Gamestarter: Retrogaming add-ons (RPi/Generic)

  • @Dalton63841 you can try to update/download all autoconfig from retroarch settings> online updater> autoconfig you can get there using a keyboard or libreleec VNC addon and connect from a PC, tablet or phone.

    Also you can try my personal cfg files for DS4, attached.

    I got it working. I had 2 different controllers (both official Sony) from an old PS4 and neither would play nice, but my new controller to my 4 Pro works perfectly. I'm guessing the old controllers are just on their last legs. Anyway, all good now. Thanks anyway.

  • Thanks. Just to eliminate any weirdness, I made a fresh install of Libreelec 8.0.2, then installed your repo, and installed just RetroArch. When I launch it, it recognizes is as a Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless Controller. However, the controller just doesn't do anything. If I kill Kodi and launch it manually, I can see that it is loading Sony-Playstation4-DualShock4-Controller.cfg, which seems right.

    I would just remap, but I don't have any way to actually DO anything in RetroArch. It's just so strange, yesterday was the same, but I did something with that cfg file and it started working. Just wish I could remember what I did

    Is your controller working in kodi?Did you try to map it with Emulation Station first run?

  • I guess something was interfering... I started with a brand new install, and just copied over the couple files I needed. Everything is working perfectly, right out of the gate. One more question though...

    Any who is using Drastic DS emulator, is the cursor working on the second screen? I love the DS emulator, but I can't play any of the games that require use of the second screen, because the cursor/finger thing doesn't show up at all.

  • I guess something was interfering... I started with a brand new install, and just copied over the couple files I needed. Everything is working perfectly, right out of the gate. One more question though...

    Any who is using Drastic DS emulator, is the cursor working on the second screen? I love the DS emulator, but I can't play any of the games that require use of the second screen, because the cursor/finger thing doesn't show up at all.

    It is supposed to be working using your right stick in a dual stick gamepad such as Dualshocks, but I never get this working. Also I read you can plug an USB mouse and it should work but I didn'dt get this working neither...

    Drastic is a beta release and has not been updated for a year, it is a pity because it has a very good performance in our Pis.

  • I've still got problems with RetroArch from the GameStarter repo. It starts, but seems to crash when the menu loads. The menu is visible, but doesn't respond to keyboard, mouse, or controller input. I actually do see the mouse cursor moving though.

    I don't see anything special in the debug log, see below. I posted this problem earlier, but got no response. After updating LibreELEC, and reinstalling Retroarch, the problem remains. I'm running on an Intel NUC. Is anybody else successfully running RA on an Intel NUC?

  • I don't have an intel NUC so I can´t try it by myself, only thing I can tell you is to install Escalade's build and try to launch retroarch.

    If it works and you prefer to use Official LE release you can grab retroarch binary from that build and paste/replace back in my retroarch addon folder (/starage/.kodi/addons/game.retroarch/game.retroarch-Gen) in your LE oficial installation.

    Maybe my retroarch binary is not well compiled for Generic... That's why I am considering to use Escalade's ones instead compiling myself, he is a LibreELEC ninja!

  • Using LibreElec 8.2.0 Generic and a Sony DS4 controller via bluetooth dongle. There is a bug where 2 controllers are detected (one for sensors and one for gamepad I believe). This causes Retroarch to become unresponsive when you load it - controller does not work at all and my Logitech k400r wireless keyboard stops functioning. The only thing that works is the touchpad on the k400r.

    I found the only way to fix this is to turn off the DS4 controller and then load Retroarch. Once RetroArch is loaded, turn on the DS4 controller. At this point, the keyboard and controller works but it jumps everywhere so you can't pick every option. I then used the touchpad on the k400r to select Input settings and then I bound every button manually. Now the controller works everytime.

  • Is there a way to get .7zip support for EmulationStation? I edited es_systems.cfg to add .7z under extensions but it still does not load.

