LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

  • I tried to use your example but is not so clear. Let me explain...

    - X92: ok easy

    - rc_maps.cfg: ok easy

    - 98-eventlircd.rules: why blank? The file is empty

    - Lircmap.xml: is to define relations between key definition in X92 and LIRC keys?

    - keymaps.xml: is to define relations between LIRC keys and KODI commands?

    If I understand 0x140 KEY_POWER of X92 is related to <power>KEY_POWER</power> of Lircmap.xml that is related to

    <power>ShutDown()</power> and <power mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)</power> of keymaps.xml so KODI is able to "shutdown" the system in a short press of 0x140 and shows the "ShutdownMenu" when long press is fired. Is that right?

    The other are the same for other keys and commands. Right?

    Where can I find the definition of the other sections? I mean global is used everywhere, home the main form, TVRecordings ? TVTimers? Some definition is clear but other not so much, Is there a guide where every section is explained?

    Many thanks for your support!

  • No need for a remote config for kiii pro, it's built into the 8.90.4 thanks to afl1 just update your DTB that is why it is not working.

    I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, could the op please put this in big bold characters in the main post.

  • >98-eventlircd.rules: why blank?

    LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

    >Lircmap.xml: is to define relations between key definition in X92 and LIRC keys?

    To redefine default values(some of default can be wrong)

    >keymaps.xml: is to define relations between LIRC keys and KODI commands?

    Yes, to redefine default values. You can use only those that are wrong. I made a copy from somewhere and made changes only in places what I need.

    About shutdown and all other buttons it's true.

    I found something on Kodi wiki and did a tests on windows that I need.

    They names are almost the same that they mean.

    You can ignore most of them or delete section and try the defaults.

    I don't have any guide, I spent a lot of time to find examples and correct keys

    Actions you can find on Kodi wiki too, they good described there.

    But something sometimes doesn't work)

    Also some info can be found here:

    Infrared Remotes [LibreELEC.wiki]

    I don't use TVRecordings and TVTimers, so I left them without changes. Possible it's pvr related section.

    Edited 3 times, last by boot2k3 (February 23, 2018 at 9:16 PM).

  • No need for a remote config for kiii pro, it's built into the 8.90.4 thanks to afl1 just update your DTB that is why it is not working.

    I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, could the op please put this in big bold characters in the main post.

    Thank you

    reinstalled 8 90 4

    remote control works very badly

    kiii pro

  • can i config more then one remote in rc_maps.cfg
    i have got my a95x remote get to work but i would like to use my mce remote too

    my config looks like this:

    meson-ir * a95x.txt

    meson-ir * rc6_mce

    but with it no remote works

  • can i config more then one remote in rc_maps.cfg
    i have got my a95x remote get to work but i would like to use my mce remote too

    my config looks like this:

    meson-ir * a95x.txt

    meson-ir * rc6_mce

    but with it no remote works

    combine the 2 files of IR codes into a single file and load that as normal

  • I made a file to operate the remote from the old box GoClever Android Box (up to version 8.90.4 I had it as a second remote control along with the default one entered in the system).

    Unfortunately, the keyboard does not want to work with the letter keys. I wrote in /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg

    following line "meson-ir * my_file" and I entered the command "ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0" via ssh. I'm not happy about the pilot's work. When I delete the line that I added in rc_maps_cfg I have no new or old remote control. How can I return to the remote installed by default in the system (K1 plus S2 T2 from China s905).

    Thank you in advance for your help in solving the problem

  • I made a file to operate the remote from the old box GoClever Android Box (up to version 8.90.4 I had it as a second remote control along with the default one entered in the system).

    Unfortunately, the keyboard does not want to work with the letter keys. I wrote in /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg

    following line "meson-ir * my_file" and I entered the command "ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0" via ssh. I'm not happy about the pilot's work. When I delete the line that I added in rc_maps_cfg I have no new or old remote control. How can I return to the remote installed by default in the system (K1 plus S2 T2 from China s905).

    Thank you in advance for your help in solving the problem

    Did you try to switch it in keyboard mode?
    LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

  • And what is the driver for the default remote control (K1 plus S905 see picture below) to connect to as a second remote control?

    One more problem - how to map letters from remote control with keyboard in Lircmap.xml file?

    In the file in the rc_keymaps directory I have eg

    "0x72ddb0 KEY_Q"

    and try to assign it to lirc in Lircmap.xml in various ways

    <q>KEY_Q</ q>

    <letter_q> .... unfortunately nothing works :(

    How can I map a letters and special characters, e.g., space, comma, dot, at, slash, backslah, colon, etc.?

    Edited 3 times, last by skom (February 24, 2018 at 7:24 PM).

  • Nexbox A95X 2gb.zipHas anybody got the remote working for the Nexbox A95X yet? I've tried what was mentioned earlier (on page 2) and it didn't work. No response whatsoever. I'm getting super frustrated with this by now :(

    If any of you got it working for your A95X, could you please zip all the relevant files up and help me out a bit? I'd be very grateful

    Working for Nexbox A95X 2GB. If you use 1GB box, please change dtb to gxl_p212_1g.dtb .

    All the best. ;)

  • Hello everybody)

    Pls. tell me why different NEC remotes uses a different lenght of codes in it's rc_keymaps files: 3 or 4?..

    Maybe, there is a secret?)

    I cannot up my remote with S905X box.

    When i tryed to catch codes from my IR-remote (using procedure from 1st post), i've get codes like this:

    But, when i tryed then to insert those codes into files taken from other similar boxes (i'm use as tamplate m8s from this topic), trying to replace original codes with mine, nothing works. No any reaction on keypressing.

    indeed, i'm carefully follow instructions from 1st post, stsrting\stoping services and using command "ir-keytable.....". noway

    What's wrong?

    Thank you for any ideas.

  • Hard to see what your problem is... everything looks normal, the box is picking up the remote codes so it is a configuration issue your end.

    Every remote gives different scan codes, the length of the codes are also irrelevant as long as you copy them correctly.