Read the three posts above this one

[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912
kszaq -
March 3, 2017 at 7:18 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
I read it, but nothing change, libreelec.conf files are similar.
Ok, on the Krypton version, is there a remote.conf in /storage/config?
If there is, copy this to /storage/config on the Leia version
I made it, copied remote.conf file from Leia's amremote folder to Kryton's storage/.config and works great.
I made it, copied remote.conf file from Leia's amremote folder to Kryton's storage/.config and works great.
Sorry, for the previous, incorrect instructions.
It would be great if someone could help.
Device: Mecool MS8 Pro+ S912 2G 100megs
Files: MicroSD card flashed with LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2- and gxm_q201_2g.dtb (have tried USB stick also)
I can't get past the installation because I keep getting an error which reads SMP : failed to stop secondary cpus
It would be great if someone could help.
Device: Mecool MS8 Pro+ S912 2G 100megs
Files: MicroSD card flashed with LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2- and gxm_q201_2g.dtb (have tried USB stick also)
I can't get past the installation because I keep getting an error which reads SMP : failed to stop secondary cpus
The Mecool Pro + is NOT a S912, it is an Amlogic S905x. You need the correct file and the correct device tree.
Is there any chance you can help me im very new to this LibreELEC and have no clue as to what im to do i have the same box as you and would like to dual boot it ive downloaded the files i think i need but have just read your comments about remote not working is there any chance you could help me out and point me to what i need and explain it to me, Id like to think im not thick and have been using Android for years and setting up XBMC since the original Xbox days so i would hope id pick it up quickly. Any help would be appreciated.
Is there any chance you can help me im very new to this LibreELEC and have no clue as to what im to do i have the same box as you and would like to dual boot it ive downloaded the files i think i need but have just read your comments about remote not working is there any chance you could help me out and point me to what i need and explain it to me, Id like to think im not thick and have been using Android for years and setting up XBMC since the original Xbox days so i would hope id pick it up quickly. Any help would be appreciated.
How about just reading and performing the instructions already provided in the first post? [HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905X/S912 device
Unfortunately we can not hold your hand while you are at it.
If that is not enough and you actually have a specific question you can ask it here and we can try to help, provided you actually give us the information needed (knowing the type of box you have would be handy).
Is there any chance you can help me im very new to this LibreELEC…
Read the OP, everything is there, for dual boot you need to make an SD card or USB drive with the S912 image, replace the dtb.img file with gxm_q201_3g.dtb (for 3GB RAM/100Mbps devices, ex. M8S Pro L) but don"t forget to rename this to dtb.img. Insert the SD card, turn on your device, put a zip file for ex. to Downloads folder, doesn't matter what and go to Apps/UPDATE app, click on it, choose local update, you will see zip file(s), click on that and the box after reboot will be on LibreELEC. After this your box always will be on LibreELEC if your card is inserted. In LibreELEC main page you can select the option to reboot to internal memory.
For remote, download remote.conf from here and copy to storage/.config folder, works great.
Good luck.
how to install kodi 17.6 what file to upload to sd card
how to install kodi 17.6 what file to upload to sd card
Just install the new build,
how to install kodi 17.6 what file to upload to sd card
I don't think you can upgrade kodi unless you install a different version of libreelec. at least that is what I am getting as a newbie
LibreELEC "is" Kodi
to update kodi download the newer LibreELEC version, either tar or gz.img & copy to the update folder on the device, then reboot.
read the front page, if it's an Amlogic device Amlogic
htpc Intel Pi etc downloads – LibreELEC
I have people asking me if S912 boxes are good to run Libreelec.
I've read OP's warning so I've been telling them no but I read the buying guide post and it says the issues were fixed.
Which one is right? If you bought a box today, what soc would you choose to run Libreelec?
If you bought a box today, what soc would you choose to run Libreelec?
It depends
I bought three boxes - see signature
In my case is S912 box the best choice, but what is Your case ?
Hi everyone,
I recently got the MINIX U9 and flashed LibreELEC on it, working great!
The only issue I have left is powering it on and off with my Harmony remote.
I have paired the MINIX in LibreELEC via Bluetooth with the Harmony Hub and added "Manufacturer: Microsoft / Device: KODI" as a Device in the Harmony remote.
The key response is instantaneous, far quicker than IR!
The only thing is that I cannot power it off (and on) with the "Power Toggle" command in Harmony.
I have read several guides and tips, but those are always for IR I believe.
Has anyone solved that issue yet? Does this need changes in remote.conf, keymap.xml or in the Harmony device?
The only workaround that I can think off, but have not tested yet, is do add a second device to Harmony (a MINIX IR remote)
and use that only for power on and off in the activity.
Thanks and kind regards
Hi everyone,
I recently got the MINIX U9 and flashed LibreELEC on it, working great!
The only issue I have left is powering it on and off with my Harmony remote.
I have paired the MINIX in LibreELEC via Bluetooth with the Harmony Hub and added "Manufacturer: Microsoft / Device: KODI" as a Device in the Harmony remote.
The key response is instantaneous, far quicker than IR!
The only thing is that I cannot power it off (and on) with the "Power Toggle" command in Harmony.
I have read several guides and tips, but those are always for IR I believe.
Has anyone solved that issue yet? Does this need changes in remote.conf, keymap.xml or in the Harmony device?
The only workaround that I can think off, but have not tested yet, is do add a second device to Harmony (a MINIX IR remote)
and use that only for power on and off in the activity.
Thanks and kind regards
A separate thread for this subject would be more appropriate.