anybody has mirrors on the old releases?
[8.90.6] LibreELEC 9.0 Alpha for S905/S912 devices
GDPR-2 -
October 20, 2017 at 4:01 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Unresolved
no, everything offline
installed on internal. Now i reinstall it... very bad thing
I posted a warning with the release, not my fault if you neglected to read it or ignore it.
If you are installed on internal you will not be able to upgrade because the partition layout has changed in the dtb, this is why I disabled auto update. If your installed on usb/sd card then you can upgrade as normal.
I posted a warning with the release, not my fault if you neglected to read it or ignore it.
no problem. i know its beta
i have a backup...
no problem. i know its beta
i have a backup...
Since when?
why did you cancel the option to install on internal memory?
Since when?
damn yes you are right its alpha...
why did you cancel the option to install on internal memory?
Read the last few pages.
Thanks GDPR-2
WP2 also works great.
Which ones?
GDPR-2: Would you be so kind to answer my question? My goal is to compile a rock solid with the best picture quality possible. This is why I asked.
Is S912 box a good choice with this release ? Or is it better to go to S905X/S905W ?
Thank you !
GDPR-2: Would you be so kind to answer my question? My goal is to compile a rock solid with the best picture quality possible. This is why I asked.
You can look at the kernel source code here, the current pending PR's have been added to this build as well.
Where is dtb tree?
The link is empty...
DTB tree has now been uploaded.
installed on internal. Now i reinstall it... very bad thing
I don't expect every decision I make to be popular however this community build is mirroring what the official LE release will be. You are always free to compile your own build or use kszaqs 8.2 build which you can run from internal.
why did you cancel the option to install on internal memory?
As explained previously this option causes a lot of issues of which I won't get into but needless to say this is a feature which will not be in the official LE release and as the goal of this community release is to mirror the official LE source very closely, that is another reason.
I was previously using gxm_q200_3g_vorke_z6.dtb on 8.90.5. As this DTB is no longer available for download, should I use gxm_q200_3g.dtb with 8.90.6 instead? Or will gxm_q200_3g_vorke_z6.dtb be updated? I have a Vorke Z6 Plus.
I was previously using gxm_q200_3g_vorke_z6.dtb on 8.90.5. As this DTB is no longer available for download, should I use gxm_q200_3g.dtb with 8.90.6 instead? Or will gxm_q200_3g_vorke_z6.dtb be updated? I have a Vorke Z6 Plus.
No use gxm_q200_3g.dtb and put the following config here in /storage/.config as vfd.conf
Can I rename and use the device trees from the device trees folder on sd card after creating the sd card?
Can I rename and use the device trees from the device trees folder on sd card after creating the sd card?
Yes, no need to download them, the latest DTBs are always included with both the img.gz and tar
I have noticed that after upgrading to 8.90.6 my Beelink MINIMXIII is intermittently going black. And after a while it does not render image anymore.
Anyone else is experiencing such issues?
Edit: I have identified the issue. 4k @ 60 Hz does not work, it flickers the screen at random intervals. Going down to 30 Hz seems to fix it. Does the unit (S905)/LibreELEC support 4k @ 60 Hz?
If so it could be a bad cable, and I will need to fetch a new one.
I have to mention that I had no problem before.
So noise reduction has been disabled by default. Thanks for the info.