    Maybe ES can load 7zip files in their lists but I think RetroArch is not able to handle that extension, just zip (or each romextension without compression)

    Using LibreElec 8.2.0 Generic and a Sony DS4 controller via bluetooth dongle. There is a bug where 2 controllers are detected (one for sensors and one for gamepad I believe). This causes Retroarch to become unresponsive when you load it - controller does not work at all and my Logitech k400r wireless keyboard stops functioning. The only thing that works is the touchpad on the k400r.

    I found the only way to fix this is to turn off the DS4 controller and then load Retroarch. Once RetroArch is loaded, turn on the DS4 controller. At this point, the keyboard and controller works but it jumps everywhere so you can't pick every option. I then used the touchpad on the k400r to select Input settings and then I bound every button manually. Now the controller works everytime.

    Take a look over here: X86_64 PS4 New DualShock 4 Joypad Does Not Configure. · Issue #274 · libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC · GitHub

  • Hey bite_your_idols,

    first of all thx for your addon.

    I got problems to start it with IARL.

    First i take the generic build from libreelec. Then install your repro and the IARL.

    The install retroarch. But when i start retroarch without IARL i cant find to search for roms inside retroarch. I install all cores and so on.

    Then i take the libreelec extended build. With this version i can start roms from retroarch without any problems.

    The i installed IARL in extended version and want to start from IARL retroarch. But the roms wont start.

    What path or somethingelse must i do in IARL for settings?

    First i did nothing like the describe in the TUT but it wont work. Then in settings from IARL i set on libreelec extended but i dont know which path should i set?

    Can u help?

  • First, If you are using Escalade's extended build and IARL addon, how can I help you? you should ask in Escalade's thread or in zack morris IALR's repo page or kodi forum thread.

    Here, we just can try to make work retroarch addon from Gamestarter repo. If you want so, I recomend you to fresh install Official LE8, my repo from zip and then retroarch addon. Then we can take a look to your logs to indetify what your problem could be.

  • I have installed this on my RPI3 after having used your standalone addon which I was very happy with.

    Now I use Emulation Station but for some games (Lion King on the SNES for example) the screen just turns black and goes back to the ES screen. I can only get it working by going via Retroarch and loading it through that. Strangely ES works fine for (most ) other games.

  • I have installed this on my RPI3 after having used your standalone addon which I was very happy with.

    Now I use Emulation Station but for some games (Lion King on the SNES for example) the screen just turns black and goes back to the ES screen. I can only get it working by going via Retroarch and loading it through that. Strangely ES works fine for (most ) other games.

    If they work in RA but not in ES try to unzip the roms...for some reason some zipped roms don't work in ES or try to setup AEL...I never used ES again since setting up AEL...but never uninstalled it...ES is pointing to same assets as AEL so you don't have to keep 2 copies of artwork,it's easier to have roms within Kodi UI..

  • Hey, so today i installed libreelec new and your addon.

    I put all my Bios Files in the folder and my roms which i have.

    Now i start retroarch and test it so, that i get an core and go to my roms.

    This works so far and the rom starts.

    So now i get trouble to find the directory to scan all my files.

    Only i have 5 Buttons on the start:

    1. RetroArch Logo

    2. Settings

    3. Playlist

    4. History

    5. Netplay

    Is there an good Tutorial for generic build which explane what to do with retroarch, emulstation and advance launcher?

    Cant find anything.

    Edited once, last by hackbird (November 20, 2017 at 7:35 PM).

  • RetroArch: take a look to this guide.

    Advanced Emulator Launcher: first read Gamestarter github page instructions to import assets and integration with retroarch addon, then you can look for more info here.

    EmulationStation: you can edit ES config file using addon settings, after that there is no much to know, you need to place roms inside folders named like you can see in this link.

    I updated the picodrive core with the Online Updater, and since then, when I try to launch a rom with picodrive, Gamestarter crashes and then reopens Libreelec.

    Sometimes libretro buildbot's cores are not well optimized for RPi's LibreELEC and get segfault error. You better use previous one from lakka package, you can download all package again or just pick up the ones you need from these links: RPi | Generic