Can I update medusa through webui on Amlogic kszaq build (LibreELEC 8.2.3 on a S905) ?
I tried a few month back and ran into python issue.
Can I update medusa through webui on Amlogic kszaq build (LibreELEC 8.2.3 on a S905) ?
I tried a few month back and ran into python issue.
Can I update medusa through webui on Amlogic kszaq build (LibreELEC 8.2.3 on a S905) ?
I tried a few month back and ran into python issue.
I you insist using a kszaq build then provide details about your python issue.
Otherwise use CoreELEC.
Thanks for your great work.
Any chance supporting Flood for rtorrent ?
Flood requires node.js which requires clang/clang++
I have no time for that at the moment.
What does rtorrent/flood have that qbittorrent does not?
Hey Thoradia just wanted to try out qbittorrent but can't connect to it through port 8880
What's going on ? Do I need to install anything elese ?
systemctl status service.qbittorrent throwing it's running
QuoteDisplay More● service.qbittorrent.service - qBittorrent service
Loaded: loaded (/storage/.kodi/addons/service.qbittorrent/system.d/service.qb
ittorrent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-09-25 21:14:11 IST; 3min 51s ago
Docs: Deluge BitTorrent Client
Process: 790 ExecStart=/bin/sh /storage/.kodi/addons/service.qbittorrent/bin/q
bittorrent.start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 885 (qbittorrent-nox)
CGroup: /system.slice/service.qbittorrent.service
└─885 qbittorrent-nox --daemon --webui-port=8880
Sep 25 21:14:08 HTPC systemd[1]: Starting qBittorrent service...
Sep 25 21:14:11 HTPC systemd[1]: Started qBittorrent service.
Hey Thoradia
just wanted to try out qbittorrent but can't connect to it through port 8880
What's going on ? Do I need to install anything elese ?
systemctl status service.qbittorrent throwing it's running
This status looks good.
qbittorrent web-ui should be available at http://...:8880
What does your browser say?
Connection refused I'm on generic 8.2.5 libre
Installed deluge as well and this one connecting with no hassle
Connection refused
I'm on generic 8.2.5 libre
Probably this issue
I will update qbittorrent to 4.1.3 for 8.2.5
In the meantime, you can try to edit the configuration file
Do you mean in userdata folder or addon folder ? WebUI\Address=* where should I add this line ?
Do you mean in userdata folder or addon folder ?
WebUI\Address=* where should I add this line ?
Set WebUI\Address=* and WebUI\ServerDomains=* in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.qbittorrent/.config/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf
Connected with WebUI\Address=* only What's login and pass please
Connected with WebUI\Address=* only
What's login and pass please
Thank you
I you insist using a kszaq build then provide details about your python issue.
Otherwise use CoreELEC.
Excellent suggestion, moved to CoreELEC problem solved Medusa fully up to date
Thanks for the tip
Hi all, currently i have kodi krypton, libreelec running on a raspberry pi 2 with 2 usb drives connected. 1 Usb drive is powered external, the other one gets it's power from the usb of the pi 2. That setup worked flawless untill i started to fool around with Thoradia addons, currently i have couchpotato, jackett, sonarr, transmission activated and i notice a performance drop and my pi crashes a lot more then it used to. I want to keep using this setup so i was thinking to swapping the pi 2 for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 4x 1,4 GHz, 1 GB RAM. Would that work better? Thx for the advice.
Hi all, currently i have kodi krypton, libreelec running on a raspberry pi 2 with 2 usb drives connected. 1 Usb drive is powered external, the other one gets it's power from the usb of the pi 2. That setup worked flawless untill i started to fool around with Thoradia addons, currently i have couchpotato, jackett, sonarr, transmission activated and i notice a performance drop and my pi crashes a lot more then it used to. I want to keep using this setup so i was thinking to swapping the pi 2 for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 4x 1,4 GHz, 1 GB RAM. Would that work better? Thx for the advice.
Thoradia add-ons consume resources, in particular CPU, memory and I/O.
Use top to monitor usage.
In top type c to monitor CPU and type m to monitor memory.
Your RPi2 may crash when memory or I/O usage becomes too high.
You may (try to) prevent crashes by configuring transmission to use limited bandwith (eg 2 Mb/s) and to download when LibreELEC is otherwise not used (eg at night).
The above applies to RPI3.
Wierd thing with Transmission on Coreelec, my custome settings.json file is overwriten every time I start transmission
I use the following path /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.transmission/settings.json
Wierd thing with Transmission on Coreelec, my custome settings.json file is overwriten every time I start transmission
CoreELEC has its own forum for support.