It could be that your box has a S905W chipset. You should try forcing RGB output, which is possible again with the latest builds from kszaq. Other than that, with what little info you provided, it is very hard to tell (e.g., we do not know what build you are using).
Posts by chessplayer
In 1.1.2 you have to install CrazyCat dvb driver addon:
Ok, I can certainly do that, but why introduce the CrazyCat and Hauppauge drivers in 1.1.1 and throw them out again in 1.1.2 (at least in the default install)?
GDPR-2 , did you by any chance forget to include the dvb drivers in your 1.1.2 build? At least when choosing the LibreELEC drivers addon, it complains that it cannot find any ...
Might be a daft question for someone like myuself who has been here for quite soem tiem now, BUT what is the difference between the Kszaq and the auto updated version I get confused with this numbering system sometimes so just put it down to creeping senilityh LOL
Is the auto updated version one of Kszaq's builds still ??
It seems to be, since it exists since shortly after midnight today ... Looks like kszaq just hasn't gotten around to updating the link in his first post yet. The numbering seems to be due to the latest MR from today in mainstream LE. Looks like lots of christmas presents today (also GDPR-2 posted a 1.1.2 release of his Leia build, which has not really been announced ...)
Hi crazycat ,
thanks for tuning in ... Anyway, fisrt of all, here is a dmesg | paste with your addon active. Secondly, as before, the firmware (dvb-demod-drxk-pctv.fw) I linked to in my first post is available in /etc/firmware (really /usr/lib/kernel-overlays/base/lib/firmware). The stick is recognized by TvHeadend.
LiveTV also tries to get a signal, i.e., it does not complain that anything is missing, but just cannot with the AML S905X-boxes. It is ok, as I said, with the Rpi3 (and the standard LE dvb drivers).
Is that what you needed to know or where would find demod? find -path demod started from the root directory did not turn up anything.
So, with the latest build by adamg (version 1.1.1) the drivers you have been talking about, CvH , are included. I tested both the Hauppauge and CrazyCat drivers, but the stick did not produce video with either of them - a shame. So, the only combination it was any use in, was with the Rpi3 and LE 8.2.1. But even that is more than I had anticipated, so all is well I would say.
It's not about banned repo, I dont use those repos/addons and had also problems upgrading RTMP input addon on my second box (on the first it worked fine). I solved it by copying from the first box, but something went wrong from repo side.
Thats not about adamgs build, I have the same issue on RBTV Addon - the live stream is not playable by clicking "OK" on other builds (odroid) in the younger past. So I have also workaround by context menu.
Ok, thanks for the information. If only the context menu workaround worked for the replays of past games - for those the context menu only offers "add to favorites" and I have to watch/fast forward the game report first in order for the replay to start afterwards automatically ...
Anyway, in my post I aready surmised that it has nothing to do with adamgs build, but I was hoping he might be able to point something general out off the top of his head so the issues could be tackled by the author of the addon. I am acutely aware that this is alpha-SW and in general I am very happy with what works and I can live with what does not.
For the Telekom Sport addon I will probably just make use of the fact that I can boot a different system from SD card than the one I have installed to NAND ...
Hi GDPR-2 ,
I have a strange problem with a pretty simple addon I am using to watch Basketball using my Telekom Sport subscription. It works as expected in LE 8.2.1 on RPi3 and Wetek Play and also with kszaq 's 8.2.x builds on the S905X boxes. With your builds (tested with 1.0.8 and 1.1.1), however, there are streams which I cannot choose by simply clicking "OK". For some, I have to use the context menu and others can even only be played by choosing the one before, fast forwarding that one to the end (or watching it), after which the stream I was talking about will automatically be played. Having played it even just for a short period of time, I can afterwards click on it and I am offered to continue from where I left just like with any other video (this is also visualized by the half full circle before the menu entry).
From what I understand about the addon, it just collects streams via the same API which is used for (Android) apps and presents them in a nice navigable menu. So I am wondering whether something drastic has changed in LE 9 /Kodi 18 with respect to choosing menu items which the author of the addon would have to take care about or whether you have any other idea what might be done.
Please note that I am not asking much less expecting you to look into this, but maybe there is something that comes to mind immediately. You are, however, welcome to look into it if you want ...
And I know that there is another addon that goes by the same name but from a different author available from the kodinerds repo, but that one never worked for me.
Hi kostaman , I do not have one of those tuners, but I had a similar problem with Sundtek-Sticks (not just intermittently, though, but permanently). What solved the problem in the end was to exchange kszaq 's TvHeadend with the one provided by GDPR-1 . Maybe that is something you could try as well? All is apparently due to the 64/32bit mix with these boxes.
So I've been trying to read through this thread as I try to get this build working on a C2.
I am not quite sure, since I do not own an Odroid C2, but you might be better off in @Raybuntu 's thread and with the images provided there.
This is solved with the latest build from kszaq and has been discussed at length in this thread.
I forgot to mention the box I had it working on was a TX3 Mini, I don't know if that is the same LCD or not, which model is this?
The box in the picture is an ANTSIR D6 (also Dolamee D6) with 1GB/8GB S905X chipset.
A liitle piece dc-fix - solved.
LCD display = useless gadget
Just my 5 cent
What exactly do you mean by "a little piece dc-fix"? And while I agree that the LCD is not very useful, I did explain my "use case" in the first post ...
Removed - sorry, it is customary to link directly to a possible source of the boxes on Kodinerds - forgot where I was for a moment
Hi guys,
just a short report on Wifi with my 9082xs-Box (EgoIggo S95X with 1GB/8GB), which I updated to yesterday's build: I use Wifi for tethering and connected my Smartphone to that SSID. Surfed a little, updated almost 30 apps from the Play Store and let the box run through the night. This morning, about 9 hours later, the connection was still standing and I was able to surf a little more. So, it looks like Wifi is fine for my use case!
Thanks again to you, kszaq and all your collaborators for the amazing work!
I will do another update shortly to fix issues raised, I had not pushed the changes yet for the LCD on the TX3 mini however I will try to do this on the next release, I have been so swamped with work and also porting S905 directly into master that I really haven't had time for the community or community builds, things should be back to normal again after Christmas is out the way and normal updates will resume then.
On another note I have removed 1.0.9 from the serverThanks, Adam, this is perfectly fine and I am looking forward to your upcoming releases.
One question though: when you (and kszaq and CvH and whoever else) talk about porting S905 stuff to master, does that mean just S905 or S905X (and mybe even K) as well?
A couple of final last notes, there will be added support for users of the TX3 Mini with the LCD now functioning (I bought one in the black friday sales).
...GDPR-2, thanks for your work. The 1.0.8 version works very well on on of my boxes and after the feedback on 1.0.9 here I guess I will wait with the update
However, since I saw the above post of yours, I thought I would give your 1.0.9 build a try just to see whether I would see anything on my LCD. Unfortunately, nothing shows up there. Do I need to configure something or is the LCD support really just for the TX3 Mini and not for my first ever china box (which meanwhile even has kszaq 's build on EMMC after yesterday's release of the slowemmc device tree ...)?