Posts by chessplayer available to download. Please once again note that automatic update won't update to due to a bug in previous builds. In the bug is fixed and this it will automatically update to future versions unless you turn the feature off.

    Thank you very much for this :thumbup::cool:. As the changelog does not mention it directly: did you keep the patch you had for the dvb01 test build? And also: you re-added a feature to force RGB mode, but the known issues still say that RGB mode does not work ...

    UPDATE: I updated three boxes and the one with the 9082xs Wifi-chip works (tethering). Also, all three boxes allow me to use a Sundtek-stick for DVB-C when I replace the standard TvHeadend-Addon with GDPR-1 's. So, all boxes now on the same page, no more testbuilds - great stuff and enjoy your coffee, kszaq !

    Hi everyone,

    since my feeble attempts at asking this question in other contexts did not bring about any useful information and owing to kszaq 's mantra that separate threads for separate issues should be used, I open this one. Here is the problem:

    I own the following box:

    As you can see, there is an LCD panel in front which can show the time and connection status in Android - and which is completely dark in LE. Now, while I do not really need the clock functionality, the power indicator would be really nice to have and maybe some other indicator when the box is in standby.

    For boxes that have just an led (blue/red), that works in LE as well and these can be triggered by echoing to whatever you find in /sys/class/leds. Does anyone have a clue whether anything similar is possible for the (elements of) the LCD panel? I believe that being able to access it would be quite an improvement.

    Execute dmesg > filename.txt

    then scp your txt file to your computer (or any location you want)

    Well yes, that would have been possible, but did not come to mind at 2:30 in the morning. Anyway, the error message showed that it was just the server being unreachable, so I wanted to wait to be able to post

    dmesg | paste

    which I get with LibreELEC (community): devel-20171213185420-r26471-gc91652d (S905.arm) and the slowemmc device tree on my ANTSIR (Dolamee) D6 box. I will try this now also with the standard build just using the new dtb.

    Ok, /dev/system also exists with the standard build LibreELEC (community): (S905.arm) just using the new device tree. This is

    dmesg | paste

    for this situation.

    Only quoted 1/2 the message ... missed the part about them prob using similar chips. If you are going to quote something, don't be like fake news CNN and quote the whole line not just the part that suits your

    Did or did you not state that you are "willing to bet that the /dev/system/ doesn't exist boxes are all W's "? What is the meaning of "all" in this sentence (even if it occurs only in the fist half of it)? Maybe my problem is just that I am not a native speaker.

    Concerning fake news and suitable narratives, I believe it is Fox News you meant. If not, that might be part of the problem as well...

    Everyone with eMMC issue, please try one of these device trees:



    kszaq , you are the man!! At least I think you are, since I can now see /dev/system on my 1GB/8GB ANTSIR (Dolamee) D6 box. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the dmesg | paste due to

    dmesg | paste
      <title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
      <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>
      The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.<br /><br />

    Will try again tonight (as now it is 2:30 in the morning and I need to go to bed, I am afraid ...

    Thank you for all the work you are doing!

    wlan 0 uses the Android system name M9Cmax and MAC B4:04:...

    wlan 1 uses systemname LibreELEC and MAC B6:04...

    Both are working but only the first connection works.

    The WLAN driver graps first the Android conf.

    You are right, actually. I missed that and obscured in in my earlier post by copy and paste :blush: - this is the same here concerning the difference in the MAC addresses. Now, my Wifi-Scan only picks up the Wifi I called EgoIggo, which is tied to the B4 MAC address - and I can connect (which is more than can be said for the Wetek Play, actually ...). Also, I can browse with the connection, so that seems to be working.

    Before, as I can see in my terminal still, tether was tied to the B6 MAC and I could not connect. Now the question is, whether this is random and might change after every reboot - I guess, we will have to see.

    Of course, I understand, but I just wanted to provide as much info as possible in case alex continues his work. Therefore:

    With tethering, ifconfig looks like this:

    As to connecting to the tethered network, that does not work - no IP can be obtained.

    A quick report from my side: I get two wireless interfaces wlan0 and wlan1 both with the exact same parameters, even MAC address (incorrect - see 4kfreak 's post a bit further down). For that reason, I assume, both 2.4 Ghz and 5Ghz networks appear twice in the list of available connections as you can see from the screenshot.

    Also, after a while I noticed that the connections briefly vanished and came back. Have not yet tested whether the connections work - will test tethering, but must now watch football ...

    Additional info: this is on a 1GB/8GB EgoIggo with existing /dev/system booted from SD card.

    ... pls wait till that addons are supported.

    No problem. Are there plans to include the drivers in future releases of LibreELEC?

    As I said, the stick already seems usable with the RPi3 and the current LE 8.2.1 (would have to try and watch a football match in its entirety or some movie to get a better feel for that), so that is good enough for the moment (and definitely more than I expected ...). Thanks for looking into this.