S905 builds - general discussion

  • @kszaq:Suspend works, but the issue i have is with Wifi when coming back from suspend Wifi doesn't work anymore, if i gi to libreelec settings, it tells me that Wifi is connected, so i cut connection and then reconnect, after that everything is fine, didn't test with cable connection.

    Device: Leelbox MXQ Pro 4k 1G/8G

    Yes, after version, no Wifi connection when comming back from Suspend. And when reconnect manually everything is fine. This can be done with a script:
    1. Go to \\<IP of box>\Configfiles\ and make a folder sleep.d
    2. Then in that folder create a file named 01-wifi-resume.power with this content:

    case "$1" in
    # <do something on suspend>
    # <do something on resume>
    connmanctl disable wifi
    sleep 5
    connmanctl enable wifi

    Tested on 2 devices with Realtek Wifi chipset: Nexbox A95X (1G/8G,S905X) and MXQ Pro (1G/8G,S905) and LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.0f

    Edited once, last by dmladenov (March 17, 2017 at 6:25 AM).

  • Hi everybody, I have some problem getting into the stock recovery on my miniim8s, I have the Jarvis build on SD card and recently I installed krypton to internal. I don't know if the stock recovery somehow got overwritten. I also try to boot Abdul's TWRP from sd card to no avail. I also tried ssh 'reboot recovery' but it just reboot to the Google TV splash screen, toothpick does this too. Anybody have an idea?

  • jkeijner Please don't double-post. 8189ES driver is included from the version 001 and it works flawlessly on my device - I'm getting 100Mbps throughput on WiFi. I would say you are having hardware issues.

    The issue with Nexbox is that they have a broken u-boot as it doesn't allow to wake up the device in any way from suspended state. When you "power it off" in Android the only thing it does is turning off the screen, not true suspend. Implementing that in LE might be possible but I don't want to waste my time on it for manufacturer that doesn't care about community at all - multiple messages to them have all hit the wall and not only from me but from other developers as well. I don't understand why they broke u-boot in the first place yet they are known for many weird choices.

    It would be easy to borrow a device from you since we live in the same country - but I don't want a Nexbox.

    I've solved this bug in my "NEXBOX MXQ PRO" using u-boot from a "MXQ PRO 4K" firmware:


    My NEXBOX u-boot was a crap, I couldn't enter into recovery or update mode using the toothpick method. Is seems like nexbox u-boot disables recovery button (I had to use reboot recovery or reboot update from android)
    But with a "MXQ PRO 4K" u-boot I can enter into recovery or update mode using toothpick method.

  • Hi everybody, I have some problem getting into the stock recovery on my miniim8s, I have the Jarvis build on SD card and recently I installed krypton to internal. I don't know if the stock recovery somehow got overwritten. I also try to boot Abdul's TWRP from sd card to no avail. I also tried ssh 'reboot recovery' but it just reboot to the Google TV splash screen, toothpick does this too. Anybody have an idea?

    After install to internal NAND you need stock dtb.img and recovery.img on SD card !

  • Is anybody (or just me) hear buzzing from tv speakers in libreelec GUI.
    Changing sound output does not resolve this problem.
    When watching movies everything is OK.
    With android and kodi I do not that problem.
    Box is Beelink MiniMXIII.

  • Maybe I will implement update channels but I still don't have a script to generate json for it.

    What do you mean by "still don't have"?
    Is it because your builds are "still" considered as unofficial and it's only possible for official ones?

    However is "becoming official builds" planned?

  • There will be no official builds for "Generic" S905 boxes. There are plans to add support to LE master branch but only for reference, not to be provided officially.

    What I can provide is an update channel but I don't have time to amend the script that is generating json. I would have to learn Python first. :P

  • Is anybody (or just me) hear buzzing from tv speakers in libreelec GUI.
    Changing sound output does not resolve this problem.
    When watching movies everything is OK.
    With android and kodi I do not that problem.
    Box is Beelink MiniMXIII.

    I have the same problem with an LG 42SL8000. Disabling the keep-alive option for sound resolved it for me.

  • was wondering if anyone could point me towards s905x game build. I tryied installing retroarch and its got me confused. not sure where to add roms. mabe installing to sd card be eaisier.