[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912

  • delz I will give you some hints so that you can answer this question on your own:

    1. There is no official LE 8.2, not even a beta from this branch.
    2. I have not released any 8.2 build for S912 - no time to test and S905 is a better target for first tests.
    3. danxc Took the untested code and compiled it.

    Now you can decide if it's stable. :D

  • Is 8.2 stable??

    The build had been labelled "testing", S912 has never received an official stable build (read first post) and LE has not even been released yet. Please apply some common sense.

    EDIT: Lol, kszaq beat me to responding just a minute earlier with exactly the same thoughts.

  • delz I will give you some hints so that you can answer this question on your own:

    1. There is no official LE 8.2, not even a beta from this branch.
    2. I have not released any 8.2 build for S912 - no time to test and S905 is a better target for first tests.
    3. danxc Took the untested code and compiled it.

    Now you can decide if it's stable. :D

    Haha. OK I see. Thanks for clarifying! My 8.0.2 crashes 24/7, so I wanted to check whether it could be something! Possibly slightly more stable. Guess I have to take a chill pill :)

  • It uses the amlogic 8726-MC Soc if that makes any sense. What I have installed is your LibreELEC-Amlogic_MX2.arm-7.95.3.tar which works great but that only has kodi 17.0 . Hoping to upgrade to 17.3 if possible.

  • Testing version 8.2 kszaq, nougat kernel, for s912:

    MEGA LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2…bbd1.img.gz

    MEGA LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2…938bbd1.tar

    2 days this version works without any problems. Thank you

    Just one problem with this version and with all previous with sound.

    After about 20-30 minutes there is a visible audio sync problem for AC3. The sound starts to lag behind.

    If I stop the video or PVR channel and start it again than no sync problem and again after 20-30 minutes difference is visible and it becomes bigger.

    Does anybody has this problem too? Or any fixes available for this async?


    If Enable Dolby Digital (AC3 ) Transcoding checked than AC3dec_enabled.txt

    If Enable Dolby Digital (AC3 ) Transcoding not checked than AC3dec_disabled.txt

    Channel openning log: channel.txt

    From log looks like it tried to transcode AC3 to DTS-HD in first case. Is it correct?

    Edited 2 times, last by boot2k3: additional logs (July 22, 2017 at 10:19 PM).

  • boot2k3 prove this:

    MEGA LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2-devel-20170722225227-r25975-g47938bbd1.tar

    Thank you for new build

    From logs still the same strings for AC3 source:

    [   71.397132@4] hdmitx: audio: aout notify format CT_DTS_HD
    [   71.397259@4] hdmitx: audio: Audio Type: DTS-HD

    As for audio issue I will inform you about results tomorrow

  • boot2k3 prove this:

    MEGA LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2-devel-20170722225227-r25975-g47938bbd1.tar

    Twice tested for about 1.5 hour

    First time a small sync issue visible for AC3 after 60-70 minutes.

    Second time a small sync issue visible for AC3 after 100 minutes.

    This release works much better, please say what did you fix, because in Leia build there is a big async for audio from the first minutes.

    Edited 3 times, last by boot2k3 (July 23, 2017 at 2:31 PM).

  • I didn't find audio out of sync issue on my MeCOOL BB2 Pro (S912 3GB RAM) even with danxc's 1st 8.2 release. Will update with current release and test again.

    With Leia build (wrxtasy) on the same box, audio out of sync issue happened from the very beginning of playback and getting worse and worse. Similar situation happened with Raybuntu's Leia build on Odroid-C2 (tested up to leia5) as well. 720p 8-bit HEVC contents are less susceptible to sync problem while 1080p 10-bit HEVC are the worse. It seems there is no hw acceleration for playback at all, or at least not sufficient.

    All my video contents resided on NAS connecting via ethernet using either Samba or NFS protocol.

  • 8.1.1 version from kszaq still have AC3 sync issue.

    Returned back to danxc build LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2-devel-20170722225227-r25975-g47938bbd1.tar

    @danxc, could you share the patch to include it to kszaq builds too?