I would be glad to post a simple, but how to do it for internal livetv source?
[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
kszaq -
July 19, 2017 at 9:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
no, LE Krypton on S905 supports only 3D in SBS- and TAB-format.
No support for BD3D-ISOs, which are in 3D-MVC-format.
uploaded 64bit image with some addons built from kszaq 8.1.5 git tag to LE – Google Drive
hi kszaq, I just want to inform you that in your latest build I am experiencing freezing in iptv as well as in live TV and also in movies.
It's just struck and then either it continues with fast forward or just gives up and stops. And also when I click on any video in any addon it takes 3-5 seconds to play the video. Is it normal? In your LE 7 builds I never experienced this. But in the last 3-4 builds I am experiencing this issue. Can you reproduce this issue and correct it pls?
Thanks, I'll take a look and then I'm betting I'll do my own
Jeffers, just like you i'm having a hard time figuring out how to make remote.conf works. Here's what i've tried so far:
- placed a remote.conf file on /storage/.config that i've created from scratch to use on kszaq's LibreELEC 7.0.3 (working perfectly there). No luck;
- created a new one, using as a source a remote.conf.txt shared few pages before in this thread that doesn't contain any non-ANSI characters. No luck;
- tried the file from /etc folder in the original android nand partition. No luck;
- enable and disabled lirc on LibreElec settings. Again, no luck...
Kszaq said also few pages before that lirc is not working on 8.1.x I guess, except if you use C2 (which is not my case). So maybe that's the explanation..
My box is a Beelink MXIII II and at least its original remote control have most of its keys working out of the box on LE 8.1.5, so it's not the end of the world
. Anyway it would be good to get it all working, like it used to on 7.0.3.
@tutoi & jeffers, from this Create remote.conf from scratch
which part of this are you having trouble with?
Jeffers / tutoia.
If you follow this tutorial using the template it gives, replacing the codes in the template with the ones obtained from your remote, and un-comment (remove the #) each line you have changed after line 41 (to make it active), the remote.conf will work.
You obviously have to remove, comment out (put # at the beginning) or change line 39 to debug_enable = 0 to disable debug mode and have the codes simply acted on, instead of also being written to the log file.
All of the links given by bubblegum57 and myself are pointing to the same tutorial so it doesn't matter which one you choose
Any further difficulties regarding this should really be brought up in the relevant thread, instead of hijacking this one any further
MiniMX s905 1/8GB AP6212 LE 8.1.5 SD. Device trees gxbb_p200_1G_1Gbit.dtb. There are two troubles. The indicator turns red after turning on and often error CEC, sometimes with box freezing. Sorry for Google translation.
Jeffers, just like you i'm having a hard time figuring out how to make remote.conf works. Here's what i've tried so far:
- placed a remote.conf file on /storage/.config that i've created from scratch to use on kszaq's LibreELEC 7.0.3 (working perfectly there). No luck;
- created a new one, using as a source a remote.conf.txt shared few pages before in this thread that doesn't contain any non-ANSI characters. No luck;
- tried the file from /etc folder in the original android nand partition. No luck;
- enable and disabled lirc on LibreElec settings. Again, no luck...
Kszaq said also few pages before that lirc is not working on 8.1.x I guess, except if you use C2 (which is not my case). So maybe that's the explanation..
My box is a Beelink MXIII II and at least its original remote control have most of its keys working out of the box on LE 8.1.5, so it's not the end of the world
. Anyway it would be good to get it all working, like it used to on 7.0.3.
I have an M9S Pro box android 6.0 2GB/16GB and none of the buttons on my remote work in LibreELEC, they do work in android, if I have a breakthrough I will let you know
What you have posted contains more than 1 factory_code entry (so can't be right)
Once you have found the correct remote.conf you copy the complete file into /storage/.config folder of your LE installation.
Failing that . . .
The remote.conf I transferred was from the etc folder. I'll do a search on the box to see if I can find another remote.conf on it
@tutoi & jeffers, from this Create remote.conf from scratch
which part of this are you having trouble with?
Finding the correct remote.conf on my box?
I have not started to create my own remote.conf yet, will let you know
Jeffers / tutoia.
If you follow this tutorial using the template it gives, replacing the codes in the template with the ones obtained from your remote, and un-comment (remove the #) each line you have changed after line 41 (to make it active), the remote.conf will work.
You obviously have to remove, comment out (put # at the beginning) or change line 39 to debug_enable = 0 to disable debug mode and have the codes be acted on, instead of being written to the log file.
Thanks for the link (same as bubblegum's) and tips which will save me some mistakes
@tutoi & jeffers, from this Create remote.conf from scratch
which part of this are you having trouble with?
What is the easiest way of finding out the values generated by each of the keys on my remote including long press. I am not very technical have never ssh'd into anything.
My ideal would be an adroid app which displayed the key value when I pressed it, then I could enter all the key values in a document on my laptop as a starting point. Then use the key values in a new remote.conf or use the template identified in one of the posts.
What is the easiest way of finding out the values generated by each of the keys on my remote including long press. I am not very technical have never ssh'd into anything.
My ideal would be an adroid app which displayed the key value when I pressed it, then I could enter all the key values in a document on my laptop as a starting point. Then use the key values in a new remote.conf or use the template identified in one of the posts.
I don't know about long presses. I assume you have a cheap basic remote, does it have long presses?
Just run putty, log in, press the buttons, while watching the tv to see what it does. Look at the windows on the pc to see the code. It's all in the instructions.
I don't know about long presses. I assume you have a cheap basic remote, does it have long presses?
Just run putty, log in, press the buttons, while watching the tv to see what it does. Look at the windows on the pc to see the code. It's all in the instructions.
I found this android app in the play store, generates key information, but some keys take me out of the app into settings or started kodi:-
May help me find some keys easily, I will start from the beginning probably tomorrow. The sun is shining here today, maybe the only sunny day in August, so I am going to get in the garden
For example when I press the 1 (one) key it displays:-
KeyDown: action=0 code=8 repeat=o meta=o scancode=2 mFlags=8 label='1' chars='null' number='1'
KeyUp: action=1 code=8 repeat=o meta=o scancode=2 mFlags=8 label='1' chars='null' number='1'
I don't know why it displays two lines, but it looks like key 1 on my remote generates a key code of 8
very logical
I am guessing that the really key code is the 'factory code', if I get this wrong nothing will work.
The only real long press I use is the OK key, to get the context menu up in Kodi.
Jeffers Please read the tutorial you have been pointed to (so many times now). All of your questions are answered in it