Posts by chessplayer

    I have an Nvidia Shield for this albeit that may be out of your budget.

    That is actually my main device as well (as you can see from my signature) :). Playing around with these china boxes is really just the next step of toys after Dockstar/Pogoplug, Cubietruck (two running as headless PVRs, one with VDR and one with TvHeadend), Rpi3, Wetek Play etc. Every year in December/January I obtain new toys to play around with that I find in some forums, but (as yet, anyway) never in development, always just as a user. Currently, I am fascinated by the china boxes in conjuction with the XBOX ONE Tuner, as this is a really inexpensive way of usiing LibreELEC for both streaming and LiveTV. Nevertheless, I own quite a few Sundtek Sticks (so much for budget ...), so I would really like to be able to use those.

    Anyway, thanks to you (and all the other active developers) for making it possible for users like me to play with our toys! I do hope that you also profit from donations made to LibreELEC :angel:

    CvH , sorry, but I am not sure what you mean here (still too inexperienced, I guess). I have never used any specific driver addon (except for the Sundtek Service). Where would I find those and which machine(s)/build(s) would you want me to try it on?

    My guess is that is has to do with your section on and what you are writing about here, but is it possible to just install the addon (if so: where from?) or would I have to overwrite the image I already have (with which one for a AML S905X box?)?

    I must admit that I have not yet come to terms with those "media builds" that keep popping up in some posts/threads and I am getting the feeling that I should ... ?(:-/:blush:

    Sure, here we go.

    I found a line in the file saying:

    em28xx 1-2:1.0: Currently, V4L2 is not supported on this model

    Surely, that cannot be good. Also, I activated trace debug for "config" and "dvb" in TvHeadend, and within not even a minute it produced a file of about 10MB (which was too large for pastebinit or an attachment here ...), but I could certainly cut that one down if there is interest.

    Update: I just attached the stick to my Rpi3 running LE (dmesg | paste; same message as above) but it works (more or less, quality is worse than with the XBOX ONE tuner, I would say).

    Update 2: I also attached the stick to my Wetek Play (AML-8276-MX). Here, some picture and audio was visible, but in really bad quality not watchable; lots of blocks and discontinuities).

    Hi guys,

    today I found (an older version of) this stick in my drawer. I must have bought it about nine years ago and never really got it to work, put it in the drawer and mostly forgot about it. A quick check on the LinuxTV Wiki in the old data section showed that the stick should be supported. Indeed, the firmware as listed by Hauppauge is available in LibreELEC and TvHeadend recognizes the stick.

    However, when trying to tune to a station (using GDPR-2 's Leia build on a 2G/16G A95X booted from USB stick), it does not work. There was some ragged sound at some point for one station, but never a picture. I even tried an attenuator as suggested for the sticks nano-sibling on the LinuxTV Wiki, but to no avail.

    Do you have any suggestions what I might try? If not, it will just go back to the drawer, I guess :dodgy:

    You problem is going to be getting all that stuff working on the one device. I can tell you now 1080p with the Amazon Video App is not going to work properly if at all on any AMLogic Box apart from the 2017 Fire TV Gen3. That device cannot run LibreELEC.

    You would have to do your own research regarding SkyGo - DRM Apps support is beyond the scope of this thread.

    Relying on Kodi Leia Alpha builds for reliable video streaming from the services just mentioned should be avoided for a XMas presents as well.

    Sorry for not being clear: all the streaming services I mentioned DO already work (whether in a stable way or not I will still have to test). It was just meant as some background for what I am trying to do. I realize now that it only contaminated the thread, sorry for that. My main issue was whether I can expect kszaq 's fix to show up in GDPR-2 's build, and that has been answered.

    Also, as the present is not for my grandma, but rather for my very computer savvy son, I believe it will do, but thanks anyway for all your warnings.

    Ordered a s905x and got a s905w (p281) thank GOD it boots from USB so can use it but would like to install to internal. I am guessing would just need proper device tree? Any chance down the road ???

    You might want to hold off on that, actually. Before you do, test whether you can watch video or even LiveTV without getting all kinds of red artefacts in your picture. That was a problem I had and it could well be related to the fact that currently with the builds we cannot force RGB mode. If that is not an issue for you, just do as eugene2878 said, Maybe test first whether you see an entry system when you do an ls /dev, as otherwise it means that your NAND is not recognized and you cannot install to internal (where the build with the _nand-suffix might help you, at least it did for me in one case but not in another).

    chessplayer Thank you for testing. I won't provide any more TVH test builds as changing headers requires 100% clean build to make sure that they are applied... I will keep the fix from test1 in my future builds. If you want to use VDR, please install it from Raybuntu's repo, it should work.

    Hi guys, I would like to come back to this one more time. When you say you will keep that fix in your future builds, does that mean they will end up in adamg's Leia builds as well? The reason I ask is that I am currently trying to prepare a christmas present with Amazon VOD, Netflix, SkyGo and LiveTV working and at the moment I have the situation from the first post with adamg's build while all this streaming stuff works perfectly.

    I also tried the TvHeadend plugin from GDPR-1 's 9.0.4 repo, but that did not work (meaning it did not start properly; also, it seems to be based on 4.2 still, while adamg is already on 4.3).

    Surely, you would know they're running because they work?

    I have some boxes that have no led (anymore). If no picture comes on (which hasn't happened to date), I would know they are not running.

    Hasn't really been a problem so far.

    Sorry for not making myself clear :blush:: what I meant to say is that there is no way to tell whether they are completely powered off (no LED if available), in Standby (red LED) or running (blue LED), where in the latter case I assume the TV/monitor is switched off. So, I am wondering whether anyone knows a way to make something light up on the front panel if that is what the box features.

    This is relevant for a use case where you might run the box 24/7 also or even mainly as a VDR. Then, if, like me, you are a real "Serienjunkie", this is what you might want.:/

    ssh login to LibreELEC then

    echo "echo none > /sys/class/leds/blue:heartbeat/trigger" >> /storage/.config/

    kszaq might want to put that permanently into platform_init ;)

    Hi wrxtasy ,

    do you know whether something similar is possible for devices that have a front panel which would show the time when booted with Android? The problem there is, that you cannot tell whether they are running, since nothing shows up on the panels. On those devices, there is no /sys/class/leds, which was the first thing I checked after my experience with old Dockstars and other Sheeva-/Pogoplug devices :(

    Goodevening you all, i have just recieved a brand new box of pendoo T95z plus. it looks great and works just fine in Android. but in Libreelec the remote is dead and not working at all. please help and advise. Thank you in advance. Greetings

    Hi Jallal, I trust you put the original remote.conf from the Android system onto the partition called LIBREELEC on your SD card/USB stick with which you boot into LibreELEC? If not, try that.