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[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Guys thank you for your remarks and advice. I have been using forums for a very long time, so I am accustomed with the do's and don'ts.
I have read the FAQ, of this forum and others dealing with that same problem. I have tried what has been advised, all of it, naming the file remote.conf and also sometimes rc_maps.cfg, depending on who you ask. I have tried putting it in the /storage/.config folder and also in the /storage/.config/rc_keymaps folder depending on who you ask. I have tried countless files downloaded from a lot of different sources. I have even changed the batteries on the remote, mind you. And still, it does not work.
I am feeling stupid going after these instructions, blindfolded.
What I am lacking here is 2 things:
- how can I make sure that I have the right conf file and then restricts the tests to one and only one file?
- how can I monitor the process of loading the file by LE ? This to make sure I am actually loading something
As it written thousand times (maybe you should search harder) there is an easy way to check what's going on with your remote.
Login on ssh to your box, push a button on your remote and type dmesg.
You will see an error message with the code of your remote sent and you can find (or create) the neccessary remote.conf based on this code.
Thanks for all your hard work ! I use your build on my Mini M8s II, it's great. I've just donated, enjoy your coffee
Still, I was wondering : since 8.1.0, Airplay is broken (music streaming aka AirTunes). I can't connect from my Macs or iDevices to my box, despite the fact that I can see and select it from the Music/iTunes app.
Problem still occurs in 8.1.1, but I don't know if it's a Kodi problem or something with your build? Any clue?
However, I now install to my Beelink, together with the correct S905X new device tree, your new test version 8.2.-8.1.0 and can advise that the 3D feature no longer works and usually crashes my box when I llaunch 3D content leaving me in a black screen and requiring a reboot. Although the remote powere button does still switch the box off okay so it cannot be totally crashed btu no display and no sound. I did at one point get the 3D picture up (same content so dont know why it worked this once) but when I closed the video the same problem occurred with a blank black screen and had to shut the box down and reboot. With the reboot needed I cannot see how I can get a log or even if it would be relevant anyway with this issue.
I can confirm this, 3D-autoswitching does not work on my C2.
I did a fresh install with LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.1-C2.img.gz
good news:
after enabling Lirc in LibreElec-addon and copying the lircd.conf to /storage/.config my Harmony is working again.
Ask Apple for solution
I knew that Airplay video and photo with kodi was to an end, but for music, I thought that the (unofficial) compatibility was reachable. It's strange because I didn't update my Apple devices, just my box. So I think it would still work with an 8.0 build
Guys thank you for your remarks and advice. I have been using forums for a very long time, so I am accustomed with the do's and don'ts.
I have read the FAQ, of this forum and others dealing with that same problem. I have tried what has been advised, all of it, naming the file remote.conf and also sometimes rc_maps.cfg, depending on who you ask. I have tried putting it in the /storage/.config folder and also in the /storage/.config/rc_keymaps folder depending on who you ask. I have tried countless files downloaded from a lot of different sources. I have even changed the batteries on the remote, mind you. And still, it does not work.
I am feeling stupid going after these instructions, blindfolded.
What I am lacking here is 2 things:
- how can I make sure that I have the right conf file and then restricts the tests to one and only one file?
- how can I monitor the process of loading the file by LE ? This to make sure I am actually loading something
I had simular problems with my TX3. I was able to solve it and wrote this manual:
Create remote.conf from scratch -
There's a new way of setting it, but it's broken in the current build (and I broke it). Once kszaq reverts aml/video_dev: updates for nougat: · kszaq/linux-amlogic-le@c89478b · GitHub for the next build, you'll be able to run the following for forcing RGB out:
echo 'rgb,8bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr
If you don't have anything in autostart.sh yet, you'll be able to run the following to set it on boot:
echo "echo 'rgb,8bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr" > autostart.sh
That's still not working in the new build, if I'm not mistaken
same to me
I did a fresh install, copied the code to autostart.sh and putting it to configfiles folder, after reboot, nothing changes.
Hi kszaq,
In your build for odroid C2 live tv has dd 5.1 when passtrough enabled.
Raybuntu's krypton build has multichannel when passtrough enabled.
Is something changed?
How to set the audio settings in your build to get multichannel i live tv with passtrough enabled?
