[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

  • I want to install libreelec to internal after running it for a while from microsd card. Just curious if there is any difference in speed.

    But if I install to internal, am i still be able to boot from microsd card if I insert a microsd card with a different version of libreelec? Or do I need to revert back to android first and than install libreelec on micro sd card the normal way (power+reset button).

    I haven't noticed any speed different.

    Yes, you can boot another (or the same) version of LE from SD card.

  • As you can probably see, your post got buried by tons of others...

    1. Not recommended but should be safe. Yes, you can update in usual way if installed to internal.

    2. To be on the safe side, always use a device tree.

    At first thanks for replying...

    1.So its better to keep it on my SD card...its not recommended because there is chance of bricking it or because of something else....

    2. Exactly what i am going to gain by using a device tree....from what i read its a something like an instruction list for hardware...but other than that nothing....i have a NexBox A5(2G/16G) if this is helpful

  • Hi, first of all i want to say thanks for your work.

    I got the beelink mxiii ii mini 905x. I tried to upgrade to newer versions from 8.0.1l. In 8.0.1l everything works fine. In the newer versions i got no sound. Also im running in errors installing dependencies when trying to install addons. Tested serveral Versions of 8.0.2 and 8.1.x without success, all of them show the same behaviour.

    Went back to 8.0.1l and everything works fine again.

    I did no update, just clean install with new dtb placed on the sd.

    forgott to say: i also got problems getting connected to some online sources through file manager, in 8.0.1l there is no problem.

  • I haven't noticed any speed different.

    Yes, you can boot another (or the same) version of LE from SD card.

    Thanks for your answer. And once booted in libreelec from sd card, is it than possible to overwrite the libreelec files that are on the internal storage by the command: installtointernal?

  • At first thanks for replying...

    1.So its better to keep it on my SD card...its not recommended because there is chance of bricking it or because of something else....

    2. Exactly what i am going to gain by using a device tree....from what i read its a something like an instruction list for hardware...but other than that nothing....i have a NexBox A5(2G/16G) if this is helpful

    You can also chose to boot LE from SD, and use internal for storage partition : [HOWTO] Boot from SD card, use internal memory for data

    And you will continue to update the usual way

  • Hello everyone, thank you kszaq for your Libreelec builds , you really did a great job, I just noticed, the music visualization from LibreELEC Add-ons repository are not smooth. In your old builds there was no problem.

    Otherwise all works with charm.

    Edited once, last by Lk971 (September 25, 2017 at 11:27 PM).

  • I have been playing around with the latest 8.2 versions. Livetv seems better than in previous 8.x builds (dunno why, maybe something from upstream).

    Decided to leave it in my main system (m8s mini s905, installed to internal) and it has been solid since release except for one thing: when configuring settings in the OE config app sometimes Kodi restarts. I think it's mainly when bluetooth config changes. Using the generic p200 2gb/100mb dtb if that matters. Have not seen this behaviour in any previous version so i thought i would mention it. Reproducable most- but not all of the time.


  • I was the one with the problem with a HID Xiaomi Bluetooth remote - all sorts of unwanted repeats and strange stuff was occurring due to the HID patch.

    Quality BT remotes like that one already have fast enough repeat keystrokes, turbo charging such activity really caused issues.

    Revert the HID Kernel patch and the problems disappeared.

    wrxtasy, below are some IMHOs (conclusions of my investigations) that might be usefull for you:

    1) most of modern remote controllers are emulated as keyboards, so they mustn't produce repeats by themselves, but must send distinct events for up & down keystrokes instead;

    2) unwanted repeats in your case might be caused by interferring of native and eventlirc repeats handling mechanism. You could try copy /etc/eventlircd.d folder to /storage/.config and add this to autostart.sh:

    systemctl stop eventlircd
    /usr/sbin/eventlircd --evmap=/storage/.config/eventlircd.d --socket=/run/lirc/lircd --repeat-filter

    This might help to avoid unwanted repeats (thanks to --repeat-filter);

