The file /dev/system does not exist

  • Everyone with eMMC issue, please try one of these device trees:



    kszaq , you are the man!! At least I think you are, since I can now see /dev/system on my 1GB/8GB ANTSIR (Dolamee) D6 box. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the dmesg | paste due to

    dmesg | paste
      <title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
      <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>
      The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.<br /><br />

    Will try again tonight (as now it is 2:30 in the morning and I need to go to bed, I am afraid ...

    Thank you for all the work you are doing!

  • kszaq , you are the man!! At least I think you are, since I can now see /dev/system on my 1GB/8GB ANTSIR (Dolamee) D6 box. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the dmesg | paste due to

    Execute dmesg > filename.txt

    then scp your txt file to your computer (or any location you want)

  • Ok, I'll take you up on this, as my box where this occurs is definitely an X. The problem with the Ws is with the display, not necessarily with NAND.

    Only quoted 1/2 the message ... missed the part about them prob using similar chips. If you are going to quote something, don't be like fake news CNN and quote the whole line not just the part that suits your

  • Only quoted 1/2 the message ... missed the part about them prob using similar chips. If you are going to quote something, don't be like fake news CNN and quote the whole line not just the part that suits your

    Did or did you not state that you are "willing to bet that the /dev/system/ doesn't exist boxes are all W's "? What is the meaning of "all" in this sentence (even if it occurs only in the fist half of it)? Maybe my problem is just that I am not a native speaker.

    Concerning fake news and suitable narratives, I believe it is Fox News you meant. If not, that might be part of the problem as well...

  • Execute dmesg > filename.txt

    then scp your txt file to your computer (or any location you want)

    Well yes, that would have been possible, but did not come to mind at 2:30 in the morning. Anyway, the error message showed that it was just the server being unreachable, so I wanted to wait to be able to post

    dmesg | paste

    which I get with LibreELEC (community): devel-20171213185420-r26471-gc91652d (S905.arm) and the slowemmc device tree on my ANTSIR (Dolamee) D6 box. I will try this now also with the standard build just using the new dtb.

    Ok, /dev/system also exists with the standard build LibreELEC (community): (S905.arm) just using the new device tree. This is

    dmesg | paste

    for this situation.

    Edited once, last by chessplayer (December 15, 2017 at 5:50 PM).

  • This is not NAND, this is RAM. Non-compatible device id cannot be solved as NAND driver is closed source.

    I checked again inside the box the flash chip is essencore 13t-8gq8t2h5tarc.

    [ 3.477152@0] nandphy: NAND device id: ad de 14 ab 42 4a ad de

    [ 3.482828@0] nandphy: no matched id

    [ 3.486350@0] nandphy: get_chip_type and ret:fffffffd

    [ 3.491359@0] nandphy: get_chip_type and ret:fffffffd

    [ 3.496354@0] nandphy: chip detect failed and ret:fffffffd

    [ 3.501801@0] aml_nand d0074800.nand: nandphy_init failed and ret=0xfffffff1

    Is it possible to extract and use the nand driver from the android image on the box ? How does one obtain updated NAND driver that could be used by libreelec ?

  • Did or did you not state that you are "willing to bet that the /dev/system/ doesn't exist boxes are all W's "? What is the meaning of "all" in this sentence (even if it occurs only in the fist half of it)? Maybe my problem is just that I am not a native speaker.

    Concerning fake news and suitable narratives, I believe it is Fox News you meant. If not, that might be part of the problem as well...

    Thats why CNN had to retract over 12 news stories in one week for false information. Can always spot the libreal in any Merry CHRISTMAS !!!

  • Thank you everybody for testing. The "slow" device trees have been added to main folder, the installation guide and to auto-update for future builds.

    Hi Kszaq,

    When I install to internal memory on my H96 Pro Plus (S912) after a few boots I get the:

    "libreelec Formatting SYSTEM partition...The file /dev/system does not exist and no size was specified"...


    After that error I cannot boot Libreelec from internal on my H96 Pro Plus (S912) anymore.

    Is this also caused by a 'slow' emmc/internal memory?

    Thank you for all your hard work!

  • I have 2 km8 pro s912 boxes with LB installed on internal without any issues but H96 pro+ 3/32GB has same problem to install to internal.

    UPD: I got different error msg:

    Formatting SYSTEM partition...Warning: could not erase sector 2: Input/output error
    Warning: could not read block 0: Input/output error
    Warning: could not erase sector 0: Input/output error
    Warning, had trouble writing out superblocks.

    Edited 2 times, last by Inter95 (March 15, 2018 at 3:31 PM).


    Hello kszaq

    I am writing to you about the following problem: I have devices with the following parameters: "Amlogic 905X", 1/8 Nand (EMMC) - "essencore 13t-8gq8t2h5tarc". When trying to install "KODI" with "dtb" files you provided, I encountered an error (NAND / EMMC) detection. I'm putting snapshots of the device and a "dtb" file extracted from "Android". I hope for your help.