Raybuntu's build doesn't include a patch that enables passthrough for live TV. You can get multichannel audio if you disable passthrough - that way DD 5.1 is decoded to multichannel PCM.
I enabled passthrough, disabled AC3 transcode, Cannot get DD5.1 in live tv, Still PCM (C2: 8.1.1) ,,what I missed?
As it written thousand times (maybe you should search harder) ..
No-one forcing you to answer, but if you do, drop the condescension.
There's a new way of setting it, but it's broken in the current build (and I broke it). Once kszaq reverts aml/video_dev: updates for nougat: · kszaq/linux-amlogic-le@c89478b · GitHub for the next build, you'll be able to run the following for forcing RGB out:
echo 'rgb,8bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr
If you don't have anything in autostart.sh yet, you'll be able to run the following to set it on boot:
echo "echo 'rgb,8bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr" > autostart.sh
same to me
I did a fresh install, copied the code to autostart.sh and putting it to configfiles folder, after reboot, nothing changes.
This will be fixed in a next build. The solution is drivers/amlogic/hdmi/hdmi_tx_20: Partially revert c49e9b6 to fix RGB … · kszaq/linux-amlogic-le@3f3d9dc · GitHub in case someone builds themselves.
I enabled passthrough, disabled AC3 transcode, Cannot get DD5.1 in live tv, Still PCM (C2: 8.1.1) ,,what I missed?
Perhaps there's no AC3 track for the channel you're watching.
Hit "O" on your keyboard while watching to get codec info.
I posted this message repeated here below in the other 8.0 forum thread having forgotten there is a new one here for the latest 8.2 builds. So repeat it here as it is relevant to this thread and in case it was missed. I know Kszaq was interested about the auto 3D switching . Sadly there seems to be a flaw in the current 8.1.0 and as outlined below. But hey now I am here in teh right thread I just noticed that there is now 8.1.1 out so will try it with that newer version.
Here is the post form the other forum :- ...........................
Just to follow this up 8.1.1 makes no difference to this 3D switching problem, and it is not even playing SBS 3D files either. I checked my big 17.4GB .mkv 3D (SBS) Avatar file and it is H264 FHD content with DTS sound. I am playing it from a USB extrenal hard drive plugged into one of my Beelink box's USB ports. Strangely with this particualr file sometimes but not alaways, it comes up with the Samsung TV 's 3D glasses pop up message, so it appears to be sometimes auto swtiching to 3D, but only displays a blank screen and no audio, though the hard drive does indicate much activity as though reading the file. Other times no 3D pop up message just the blank black screen, no sound and activity on the external hard drive.
3D is also important to me too as find it very pleasing and immersive when it is well done. Never understood why it never took off as the superior LG passive 3D system has glasses that are now so light, unobstrusive and cheap too.
An update just discovered that streaming SBS 3D content from the internet (plenty availabel on YT) rather than from a local file, does run the content up with teh split SBS screen so no auto switching to 3D and needing manually switching as before this feature became available.
If this can be fixed in 8.1.x then I am willing to help with testing here.
RayW I am aware of the issue - 3D handling changed in Nougat kernel and it needs to be patched. Please have patience, I aim to fix it in one of the next builds.
Okay thanks for the info Kszaq. I just wanted to let you know the symptoms but it seems this is now a known issue whcih I was unaware of. Sure I always have patiencce my friend and appreicate this is not a vital issue for most folk, just grateful for any help with this as and whenever.
Always my sincere gratitude for all you do Kszaq and as soon as I have soem more coffee in my store I will send you another cup
Regarding the 3D topic: Are there any plans reganding Frame Packed output, as I've read it might be possible with nougat kernel basically? And as follow up to frame packing: Is there even something new about MVC, since frame packing would enable the technical basis for FullHD 3D encoded as MVC format, just like the RPi does?
infinity85 There are no plans other than fixing something that worked in previous builds. I am not a magician, without equipment there's not much I can do.
thanks kszaq.
Just wanted to ask whether there are any plans
thanks kszaq.
Just wanted to ask whether there are any plans
me too, there are also some LibreElec-users, which are interested in 3D-MVC...
It isn't an issue for everyone, but for us...