build for S905/S905X

  • I'm on a Mini m8s II ... S905X (p212_2gb)
    wifi chip is AP6212 (the one which has bluetooth too)
    wifi is very low speed, in the order of 1MBps or so... even when router is about 3 meters far... Is this normal?
    802.11n theoretical speed is 72 Mbit, from which I would expect around 3 MBps, right?

    reading cnx sems that an android update fixed this issue... but I don't think is microcode so maybe there is some quirks to be applied???
    I can code if someone can point me in the right direction...

    found some drivers in
    BPI_WiFi_Firmware/ap6212 at master · BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI_WiFi_Firmware · GitHub
    and something to inspect in
    Broadcom SDIO drivers for Amlogic changes by Stane1983 · Pull Request #753 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub

    but I still have no clue of what should I "steal" from android firmware microcode to make my version of AP6212 work at more than 2MBps...
    found also an hardware mod in
    Wifi mod - FreakTab.com

    Still getting some info... bcm4343 drivers in linux:
    brcm80211 - Debian Wiki which suggests to use iw to change to EU frequencies and
    WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx - Community Help Wiki (lots of different drivers...)

    Edited once, last by mattepiu (October 21, 2016 at 3:35 PM).

  • Thanks kszaq...i believe that is what i did and when it reboots the second time after 'installtointernal' it was as though bits were missing...such as networks was just blank etc. I will give it another go over the weekend. Thanks for the help.

    kszaq ...sorry for being a pain on this but when i do the dev build on SD card it works, I then do the internaltointernal and it reboots, but when it comes back on it has the error in the top left corner say 'do not press any key for the next 120 secs' and then it gives me some more text about 'your system is broken beyond repair' ...or I get the 'error tty job control'........do you think my box is goosed? happy to send you an image but need instructions as to how to upload on here?? Thanks

  • HI,

    I try LE on a NexBox MXQPRO 4k.
    I put the last dev on SD and gxbb_p200_1G_100M.dtb from 008 (as dtb.img of course).
    LE boots correctly but after a while of streaming a french tv replay (20 min or very quickly) KODI freeze with continuous sound or just black screen.
    I also tried 007, 008, realtek dtb... and others and same result.


    I wonder if it could help to have, say, 2GB swap space partition on SD.

  • kszaq ...sorry for being a pain on this but when i do the dev build on SD card it works, I then do the internaltointernal and it reboots, but when it comes back on it has the error in the top left corner say 'do not press any key for the next 120 secs' and then it gives me some more text about 'your system is broken beyond repair' ...or I get the 'error tty job control'........do you think my box is goosed? happy to send you an image but need instructions as to how to upload on here?? Thanks

    After you get this message, power off your box, plug it again and it will boot LE from SD card. Run installtointernal again and it it should boot from internal memory fine.

  • Looks like I spoke too soon... see post #286

    Only had a few moments to test the dev build before my last update post and it seemed the av sync problem had been resolved but now it appears to have returned. Again, I checked the same video files on another machine and confirmed it isn't the file.

    I suppose returning to 007 build is the best option for me at this time but I would like to confirm the best way to downgrade. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Hi jpoilux, I think with sd it is allready fast enough and I like the fact that android is still available altough I frankly have to admit that I never use android.
    I was considering in installing LE to nand but I like to know if it 's easy to return to android. Howe are these steps to be done?
    You see, I allready bricked my device twice, last time was serious, I had to open the box and solder, shortcutting the pins off the proccesor :(
    Thanks to the support from balbes150 I managed to repair it.
    I 'm curious for the speed off nand installation, especially for Live TV, I' m streaming over WIFI from my linux sat device.


    I allready bricked my deviced to, and toothpick method was not working to, so same method to shortcutting pin.
    I haven't test since a was with this great LE build.

  • i've just try to boost my box wifi, i've try this:

    External Content www.youtube.com
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    And it's working, i've a better wifi reception. but beware, the antenna is very delicate

  • I wonder if it could help to have, say, 2GB swap space partition on SD.

    Oh, thanks, I can have a look at this. But I don't think it's a memory issue, the crash can happen after 2, 20 or more minutes !
    I have also try another SD but same problem.
    When Kodi freeze/crash there is a lot of free memory, my test install is minimal : only one add-on (artetv from kodi repo), no lib and nothing else...
    The same stream works perfectly on kodi+android.
    I can use kodi on android it is not so bad on my NexBox but I prefer LE (at least on i86/64 until now).

  • kostaman Wrote: Whilst some improvement has been made with updates, I am now resigned to believe the S905 needs 2gb of ram and 1gb boxes are not worth buying unless you're prepared to reboot every hour during use

    I only have 1GB boxes and they can be on for a few days without memory leaks.

    kszaq i have made some observations relating to "when", available memory decreases.
    It seems that playing video files uses up some memory but recovers after playback. Playing video files isn't where the memory usage suddenly climbs.
    I have found that using GUI in browsing add-on files and library files in the home network etc, causes available memory to get down to under 180mb available and then a freeze.
    It is no big deal for me just an observation on when it happens.

  • Hi,

    Is there any chance that You would add support for rtl8723bs integrated bluetooth?
    For now, as far I know, bluetooth is the only thing that doesn't work in Sunvell T95M TV box in.

  • I suppose returning to 007 build is the best option for me at this time but I would like to confirm the best way to downgrade. Any help would be appreciated.

    Simply put .007 in Update folder and reboot.

    Is there any chance that You would add support for rtl8723bs integrated bluetooth?

    It is supported.

    Edited once, last by kszaq (October 22, 2016 at 9:34 AM).

  • Hi,

    Is there any chance that You would add support for rtl8723bs integrated bluetooth?
    For now, as far I know, bluetooth is the only thing that doesn't work in Sunvell T95M TV box in.

    Have you checked the LibreELEC settings? I think Bluetooth is disabled by default. If you visit these settings (I think it's a sub menu from the System main menu item), you should be able to verify if Bluetooth is enabled or not.

  • kszaq you right, it's working now, I probably did something wrong with my configuration, after clean test 'install' everything seems to be working ok... thanks for great job on LibreELEC for S905
    ukmark62 I did that and a few other things before I posted my question... but that actually didn't help, now I know that I did mess up something with my LibreELEC, thanks for help

  • Decided to test my Sony Wireless Headset for the PS4 on my Mini M8S II running the latest build and they work!

    To anyone who has them, just connect the dongle to one of the ports, select the headphones as output and, if you have it enabled, disable passthrough.

    Just a PSA. Libreelec is awesome, thank you so much kszaq!

  • MiniMX III has a different partition layout than standard Amlogic. It doesn't matter when you run LE from SD card but if you want to install .008 to internal memory, you have to do a fresh install twice, e.g. boot from SD card, run installtointernal, reboot, boot again from SD card, run installtointernal again. After that your box should run LE from internal just fine. That procedure will not be necessary for future releases, i.e. you will be able to do a simple upgrade from .008 to .009.

    Thanks kszaq, got this working on a MiniMX III after the 'copy to update folder' method failed
    BUT the remote doesn't work anymore!?

  • Hey guys i am running a  Beelink Mini MX Amlogic S905 Quad-core 2G+16G box and I have tried the latest dev build/008/007 builds and for whatever reason i can not get the back button to work? Any suggestions? I am using gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb device tree file if it is the correct on for my box? Also when i downgrade from dev/008 to 007 build do i need to us the 007 build device tree file?

    Thanks in advance!