Jeffers DTB is a binary file, if you want to read its contents you need to convert it to DTS first. "dtc" is the tool you need. I don't know if it exists for Windows, to sure you can use Cygwin to run it.

[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Jeffers DTB is a binary file, if you want to read its contents you need to convert it to DTS first. "dtc" is the tool you need. I don't know if it exists for Windows, to sure you can use Cygwin to run it.
Thanks for response, it's getting a bit technical for me, I'll leave it to you experts
Plug in the IR extender cable and try that. Change remote batteries....
But the ultimate solution is to buy a Wireless remote like the MINIX A2 Lite or a Mele F10 Deluxe.
The Hub's IR remote is the worst IR hardware I ever used on any AMLogic box period.
The remote control does not work just for libreelec.
on and off button only works
Thanks for response, I had tried notepad++, what was displayed was not very readable see small extract below, which is why I thought there must be something better.
þí žÖ 8 ‘ (
Â Ü Amlogic gxl_p212_2g amlogic, Gxbb 0 ? mali@d00c0000 KSo you can see...
So you can see...
Yes, but can't make any sense of it, which is why I will give looking at it anymore a miss
I am using a NEXBOX S905X with a working 8.0.* installed on the NAND inside.
Is it possible to update to 8.1.6 without loosing any setting/libary and so on?
Thanks for any help in advance
You wont loose anything if the update is successful
Zoomtak M9, 1gb ram 1gb Ethernet, running LE from SD card, with S905.arm-8.2-8.1.6 & gxbb_p200_1G_1Gbit.dtb
Is there anyway to map the remote so the volume buttons function correctly?
I am using a NEXBOX S905X with a working 8.0.* installed on the NAND inside.
Is it possible to update to 8.1.6 without loosing any setting/libary and so on?
Thanks for any help in advance
Why not do what most folk do and simply do a full backup before you try any updates. Surely then will be no problem. I regularly run new backups on my box, at least a couple a month and certainly before applying any major updates. IMHO it is silly not to keep up to date and recent backups as it is so easy to do simply using the inbuilt LE Backup/Restore feature. I place my backups on a permanently installed dedicated SD Card used also for the very rare times I want to download content. Personally never get any problems with my box in updating to the latest builds and now run 8.1.6 with no problems at all, fantastic firmware always from kszaq.
I run my boxes with LE installed to internal memory so do not leave a bootable SD card plugged into the box, as I can see no point in ever wanting to use Android. It is so way inferior for running KODI and I simply do not want all the other pointless and kludgy Android bloatware. Tried it and hate it to be honest. Only Android app I would ever use is Netflix which I no longer subscribe to anyway, and I also understadn it will be supported in KODI 18 soon. Other than lacking enough content (and particualrly latest series and movies, Netflix seems a good value non rip off package
I have just got a new Beelink box in through the post and it was supposed to be a MINI MXIII II 2/16 GB but I noticed it felt slightly deepeer than the normal for these boxes and the remote was one I had not seen before and does not work with my bespoke superb remote.conf file. A littel research and reading the model number on the box bottom shows it is in fact a MINI MXIII and not the Mark 2 so that means it is likely to be an S905 box. Android firmware reports it as an MX III II box but that is probably coded into the default Android and is, as happens with Android, lying to me. I am okay if this is an S905 box as it should have a Gigabit 1000Mbps Ethernet port, so I will thus keep it as that could be a useful feature.
However I cannot get it to show as anything other than a standard 100 Mbps Ethernet port. Furthermore if I do not use the S905X device tree gxl_p212_2g.dtb then the WiFi is not available with any of the S905 device trees. I have tried all the S905 device trees for 2G RAM and with the 1G and 100Mb Ethernet, and none of them gives me any avaiolable WiFi and nothing shows up as being a Gigabit port, even though the router is gigabit and so are the Ethernet switches that are used which show the Ethernet port as a standard 100 Mbps. Is there something special I have to do to enable the gigabit port on these boxes, and does anyone know exactly which is the correct device tree to use for this Beelink MINI MXIII S905 box ?? The box does not seem to be a clone, and have checked back with the Chinese supplier and factory themselves on this but it does appear to have a standard 100 Mbps Ethernet port and only using the 2G S905X device tree gives me any WiFi availability ??
Any help appreicated. Else the box goes back for replacement as who wants an inferior S905 box without the Gigabit port advantage ?
does anyone know exactly which is the correct device tree to use for this Beelink MINI MXIII S905 box ?
I use gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit_RealtekWiFi.dtb in mine.
You wont loose anything if the update is successful
ok - thanks so far.
and how to I update the easiest way?
ok - thanks so far.
and how to I update the easiest way?
Copy the updated file to the update folder & reboot. Use windows explorer, type in the ip address, to see the update folder
Copy the updated file to the update folder & reboot. Use windows explorer, type in the ip address, to see the update folder
Thanks - got the folder when entering via smb!
What to update? is this LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.6.img enough?
Thanks so far mates
Not sure what version you have, but I just copy the latest xx.img.gz to the update folder, but I think, the xxx.tar works as well.
I also check to see if there is a newer device tree & put that in the update folder as well.
IF, you find any issues with a newer version, you can just put a previous version in the update folder.
No settings are lost.
Not sure what version you have, but I just copy the latest xx.img.gz to the update folder, but I think, the xxx.tar works as well.
I also check to see if there is a newer device tree & put that in the update folder as well.
IF, you find any issues with a newer version, you can just put a previous version in the update folder.
No settings are lost.
Thanks mate
I am just downloading: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.6.img.gz
How do I know if I need a "device tree" ?
Thanks mate
I am just downloading: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.6.img.gz
How do I know if I need a "device tree" ?
If there is a newer version than the one you originally used. Although I think some people depending on their device didn't need one.
How do I know if I need a "device tree" ?
Simple rule: if you're not sure, always use a device tree with an update. I thought it's pretty clear when this is in bold+red in the instruction?