Thoradia Add-ons

  • Hey Thoradia :) just wanted to try out qbittorrent but can't connect to it through port 8880 :(

    What's going on ? Do I need to install anything elese ?

    systemctl status service.qbittorrent throwing it's running ;)

  • Hi all, currently i have kodi krypton, libreelec running on a raspberry pi 2 with 2 usb drives connected. 1 Usb drive is powered external, the other one gets it's power from the usb of the pi 2. That setup worked flawless untill i started to fool around with Thoradia addons, currently i have couchpotato, jackett, sonarr, transmission activated and i notice a performance drop and my pi crashes a lot more then it used to. I want to keep using this setup so i was thinking to swapping the pi 2 for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 4x 1,4 GHz, 1 GB RAM. Would that work better? Thx for the advice.

    Edited 2 times, last by pengo (September 29, 2018 at 9:48 AM).

  • Hi all, currently i have kodi krypton, libreelec running on a raspberry pi 2 with 2 usb drives connected. 1 Usb drive is powered external, the other one gets it's power from the usb of the pi 2. That setup worked flawless untill i started to fool around with Thoradia addons, currently i have couchpotato, jackett, sonarr, transmission activated and i notice a performance drop and my pi crashes a lot more then it used to. I want to keep using this setup so i was thinking to swapping the pi 2 for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 4x 1,4 GHz, 1 GB RAM. Would that work better? Thx for the advice.

    Thoradia add-ons consume resources, in particular CPU, memory and I/O.

    Use top to monitor usage.

    In top type c to monitor CPU and type m to monitor memory.

    Your RPi2 may crash when memory or I/O usage becomes too high.

    You may (try to) prevent crashes by configuring transmission to use limited bandwith (eg 2 Mb/s) and to download when LibreELEC is otherwise not used (eg at night).

    The above applies to RPI3.

  • Hello,

    Wierd thing with Transmission on Coreelec, my custome settings.json file is overwriten every time I start transmission

    I use the following path /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.transmission/settings.json