Hi, I installed this version on my Wetek Play 2, but I have a problem with the channel change button (CH +/-), basically nothing happens to their pressure. What can I check?

[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
sadek486 Try to use this remote.conf: remote.conf
Just watched Dunkirk using this build. Only one glitched frame. No frame loses, perfect AV sync. I love you devs. This box was unusable under android
but Multi CH PCM with that dtb is sizzling under original sound,
perhaps hissing would be a better description?
kszaq I have my TX7 (see my devices signature) on all the time and have had the box working perfectly well until the last few days.
The only thing different is i activated CEC which i didn't have activated before. Maybe a coincidence ?
Since activating CEC i turn on my TV and the box sometimes does not respond to the Factory remote control or my TV remote.
This morning i turned on the TV and the box was not responding to any remote control the time must have stopped when something went wrong as it was showing 4.10 am and the real time was 9.30am
It does not respond to the official kodi phone remote control on my phone even though it is connecting.
The box is showing up on my Network and i am able to see all the box files on my Mac.
I can also SSH to the box using Terminal on my Mac.
I issued a command dmesg as i didn't know what else to do.
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I wanted to charge LE to my Z69, everything seems to be fine, but with a clean LE it stays on the AML logo when i change img.dtb remote doesn't work. I have Z69 3 GB 32GB. Any suggestions gentlemen ??
I wanted to charge LE to my Z69, everything seems to be fine, but with a clean LE it stays on the AML logo when i change img.dtb remote doesn't work. I have Z69 3 GB 32GB. Any suggestions gentlemen ??
If it stays on AML logo then you are using the wrong DTB image and it should be named dtb.img not img.dtb
If it stays on AML logo then you are using the wrong DTB image and it should be named dtb.img not img.dtb
You made it. Thanks, New dtb from here is great with Le 8.90.3, Multi CH PCM is good, all other formats are good, no hissing (yes Poida, maybe this is the best word
) LCD works also, every icons are good.
Just asked, what was wrong?
If it stays on AML logo then you are using the wrong DTB image and it should be named dtb.img not img.dtb
Sorry my bad, i mean dtb.img . And i put on sd gxl_p212_3g.dtb. LE works but remote control don't work.
kostaman Disable power off action in CEC properties window in Kodi.
Disable power off action in CEC properties window in Kodi.
I did that yesterday.( I did not have power off box when tv is powered off.)
I disabled everything except switch to source yesterday and box was alive this morning as normal.
Should be OK. Thanks for looking at log.
How I know which dtb i have to use
i order the device online (ebay)
the box said mini mx
Mini MX KODI Amlogic S905 64bit Quad Core Andorid 5.1 TV BOX 1000M 4K H.265 WIFI
How I know which dtb i have to use
i order the device online (ebay)
the box said mini mx
Mini MX KODI Amlogic S905 64bit Quad Core Andorid 5.1 TV BOX 1000M 4K H.265 WIFI
You bought older discontinued box, need to know memory size
You need to use gxbb_p200_xxxx_1gbit.dtb where xxxx is your memory size, if Wifi doesn't work then try RealtekWifi variant. -
It's exactly the same as the old DTB, just the name is different, I never did anything.
The naming had to be changed to match what it will be called in LE9.0 official release. -
Hi, i have KI pro with S905D. I am first used LE as I will say first thanks to adamg and kszaq. My tv box had last rom firmware from july 2017 and now from 30. october. I dont had never trouble with audio-video synchronization in these original rom, ... but with equal videos i have audio-video synchronization (mp4 codec) bug in LE from 8.3.1 (i dont see these troubles in ver., but maybe was also).
Before you ask you should read back a little...
I read but my question is still unanswered. I did not understand if kszaq is working on LE 9 community builds or next official builds for amlogic.
I understood that official amlogic builds will be generic and won't be updated frequently as community builds are now.
That's why I said "sounds not good"...
Hi there, i was looking for a solution on our famous GOOGLE, but i only find answers to clone a sd card. So i try my luck here
Is there a shell workaround to make a image from the internal rom from a s905 device to clone it on a sd card. Cause a friend of mine want my whole installation of kodi and emulationstation (addon, plugins, gamelists, etc.) for his box (the same as mine). And i doenst want to start from scratch. Remember the "backup" in Kodi doenst help me, cause Emualtionstation is NOT a addon in Kodi.
Thx for any advice.
SSC_Jarod There's a backup in LibreELEC settings, have you tried that?