Posts by chessplayer
Thanks for your efforts and the advice. By the way: can I add GDPR-1 's repo in Kodi or do I have to download from it and then install from zip?
Hi kszaq ,
I am afraid it does not work. I uninstalled GDPR-1 's version and installed this one (but kept the stuff in .kodi/userdata/addon_data). This gives me the same situation as when we started (first post).
P.S.: Sorry for taking a while, but today I had to do outside work, so I could not squeeze anything in between. Available now for the rest of the day and most of the weekend.
P.P.S: Are you going to prepare a version for the VDR backend as well, because there exists much the same problem (but with less visible indicators, whether things work ...)
So, here are my test results: The Sundtek-Stick works with all three builds, the XBOX ONE tuner does not work with the standard (only DVBT is seen in TvHeadend). With test2, I was not able to hotplug, but after disabling and re-enabling the TvHeadend Server, both tuners worked.
With the test1-build, everything was perfect: both tuners worked and I was able to hotplug for TvHeadend.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do, but for the moment, test1 together with the addon from GDPR-1 's repo seems to do the trick!
Again, many thanks to the two of you!
Holy sh1t! This works! Thanks a lot!
So, what is different in this addon compared to the one from the LibreELEC repo (which is used by kszaq 's builds)?
Gladly. Would this be the right one? I have a S905X with 1GB/8GB.
Guys, thanks a lot for your efforts, but the situation is still the same. The driver is 32bit, that is true:
Do I need to install anything new or should just doing the update be enough?
Some additional information: I tried re-installing the driver where I even deleted the files in userdata/addon_data. Also, I explicitly set dvbmode to DVBC via commandline, all to no avail ...
how about one for the Mecool M8S PRO L
You could try the zip file I attached above for the ANTSIR box above, since the remotes look very much alike (the symbols are a bit different and the mouse and menu buttons are interchanged). On the other hand, your device looks like a S912 as well, so you might run into the same problems as felixob ...
On the other hand, you can easily get a hold of the original remote.conf without rooting the device by following these steps:
a) Boot into Android
b) Install ES File Explorer from the Play Store
c) plug in a thumb drive or an SD card
c) Navigate to /etc and copy the file remote.conf onto the drive/card
Just one thing: it makes a lot of sense to attach a proper mouse for the navigation, since ES file explorer is not very amenable to the remote
One more thing: Sundtek have a support forum and they are (mostly) quite responsive. Maybe they would help with source code or something. I already opened a thread there (in German, I am afraid). Is there anything in particular I could ask them for? Or maybe you could let me know what you think they would need to do to compile the driver the way it would have to be done?
Sorry, I don't quite understand. What do yu mean by "TvHeadend log (via web browser)"? I am still quite new to TvHeadend. I played around with it a bit a few years back, then decided to go with VDR, but now just started with it again. So, please, bear with me ...
EDIT: Ok, I might now know what you mean ... Here is the debug.txt for the situation I described with your testbuild: debug.txt
Indeed, like you said, DTV_CLEAR failed ...
You can use an USB hub if You need more USB slots
Of course, but that then adds to the $8€, does it not ... Anyway, this is moot, we would all like for everything to work, but these boxes are just full of (sometimes unpleasant) surprises. Currently, I have two boxes: one where I can't install to internal due to a faulty NAND chip (and yes, I have tried the build with the _nand suffix) and the other one has the only Wifi chip which does not work. Maybe I can mix them together ...
Wow, man you are unbelievable, a test build already? Thanks!
Anyway: there is no change with the Sundtek stick, unfortunately, but the XBOX ONE tuner worked. I even hotplugged it in, after I had chosen a channel to watch with the Sundtek. TvHeadend kept trying and when I plugged in the XBOX ONE tuner, it immediately started the show.
I always put the remote.conf file in the config folder (/storage/.config). It has worked for me with S805/S905 boxes, so I suppose it's the same with S912 boxes. I've tried with your files, but no success. Thanks anyway.
I've tried using dmesg to detect keystrokes, but it doesn't detect any key. I'm starting to think that it's a problem with hardware configuration, maybe a wrong dtb file. It could be possible?
I started using gxm_q200_3g.dtb, because my box has 3G of RAM. I've also tried with gxm_kvim2.dtb and gxm_q200_k3_pro.dtb, but the remote never works.
Forgive me for asking (probably thinking of the IT crowd too often): You did put battries in, didn't you?
But: at kodinerds, antaril reported a problem with his remote even with the ANTSIR box which sounds similar.
Plug a EDIMAX EW-7811Un - RTL8188CUS Chipset - USB WiFi dongle in and it will work out of the box. That 2.4GHz N Band one is $8
Only one problem with this: there will be only one USB slot left ...
I think stick can only work in one mode and not both. Or this is dual tuner? In addon settings you can enable DVB-C o DVB-T and this mode is set when driver is started. If this is dual tuner then I should change this in settings. But I doubt. At least Marcus newer requested this.
Actually, I tried this also, explicitly setting DVB-C mode in the config, but that did not change anything. As the picture shows, what we see on the china boxes is not normal. Both capabilities should be visible.
Please open a separate thread and attach logs.