[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
For the non Hungarian speaking people
That post looks Hungarian but it isn't.
I developed a fix only for Ethernet, not WiFi.
Bored and purchased my first Dongle.
S905x 2gb/16gb wifi , no ethernet port. Everything works except.
I'm not so sure i have the exact same issue but i cannot get over 1Mbps using 2.4ghz wireless.
I also tried a usb 2,4ghz wifi dongle which gets almost full signal and the same issue.
Using 5ghz i get 20 to 25 Mbps with lower signal than 2.4ghz
Part of my log may or may not have to do with problem (set country Singapore)
Codewifi_platform_get_mac_addr [ 29.537640@2] ======== bcm_wlan_get_mac_address ======== [ 29.537644@2] custom wifi mac is not set [ 29.539192@2] Firmware up: op_mode=0x0015, MAC=5c:f8:a1:19:60:12 [ 29.539203@2] dhd_conf_set_country: set country SG, revision 0 [ 29.584882@2] Country code: SG (SG/0)
EDIT: Just tried the same procedure using Android.
Same results as LibreElec using 2.4ghz wifi.
I supply dmesg using onboard wifi.
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umaro Test build for you: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-devel-20180104002418-r26516-g851cd36.tar
This works great! Thank you!
Please refrain from posting long logs on here directly. Quite frankly it’s a major annoyance. Thanks.
Please refrain from posting long logs on here directly. Quite frankly it’s a major annoyance. Thanks.
Direct your complaints to Pastebin or Administrators of LE Forum site. I only pasted the link to the log.
How it appears on this site is not something i can control.
Point taken.
It would be much better not having to scroll for five minutes to be able to read any other message. Hope a mod or admin takes this into consideration.
- Official Post
If you post a pastebin it will be dynamically loaded into the page in a windowed container. This saves the forum staff having to go visit another website to look at things.
Thanks for clarification, but must these windows be five miles long ?
Might as well paste it directly in that case.
\edit: It seems it's only an issue in mobile view.
I have tried few months ago and there was problem with grabber. Kodi checker was not working correctly and led were all the time on even in menu. I guess I will give hyperion another try during Christmas.
Hi Szymon_Zy, do you have any news on this issue?
I'm on version and auto update doesn't seem to work for me.
In LE setrings i set auto update from manual to auto and restarted. But nothing seems to happen, still on version
Any ideas?
I'm on version and auto update doesn't seem to work for me.
In LE setrings i set auto update from manual to auto and restarted. But nothing seems to happen, still on version
Any ideas?
Please look at the changelog. Auto update is working since, it was disabled for
That post looks Hungarian but it isn't.
Ooops, sorry for any offense, google said it was Hungarian.
Out of interest, what language is it?
Please refrain from posting long logs on here directly. Quite frankly it’s a major annoyance. Thanks.
Agree, especially if not within the CODE brackets.
Please look at the changelog. Auto update is working since, it was disabled for
Ok, sry I was sure I read about auto update feature in the changelog of the version I updated to..I remeember being thrilled about this feature.
However, keep up the good work, this build is great!
I want to upgrade to your build on my c2. Can I use widevine with your build (Only want to use it with YouTube add-on, to have 60fps and 1080p, no Netflix etc.) ?
Ooops, sorry for any offense, google said it was Hungarian.
Out of interest, what language is it?
my problem it tv remote config code edenwood ED4900UHD
távirányító ir kód kellene ami a ki-be kapcsolást csinálja. Azt szeretném az x96 s905x config ba beleírtni,hogy a tv távirányítóval tudjam egyszerre ki-be kapcsolni a tv és boxot egyszerre.
remote control ir a code would be needed that the ki-be connection do it. I would like it it x96 s905x config ba beleírtni,that the TV let me know it to one with remote control ki-be to get it the TV and boxot simultaneously.
VESTEL - RC5118 remote control
kszaq Will whatever changes you made in the test build you made for me make their way into your mainstream builds, or is my box a one off?