... a download of 151 Mbps, which is in line with my ISP 150 Mb fibre package ( we often get slightly more speed than we pay for here which is nice)...
Here in Australia, I am getting 4~7Mbps from Telstra ADSL2+ with a package of $99/month (Unlimited Data)... There is no NBN, fibre, etc... available. Could not register with other providers as there is no infrastructure. Where I live is about 10 minutes to the central business district (CBD) in Sydney. So SAD for Australia internet users.
Oh yes and still wondering if anyone knows about switching off the front panel display which permanently shows "boot" when running LE ?? Not that important but would be nice to fix this. Anybody ??
Suggest you have a look at this post: LED (VFD) Displays in LibreELEC. Customize it with your own liking.