles...

    Then i added a new source to my Movies folder in NAS by using NFS connection and played a movie (H.264, AC3, MKV file) with lots of action and fast scenes so i can test the load on the box...

    I made two tests and the box froze in both times with the following same behavior (i had debug logging on so i could see RAM, CPU cores and CPU-KODI values on screen):

    At first everything was normal with CPU-KODI around 30-40% in all scenes, fast or slow... Suddenly after 30-35 minutes of watching the movie CPU-KODI rose gradually to 50-60 until it went to 120% where it remained... I paused the movie and instead of CPU-KODI to lower it remained at 110-120% steady... After a few minutes the box froze and i had to pull the power plug out... I tested again with the remainder half of the movie and i had the seam exact behavior... In all times RAM was at 1.4-1.5 GB of total 1.8 GB...

    I tried without any acceleration and the minute the movie started CPU-KODI rose to 240-260% and i stopped this test right there since without acceleration there was so much load...

    I attach the two log files from the tests and two photos of the debug log as seen on TV after the box froze...

    Thank you in advance for your help...