LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

  • Not at all familiar with autostart.sh, but looked at the libreelec page and an openelec page and tried entering in the putty window:

    Sorry I need to correct myself, the line (ir-keytable -D 600 -P 200) needs to be added to the /storage/.config/autostart.sh file to stick between boots, sorry for the omission.


    nano /storage/.config/.autostart.sh

    then entered the following:


    # ir-keytable -D 600 -P 200


    I'm guessing I'm way off with this and can't google a way to check. Is this the command set that is required?

    Thanks again.

  • That looks right.


  • My box is a Tronsmart S95 Telos. Did a fresh install of CoreElec 8.90.1 on an SDCard.
    Put the gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb from the device_trees folder in the root as dtb.img.

    The box booted ok, but as expected the remote was not working.
    So I performed all the steps in the opening post to make the keymap configuration available to the system (as I have done succesfully before on the 8.90.0 build). It said that it had put 12 entries in the ir-keytable.

    Did a reboot of the box, and the remote did not work.

    So I tried again, same result. After that I did a fresh install of CoreElec 8.90.0 again on an SDCard.
    And put the gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb from the device_trees folder in the root as dtb.img.

    As the remote was not working (as expected), I again performed the required steps as listed in the opening post.
    After a reboot, the remote was working perfectly.... (8.90.0)

    So I thought I had missed a step in the process, and repeated the same again on a fresh CoreElec 8.90.1 as I wrote above.
    After a reboot the remote was not working..... (8.90.1) :/

    I would like some help with this, as I am very satisfied and impressed with the quality of the CoreElec builds on my box.
    What kind of information can I provide to tackle this issue?


  • So I thought I had missed a step in the process, and repeated the same again on a fresh CoreElec 8.90.1 as I wrote above.
    After a reboot the remote was not working..... (8.90.1) :/

    I would like some help with this, as I am very satisfied and impressed with the quality of the CoreElec builds on my box.
    What kind of information can I provide to tackle this issue?


    Just add some code key for command KEY_FAVORITES in rc_maps.cfg, reboot and enjoy

    For example 0x100 KEY_FAVORITES

  • That looks right.


    Thanks again for your help Shoog.

    I didn't see a way to save/exit, so I searched it out and did the following:

    1- In putty enter the following:

    nano /storage/.config/.autostart.sh

    2- then entered the following via copy/paste:


    # ir-keytable -D 600 -P 200


    3. Then press CTRL+x, then press "y", then press 'enter'

    Hopefully all is good.

    A question, if I want to add a second command would I add it on the next line below the first command - IE:


    # ir-keytable -D 600 -P 200

    # next command


    Thanks again for your help.

    Edited once, last by doggyofone (April 25, 2018 at 2:55 PM).

  • I could have sworn that previously the timing command stuck between reboots, but it seems to not on the latest build.

    Judging by 62vette's post I might be right and the way that 8.90.1 handles the commands has probably changed so that the commands need issuing fresh each boot.


  • Shoog, I just edited post #207. If you could help with that question...

    You can have as many commands as you like in the autostart.sh file. Each command needs to be on its own line.
    I use it to force performance governor on all CPU cores.

    Basically each line is executed as if it was a seperate bash command, I suppose the only thing to be careful of is making certain the commands are in the correct order. nano is a great easy to use editor for modifying config files.

  • People with remote issues may have to wait for the next build for them to be resolved, due first week in May

    Team Kodi introduced changes in IR that broke it completely, we just did the best we could at the time to get it working again.

    Since then we have refined the remote control problem some more but like I said these will only be in the next build.

    I really would recommend people get themselves a proper RF remote or use CEC rather than the garbage that comes with these boxes, they really don't cost much at all.

  • I created this for M8S ii mini.

    Edit: Added the rc_maps.cfg file too.


    Hi to all... I have a Mini M8S II, and I used these file to make my remote working. I had read all topic and I follow all steps:
    - copied rc_maps.cfg to /storage/.config

    - copied m8s /storage/.config/rc_keymaps

    - reboot.... but notingh. It don't work... :(

    I tried, as wrote in #1 post, to see the codes by ir-keytable -t commad, and all the codes are the same of attached file. But the remote doesn't work in any way.

    I use a fresh install of Coreelec (8.90.1)

    Any suggestion?