remote.conf repository

  • Hi Subzero79 and welcoem to this forum. Thanks for your input but alas the key codes generated are dependent on the remote itself and the standard Beeling MXIII II S905X box remote which of course has no number pad at all.

    Ed thanks for that idea I never thought about configuring KODI to somethign else when it gets a shutdown command form the remote, was not sure you could but will take a look when I get a moment. Another problem withthe remote conf file you posted is that the repoat function does not work and I can see why. My new conf file works 100% on all scores other than the red power button as I said before.

    As an aside, so far I like the Beeling S905X box it runs very fast and seems impressive. A couple of things I do not like though. One the reset hole in tehbase is way too small as it won't accomodate even a normal wooden toothpick and that means I have to use a metal pin or needle and I hate poking any metal objects into the box as you never know whether it will short and damage the box withut knowing the layout inside. Second thing that I do not like is that is does not have an external WiFi antenna as internal antennas are usually far less receptive and lower the WiFi sensitivity usually. Have not put this to the test yet though as my box is only a small single room away from the Router so is not a decent test on that score with such a strong signal there. My bedroom TV is broken at the moment waiting for the Samsung repair team to come and fit a new 40" screen to it hopefully on Monday and then I can test this box's WiFi to this more distant pointand compare performance to my MXQ M12CX S905x box with an external antenna.

  • Now cracked this power button problem by a process of elimination with kodiuser1's earlier remote.conf. The line I needed was 0X51 704 but cannot understand that 704 value as not on my list of KODI command codes as way out of the range. Changed that to 116 and all working perfectly now.

    Here is the link which I hope works for you as Dropbox have recently made some changes to their public folder but this is the only way I know how to make it available to all. Dropbox - BEELINK

    Edited once, last by RayW (March 18, 2017 at 8:59 AM).

  • I do not know your box mrtr32 but yes it should be perfectly possible by changing the value in the remote.conf file for whichever button you want to remap, to value of 164. I use the mouse button on my Beelink remote as it is redundant anyway with Linux (and crap in Android too) and I simply change it's value to 164 and bingo.

    Copy your amended remote.config file (edited using a plain non formatting text editor like Notepad and save as a *.* not a .txt file) to a USB or SD card and then with your KODI box transfer it into the .storage/config folder using the easiest of ways with the KODI File Manager and reboot.

    Also found with Kodiuser1's Beelink remote.conf file when in use not only as expected do all the navigation keys cease to work if you hit the mouse key by mistake, but hitting the mouse key again to restore them to use will disable the repeat function of all the remote buttons. This of course can no longer happen with a remapped remote mouse key set to the Play/Pause function. :)

  • I do not know your box mrtr32 but yes it should be perfectly possible by changing the value in the remote.conf file for whichever button you want to remap, to value of 164. I use the mouse button on my Beelink remote as it is redundant anyway with Linux (and crap in Android too) and I simply change it's value to 164 and bingo.

    Copy your amended remote.config file (edited using a plain non formatting text editor like Notepad and save as a *.* not a .txt file) to a USB or SD card and then with your KODI box transfer it into the .storage/config folder using the easiest of ways with the KODI File Manager and reboot.

    Also found with Kodiuser1's Beelink remote.conf file when in use not only as expected do all the navigation keys cease to work if you hit the mouse key by mistake, but hitting the mouse key again to restore them to use will disable the repeat function of all the remote buttons. This of course can no longer happen with a remapped remote mouse key set to the Play/Pause function. :)


    I have replaced 119 value for 164 value for the remote play/pause button and that working like expected!

    Thank you very much RayW ! :D

    Tronsmart Vegas S95 Telos remote.conf with working play/pause button

  • only mine is a newer remote with numbers, which don't work now.

    i got the same remote for Beelink MX III II. i did a extra Keymap for the numbers buttons.

    • CodecInfo (PlayerInfo in Kodi 17)
    • Info
    • Fullscreen
    • Pause/Play
    • Stop
    • Not mapped
    • AudioDelayMinus
    • Not mapped
    • AudioDelayPlus

    i also mapped "Mute" to Mute, "Settings" to show Options Window, "Home" to show Main Menu, "Menu" to Item Menu, "Media" to open Last Played(addon), "Web" to show Favorites. i can upload this too if you like

    download: Beelink MX III II Remote Config & Extras

    Edited once, last by inside (March 22, 2017 at 10:03 PM).

  • Thanks for the remote file. Works good with my Beelink remote, only mine is a newer remote with numbers, which don't work now. I don't use them anyway.

    I was unaware there was a newer remote for the Beelink S905X (I assume it is the S905X version Ed). Not a problem I can easily update my Beelink remote conf file to include all the number keys as theyh are standard on the Beelink remote, Cannto test it of course as do nto have your remote but I will send it to you for testing first. I personally prefer to use the buttons as labeled if possible and only remap those buttons that are really redundant in LE.

    Just need time but if all okay then it can be used with the non number keys Beelink remtoes too of course. Should be this week. Important thing is to either disable the remote mouse button or remap it to something useful like Play/Pause, as it causes problems as I mentioned earlier if it is left as is.

  • Sounds good Ray thanks.

    Okay matey I have compiled a new remote.conf to include teh numerical remote buttons. Will email it to you for testing as obviously I am unable to test it out here not having that different Beelink remote that you have. Clearly it has the same Factory code else it would nto work withthe remote.conf I posted wihtout the number keys included.

    Let me know that it works okay and let me know if there are other redundant buttons on that remtoe that could be tied to other functions like Page Down and Page Up say as I have done with the MXQ M12CX box supplied remote. Once ti is oaky I can then post the edited remote,conf file to replace the earlier one as then it will be compatibel to both Beelink remote types as supplied with their Mini MXIII II S905X box.

    BTW on a different note the WiFi sensitivity at least on the standard 2.4 Ghz band is far worse than the MXQ M12CX and Enybox X1 box as both those have an external antenna. I managed to test my box today at a neighbours house working back to my home WiFi and strangley only my old MyGica ATV1200 dual core box running EmbER 4 managed to actually work there as had a much better reception. The Beelink relies on an internal antenna and I have never known those to be very good as to sensitivity and it did not even see my WiFi at all, whereas at least the MXQ and Enybox both saw a low signal from my home WiFi but was too low to be useable. I now use a WiFi repeater suitably located about half way between our two houses and this is workign fine on the old MyGica ATV1200 but need to test to the 3 different S905X boxes I have. Cannot test the 5Ghz band as my main router does not have a dual band WiFi.

  • I was wondering if anybody can provide a sample of remote.conf configuration for the "generic" MX3 remote control:

    I didn't spend too much time customizing it, very interested in getting the play/pause and seeking buttons to work :)
    Thank you!

    Edited once, last by r4w (March 23, 2017 at 12:21 PM).

  • I was wondering if anybody can provide a sample of remote.conf configuration for the "generic" MX3 remote control:

    I didn't spend too much time customizing it, very interested in getting the play/pause and seeking buttons to work :)
    Thank you!

    That's not a real infra remote (more like a wireless keyboard and mouse) so you don't need remote.conf for that. Some button (the colored ones and the power for sure) can work as infra sender and you can teach these from an another remote.

  • Thanks Pelican, I believed it required some configuration.

    mmpp: it's a bit that I didn't try these buttons as they didn't work for me, I will give them a try tonight.
    I forgot about the Keymap editor, I'll add it and check. Thanks!