    3) you shouldn't use only KERNEL=="event?" condition in udev rules, because numbering of "event" elements not permanent (depends on input devices (dis)connected) and may get changed with time. Instead, you should use this conditions with wildcards and BUS:VID:PID (based on information from your post):

    KERNEL=="event*", KERNELS=="0005:2717:32b2.*", ENV{eventlircd_enable}="true", ENV{eventlircd_evmap}="xiaomibtremote.evmap"

    4) also you don't need ask kszaq to add evmap file to system, you could use simple solution with autostart.sh from 2), or alternative without --repeat-filter (you still need copy /etc/eventlircd.d folder to /storage/.config):

    mount --bind /storage/.config/eventlircd.d/ /etc/eventlircd.d/
    systemctl restart eventlircd

    5) I believe, that key-mapping for RF-remote through eventlircd - it's an overkill solution :) Better way is using of hwdb-file (delete your rules-file first).

    Please, test some of my suggestions to struggle unwanted repeats on 8.1.7 with your Bluetooth remote. I'm asking you because there is no alternative solution for "pecky" volume control on a regular RF-remote except mine (excluded by your request), and i want to ask kszaq bring it back.

    Edited once, last by vevs (September 18, 2017 at 10:16 PM).

  • hello guys

    I tried to mount network shares folder with my tp link router without success...

    im using usb storge connented to my router, with kodi file manager I can get to the folder, its look like:


    when I tried to mount it with this command by ssh im getting error:

    LibreELEC:~ # mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx,rw //ARCHER_VR600/photos /storage/test

    mount: bad address 'ARCHER_VR600'

    mount: mounting //ARCHER_VR600/photos on /storage/test failed

    LibreELEC:~ # mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx,rw //ARCHER_VR600/photos(sda1) /storage/te


    -sh: syntax error: unexpected "("

    thanks in advance

  • Hi, it's my first post in the forum, but i have been using LibreElec on a Nexbox A95X 2/16 for some months. First of all I'd like to say THANK YOU to kszaq and all the people that makes LE posible for your superb work.

    I have been using LE on a cheap and old 2GB card until today. It was laggy and scanning for new content took too much time (seconds on KODI for Android, MacOs and iOS, and hours in LE), so i thought that it would be the card, so i have purchased today a Lexar 300x 32GB (a highly recommended card) and updated LE to the latest version. Now LE is as smooth as KODI in any other device, but when scanning for new content in the library continues taking hours for the scraper, and the strange thing is that I have not found much info about this behavior. I'm using TVDB for TV Shows and I'm connected over a 5Ghz Wifi network (about 30mbps of constant download speed from the box) . Should it take so much time to scan for the scraper??


    EDIT: When i say "scanning for new content" i mean adding new content. If there is nothing new it takes less than 5 seconds to dissapear the notification bar.

    Edited once, last by aqf23: Clearing out what do i mean with "scanning for new content". (September 19, 2017 at 1:31 AM).

  • Hi, it's my first post in the forum, but i have been using LibreElec on a Nexbox A95X 2/16 for some months. First of all I'd like to say THANK YOU to kszaq and all the people that makes LE posible for your superb work.

    I have been using LE on a cheap and old 2GB card until today. It was laggy and scanning for new content took too much time (seconds on KODI for Android, MacOs and iOS, and hours in LE), so i thought that it would be the card, so i have purchased today a Lexar 300x 32GB (a highly recommended card) and updated LE to the latest version. Now LE is as smooth as KODI in any other device, but when scanning for new content in the library continues taking hours for the scraper, and the strange thing is that I have not found much info about this behavior. I'm using TVDB for TV Shows and I'm connected over a 5Ghz Wifi network (about 30mbps of constant download speed from the box) . Should it take so much time to scan for the scraper??


    I have 8 4TB disk's on my network full of movies, tv-shows and music. Scanning for new content takes less than a minute. If i have to rescan all the content, it takes almost a day ;)

  • Try:

    mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx,rw "//ARCHER_VR600/photos(sda1)" /storage/test