S802/S812-Libreelec images for 7/8/9

  • Could you please be kind and point me, step by step, how to do this? Which file to download (.zip or else) and how to do an update? Thanks

    download LibreELEC-S802.M8.arm-7.0.2-2-devel.zip . Unzip and put the 2 files on SD card and do toothpick install.

    After install complete, download LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1a-M8.tar . With M8 turned on and connected to your network, login to box or connect via windows and put tar file in "update" folder. Reboot M8.

    Say Thank You to Demetris

    Edited once, last by 7up (March 13, 2017 at 1:51 AM).

  • Hello all,
    glad to see some one working on s802 again two thumbs up!!

    everything is working beautifull as far as i have tested except the remote the remote is driving me a bit bat shit crazy the only buttons not working at the moment are volume +/- and I cannot power on the device after power down
    I have read every post on here
    I am sure I have tried everything sugested but i still cant seem to get it working
    I am running S802 M8 matricom gbox q
    I have the original remote.config file and copied /reboot with remote.config in all the locations suggested and still no dice
    also tried button remapping still no dice
    I have tried 8.0 rc 1, 2 and currently on rc4e
    and testing 8.0.1a
    can anyone shine some light on the situation or having these issues?

    **update- 8.0.1a installs nice no remote function at all with or with out remote.config file
    wireless keyboard works

    Edited once, last by GunPoint69 (March 13, 2017 at 2:16 AM).

  • Just got the 8.0 working yesterday on minix x8h , what are the advantages of 8.0.1 and how to update ? I'm running from sd card. Thanks

    Use your pc to navigate to your minix box using samba share (windows explorer)

    Download the s82 img.gz release and put it in the update folder on your box. Reboot the box and it will update automatically for you

    Edited once, last by Danfozzy85 (March 13, 2017 at 7:31 PM).

  • I installed Libreelec-S802.arm-8.0.1a-S82.img.gz via sdcard on a minix x8-h device, now I want to install it on the NAND but when I execute the command I get the error

    LibreELEC: ~ # installtointernal
    -sh: installtointernal: Permission denied

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance

  • Use your pc to navigate to your minix box using samba share (windows explorer)

    Download the s82 img.gz release and put it in the update folder on your box. Reboot the box and it will update automatically for you

    That sounds really easy ,I'll give it a try . Thanks.

  • I installed Libreelec-S802.arm-8.0.1a-S82.img.gz via sdcard on a minix x8-h device, now I want to install it on the NAND but when I execute the command I get the error

    LibreELEC: ~ # installtointernal
    -sh: installtointernal: Permission denied

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance

    I got this too! Been asking for a fix for a while.

  • Ok, I've seen that it's a permissions issue, but when I try to make it executable I get another error

    LibreELEC:/usr/sbin # ls -l ins*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            13 Mar 12 18:45 insmod -> /usr/bin/kmod
    -rw-rw-r--    1 root     root          2981 Mar 12 20:03 installtointernal
    LibreELEC:/usr/sbin # chmod +x installtointernal 
    chmod: installtointernal: Read-only file system
    LibreELEC:/usr/sbin #

    Edited once, last by lestat70 (March 15, 2017 at 12:01 AM).

  • Ok, I've seen that it's a permissions issue, but when I try to make it executable I get another error

    LibreELEC:/usr/sbin # ls -l ins*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            13 Mar 12 18:45 insmod -> /usr/bin/kmod
    -rw-rw-r--    1 root     root          2981 Mar 12 20:03 installtointernal
    LibreELEC:/usr/sbin # chmod +x installtointernal 
    chmod: installtointernal: Read-only file system
    LibreELEC:/usr/sbin #

    Fixed, I copy the file /usr/bin/installtointernalto in the / folder and from there change the permissions
    chmod +x installtointernal
    , then run it and it is already working

  • I have the newest version running on my G-Box Q. My Harmony Remote will not work anything but my wireless keyboard will work. I would like to be able to use my Harmony. Any help would be great. I have looked up on how to add remotes but it says to add it to /storage/.config/. Problem is I can't find that folder when looking on LibreElec with my mac.

  • LE-8.0.1 release is out enjoy!

    Fantastic, Thanks a lot Demetris for your work towards keeping Amlogic S802 still relevant

    I had been using 7.0.2 S82 build from Drieschel on a MX-III 2GB and everything was working fine including wifi, Bluetooth and IR Remote

    I updated the MX-III with LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1a-S82 from your release and have run into issues
    Everything but two devices seem to be working fine
    The things not working are
    1. Bluetooth
    2. IR Remote
    As both input devices are not working, I can't use the device without plugging in a USB mouse/keyboard.

    Here is the dmesg output from 7.0.2 which shows the BT recognized correctly, don't know where IR is recognized but it sure works nicely.

    And here is the dmesg output from your 8.0.1 build

    Can you please take a look and advise what I am doing wrong. Thanks

    Edited once, last by gujal (March 17, 2017 at 3:50 AM).

  • i have MXII 2G...put it remote.conf in config folder via filezila client...and reboot
    remote.conf - Google Drive